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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I spy a new EC avi


spied it first!!

Coming soon is the new avvie on the Apprentice thread

The thread title was changed on Wednesday before the avvie was

Well actually I did, I just didn't comment on it.

I hadn't noticed it had changed

Come back soon, EC.

Originally Posted by Cagney:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

dunno if I've just been lucky, but none of my cats have ever been worktop-jumpers

I really don't think Faythe does either..  



but then why would she need to..   there is a dining room table laden with bowls of cat delicacies for her perusal 



well...  normally there is..  


Faythe is about to go into Day 6 of the 'Not Leaving the Bedroom til That Puppy Leaves' Protest 


I had the same problem when I got my first puppy. What worked for me was physically lifting her downstairs and holding her on my lap while the puppy was on the floor. Giving her lots of kisses and cuddles. I let her put the puppy in his place. He was determined to play with her. After a few hisses and swipes to the head he now knows his place (as does the other puppy I got) and they live quite happily together. Not playing but they can be in the same room with no hassle x



I suppose it might actually come to us having to do this...     I am really really surprised she has held out this long..  


I don't get her..   AJ was about as scary a dog as she was ever going to come across (Uncle Rip yer Throat out, is what we used to call him to her ) but she coped with him.   They'd have little moments of nose bumping..   and she would stalk him & give him a whack and run off..    if she got too close to his biscuits he'd give her a scary growly bark thing...    


the puppy..   he struggles to remained focussed on anything for more than a min..  he's spotted her, but just wagged..     she has no reason to fear him at all..  and she doesn';t look scared.    


she looks pissed off


I was so sure it was just a matter of waiting for her to come round (I mean..   she is only 18 months old...    she can't live the rest of her natural life in a bedroom can she?)

Ducks reckons I should take the food away that I keep taking up for her & starve her out 

now I need to consider a bit of concilliation action..   



getting the puppy not to get sidetracked by ...   anything..  will be the greatest challenge..      


Thanks for this Cags...     I might give it a go 


In other..  random news..   that I didn't know where to post..  so, shall post here.. 


many years ago I met a woman who lives locally who takes in dogs that would otherwise be put down due to being deemed "dangerous"..   she has a pack of about 20 dogs..   all living together in perfect harmony.   On top of that she takes in & rehomes other dogs.   She also has..   battery hens, rabbits, donkeys, meercats (yep.. meercats)..    all living in pristine accommodations..   cared for by her, and one volunteer.   She must be in her 60's..  and isn't a registered charity..     


But I had lost her number, and couldn't remember her address.   Dad couldn;t find it (& had bigger things to deal with at the moment)..    


I wanted to contact her cos I have a ÂĢ70 sack of Royal Canin Obesity Management dog kibble, 6 months frontline, and 6 months worth of Rimadyl - also professional heavy duty clippers, which cos I have lost AJ we no longer need.   


I had resigned myself to giving it to the vet & asking them to give it to someone who needed it but was short of cash...  


However, by chance, today, in pets at home.. .  got talking to a bloke from Battersea dogs home..    and he mentioned her.


He is coming to get it all tomorrow..  


I know how much she needs this stuff..   a lot of her rescue dogs are BIG dogs..   mastiffs & the like..     


Getting rid of AJs stuff is a heartbreaking task..   but this bit has now made it a happy task..     




One day I want to be like Margaret 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I am officially a saddo.    I've just taken delivery of set of colour coded chopping boards from Lakeland and I'm so chuffed with them.   I even bought a rack for them.  Somebody shoot me now.


NO!!! Colour coding is a good thing.  


I only allow one colour of pegs on my line.   An odd colour peg upsets me.  Mr C used to swap a peg over just to annoy me.  But I foiled that by throwing all the pegs out and buying all one colour. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I am officially a saddo.    I've just taken delivery of set of colour coded chopping boards from Lakeland and I'm so chuffed with them.   I even bought a rack for them.  Somebody shoot me now.


NO!!! Colour coding is a good thing.  


I only allow one colour of pegs on my line.   An odd colour peg upsets me.  Mr C used to swap a peg over just to annoy me.  But I foiled that by throwing all the pegs out and buying all one colour. 

  thank you for making me feel normal, cinds!   (I only have yellow pegs btw)


Just over a week until our holiday.  It's Cambrils (near Salou) this time and for the first time ever we're going away with family  My mum and nephew are coming with us and I am both very excited (my Mum isn't a bit wise, she's going to entertain us with her randomness) and very nervous (she's going to do my head in!)  


Off tomorrow to buy in all my bits and pieces then I might aswell start packing!

Originally Posted by Ells:

Just over a week until our holiday.  It's Cambrils (near Salou) this time and for the first time ever we're going away with family  My mum and nephew are coming with us and I am both very excited (my Mum isn't a bit wise, she's going to entertain us with her randomness) and very nervous (she's going to do my head in!)  


Off tomorrow to buy in all my bits and pieces then I might aswell start packing!

When my mum went to Spain she just put an 'o' at the end of every sentence.Which meant she was fluent in spanish.

Where is the resturant...'o'

Is the beach'o' near'o'

Worked for her


Erin that's something my Mum would do.  She's so funny in a cringey kind of way so I am looking forward to the laughs but not sure how we'll cope being together all day every day!  I love her to bits but she drives me mad sometimes.


Rexi we went 2 years ago and liked it (didn't love it though) so decided it would be best to go there as my nephew is 15 and has never been abroad so the theme park should keep him busy.  

Originally Posted by Ells:

Erin that's something my Mum would do.  She's so funny in a cringey kind of way so I am looking forward to the laughs but not sure how we'll cope being together all day every day!  I love her to bits but she drives me mad sometimes.


Rexi we went 2 years ago and liked it (didn't love it though) so decided it would be best to go there as my nephew is 15 and has never been abroad so the theme park should keep him busy.  

That's a mother /daughter relationship in a nutshell.

I remember when Jesus sandals were the thing .She went into the shop and asked if they sold Jesus sandals while blessing herself and bowing her head .God knows what the assistant thought  


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