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Originally Posted by Cinds:

YR don't get me wrong, I don't dislike cats, I just don't like them enough to have one as a pet.  I think it's more they have access to everywhere, and I've been in too many cat lovers homes where the cats are walking across the kitchen surfaces, and that is what I just couldn't cope with.

 ^^^^That's how I feel about cats, too.

My dog hates them!


I'm sorry YR I just don't like them and more to the point they HATE me!  I'm terrified of them if they get too close.  They are very intimidating  


I know they're only tiny but they have, in the past, hissed at me, scratched me and jumped on my head.  My mate had a cat who seemed to take pleasure in scaring the bejesus out of me.  

Originally Posted by Ells:

I'm sorry YR I just don't like them and more to the point they HATE me!  I'm terrified of them if they get too close.  They are very intimidating  


I know they're only tiny but they have, in the past, hissed at me, scratched me and jumped on my head.  My mate had a cat who seemed to take pleasure in scaring the bejesus out of me.  

I love cats - I do think they know who doesn't like them or those who are afraid though. They are all aloof to those who want to fuss them but they'll be all over those that try to ignore them.


I've always had cats in the past - haven't had one for a couple of years now. Although I've always been a bit 'nervy' with dogs I'm coming round to the idea of getting one (Mr Woo is pretty adamant NO) - I want either a French Bulldog or a Greyhound - we'll see.

Soozy Woo

We had a stray wander in in the nineties. Black and white male we named Timmy.

Had a setter at the time but they learned to work their way round each other with no fighting. That dog loved cat food. He was a stunning cat, affectionate, clever and ruled the vicinity from a neighbours rooftop. If you took the dog out he'd follow you till he reached his boundary. He was the first and last I had - would I get another? In a heartbeat if the circumstances were right  


Timmy - hope to meet up with you again one day  

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Aww YR, I love your avi


Cats are just sort of ... broken. You go to pick one up and it bends in your hands like a beanie toy that has lost its stuffing. Not that I've picked a cat up for about 40 years, but that's what I remember!

I can't remember where, but in the last few years I saw/heard someone describe a cat as a slinky because they stretched so long when you picked them up.  It was so funny, but so true too.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
They are discussing the fascist grammar police on R2 at the moment.

I'm listening.  I have to agree with the guy who mentioned about two job candidates.  I've said that for years to my kids/stepkids.  If I was presented with two candidates and one had more experience than the other but couldn't spell, I would take on the one that could.  I feel the same about telephone manner too.  I ring some companies & I'm often astounded at the unprofessional way some companies telephones are answered.


Arrrghghhhh!!!  Pre-teen boys.  Who would have them?!?!


I can't get my 11 year old to go out and actually play with his friends.  All he wants to do is sit about on his arse watching TV, playing XBox and going online.  We're pulling our hair out here with him.  He gets forced outside to play and stands watching everyone else play football and doesn't join in.  His friends in the street have stopped calling for him because he refuses to play football with them (he hates football) so when he does finally play with them they don't stay out for long because he refuses to kick the ball around with them.  Then he huffs around the house picking on his wee brother because we've taken away his stuff because he's being so rude to us or his brother.


So now he's huffing round the house coz his mates are all away to footy practice, has a grumpy face on him, is rude to anyone who says anything and so far has lost his xbox, sky in his room and the laptop.  I'm at my wits end!  What next?  Just let him sit about the house or force him outside even if it means him standing on his own playing with nobody??  I really do need help here


Cat related -  for the record..  I have NEVER seen our cat on the kitchen worktops!  


Ells - pre teen boy related -  it will pass..     its a phase..     he will become all ok and happiness again, and you will be all like "phew"..   and the moment you do that..  along comes the next "moody teen boy" phase!



Its a wonder any of them make it to manhood  

Originally Posted by Sezit:

Ells. How about getting him some roller blades? He can't do that in the house, and it is something he could do on his own, and then maybe the others will join him instead of the other way around. 

Has them Sezit, along with a bike, turbo twister and flikker scooter.  I've asked him to make a list of all the things he likes to do outside and am hoping we can figure something out for him.


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Cat related -  for the record..  I have NEVER seen our cat on the kitchen worktops!  


Ells - pre teen boy related -  it will pass..     its a phase..     he will become all ok and happiness again, and you will be all like "phew"..   and the moment you do that..  along comes the next "moody teen boy" phase!



Its a wonder any of them make it to manhood  

... and you think that means she's not up there when you're not looking?  Muhahahahaha!  Clever little beggars them cats - she'll be stretched out there all day long while you're at work, licking her bits, then licking the worktops.    As Slinki will testify.. I very nearly decided to have a cat, but I know at heart I'm too OCD to have an animal.    I went for dinner at a friend's house once and while we were sitting at the table in the kitchen I watched the cat, who was obviously thirsty, jump up onto the worktop, stroll casually to the sink and  start licking drips off the tap.    I refused a glass of water and almost choked on my dinner.   It's like Come Dine With Me when they find cat hair in the food - they'd be finding my puke on the dining table.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Ditty this phase has been going on for years.  Maybe he's just a homebird.


When this one grows out of this phase there's another son waiting to take his place 

You'll look back on all this with rose tinted specs and a lump in your throat when their bags are packed & they're moving out 


gawd..   ignore me Ells..  


I sound like my mother 



Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Cat related -  for the record..  I have NEVER seen our cat on the kitchen worktops!  


Ells - pre teen boy related -  it will pass..     its a phase..     he will become all ok and happiness again, and you will be all like "phew"..   and the moment you do that..  along comes the next "moody teen boy" phase!



Its a wonder any of them make it to manhood  

... and you think that means she's not up there when you're not looking?  Muhahahahaha!  Clever little beggars them cats - she'll be stretched out there all day long while you're at work, licking her bits, then licking the worktops.    As Slinki will testify.. I very nearly decided to have a cat, but I know at heart I'm too OCD to have an animal.    I went for dinner at a friend's house once and while we were sitting at the table in the kitchen I watched the cat, who was obviously thirsty, jump up onto the worktop, stroll casually to the sink and  start licking drips off the tap.    I refused a glass of water and almost choked on my dinner.   It's like Come Dine With Me when they find cat hair in the food - they'd be finding my puke on the dining table.

She does go on the dining table..  


cos  (& you'd better make sure you are sitting down for this Kaffers)


we couldn't put her food down anywhere where AJ could get to it when he was on the steroids..     


BUT..    I promise we always gave it a good anti-baccing before we ate off it 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Ditty this phase has been going on for years.  Maybe he's just a homebird.


When this one grows out of this phase there's another son waiting to take his place 

You'll look back on all this with rose tinted specs and a lump in your throat when they're bags are packed & they're moving out 


gawd..   ignore me Ells..  


I sound like my mother 



Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Aww YR, I love your avi


Cats are just sort of ... broken. You go to pick one up and it bends in your hands like a beanie toy that has lost its stuffing. Not that I've picked a cat up for about 40 years, but that's what I remember!

I can't remember where, but in the last few years I saw/heard someone describe a cat as a slinky because they stretched so long when you picked them up.  It was so funny, but so true too.


Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

dunno if I've just been lucky, but none of my cats have ever been worktop-jumpers

I really don't think Faythe does either..  



but then why would she need to..   there is a dining room table laden with bowls of cat delicacies for her perusal 



well...  normally there is..  


Faythe is about to go into Day 6 of the 'Not Leaving the Bedroom til That Puppy Leaves' Protest 


Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Aww YR, I love your avi


Cats are just sort of ... broken. You go to pick one up and it bends in your hands like a beanie toy that has lost its stuffing. Not that I've picked a cat up for about 40 years, but that's what I remember!

I can't remember where, but in the last few years I saw/heard someone describe a cat as a slinky because they stretched so long when you picked them up.  It was so funny, but so true too.


Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Cat related -  for the record..  I have NEVER seen our cat on the kitchen worktops!  


Ells - pre teen boy related -  it will pass..     its a phase..     he will become all ok and happiness again, and you will be all like "phew"..   and the moment you do that..  along comes the next "moody teen boy" phase!



Its a wonder any of them make it to manhood  

... and you think that means she's not up there when you're not looking?  Muhahahahaha!  Clever little beggars them cats - she'll be stretched out there all day long while you're at work, licking her bits, then licking the worktops.    As Slinki will testify.. I very nearly decided to have a cat, but I know at heart I'm too OCD to have an animal.    I went for dinner at a friend's house once and while we were sitting at the table in the kitchen I watched the cat, who was obviously thirsty, jump up onto the worktop, stroll casually to the sink and  start licking drips off the tap.    I refused a glass of water and almost choked on my dinner.   It's like Come Dine With Me when they find cat hair in the food - they'd be finding my puke on the dining table.

She does go on the dining table..  


cos  (& you'd better make sure you are sitting down for this Kaffers)


we couldn't put her food down anywhere where AJ could get to it when he was on the steroids..     


BUT..    I promise we always gave it a good anti-baccing before we ate off it 

haha... how posh - a cat that demands a dining table.    I see her with a tiara and knife and fork now  - and a napkin around her neck.   


I'm not sure I'm well...

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

haha... how posh - a cat that demands a dining table.    I see her with a tiara and knife and fork now  - and a napkin around her neck.   


I'm not sure I'm well...


no..  she doesn't dress for dinner..   



however..    we regularly find a purple feather boa (which was once attached to a stick..  was a cat toy) in her litter tray..  


we like to think she likes to sit there..  with it round her neck..    being all regal as she does her business 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Cat related -  for the record..  I have NEVER seen our cat on the kitchen worktops!  


Ells - pre teen boy related -  it will pass..     its a phase..     he will become all ok and happiness again, and you will be all like "phew"..   and the moment you do that..  along comes the next "moody teen boy" phase!



Its a wonder any of them make it to manhood  

... and you think that means she's not up there when you're not looking?  Muhahahahaha!  Clever little beggars them cats - she'll be stretched out there all day long while you're at work, licking her bits, then licking the worktops.    As Slinki will testify.. I very nearly decided to have a cat, but I know at heart I'm too OCD to have an animal.    I went for dinner at a friend's house once and while we were sitting at the table in the kitchen I watched the cat, who was obviously thirsty, jump up onto the worktop, stroll casually to the sink and  start licking drips off the tap.    I refused a glass of water and almost choked on my dinner.   It's like Come Dine With Me when they find cat hair in the food - they'd be finding my puke on the dining table.

She does go on the dining table..  


cos  (& you'd better make sure you are sitting down for this Kaffers)


we couldn't put her food down anywhere where AJ could get to it when he was on the steroids..     


BUT..    I promise we always gave it a good anti-baccing before we ate off it 

haha... how posh - a cat that demands a dining table.    I see her with a tiara and knife and fork now  - and a napkin around her neck.   


I'm not sure I'm well...

Keep taking the pills Kaffy 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Ditty this phase has been going on for years.  Maybe he's just a homebird.


When this one grows out of this phase there's another son waiting to take his place 

You'll look back on all this with rose tinted specs and a lump in your throat when their bags are packed & they're moving out 


gawd..   ignore me Ells..  


I sound like my mother 



Oh so true kids have been left home for a number of years. I sooooooo miss those days when our house was full of their friends etc.


I'm always trying to kidnap the grandsons son got really cross with me the other week because Jack was adamant that he wanted to live with nanny and grandad (I really don't know where he got that idea from)


Ells ........treasure these years - they're more precious than you realise.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

dunno if I've just been lucky, but none of my cats have ever been worktop-jumpers

I really don't think Faythe does either..  



but then why would she need to..   there is a dining room table laden with bowls of cat delicacies for her perusal 



well...  normally there is..  


Faythe is about to go into Day 6 of the 'Not Leaving the Bedroom til That Puppy Leaves' Protest 


I had the same problem when I got my first puppy. What worked for me was physically lifting her downstairs and holding her on my lap while the puppy was on the floor. Giving her lots of kisses and cuddles. I let her put the puppy in his place. He was determined to play with her. After a few hisses and swipes to the head he now knows his place (as does the other puppy I got) and they live quite happily together. Not playing but they can be in the same room with no hassle x


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