Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Cat related - for the record.. I have NEVER seen our cat on the kitchen worktops!
Ells - pre teen boy related - it will pass.. its a phase.. he will become all ok and happiness again, and you will be all like "phew".. and the moment you do that.. along comes the next "moody teen boy" phase!
Its a wonder any of them make it to manhood
... and you think that means she's not up there when you're not looking? Muhahahahaha! Clever little beggars them cats - she'll be stretched out there all day long while you're at work, licking her bits, then licking the worktops. As Slinki will testify.. I very nearly decided to have a cat, but I know at heart I'm too OCD to have an animal. I went for dinner at a friend's house once and while we were sitting at the table in the kitchen I watched the cat, who was obviously thirsty, jump up onto the worktop, stroll casually to the sink and start licking drips off the tap. I refused a glass of water and almost choked on my dinner. It's like Come Dine With Me when they find cat hair in the food - they'd be finding my puke on the dining table.
She does go on the dining table..
cos (& you'd better make sure you are sitting down for this Kaffers)
we couldn't put her food down anywhere where AJ could get to it when he was on the steroids..
BUT.. I promise we always gave it a good anti-baccing before we ate off it