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Originally Posted by Jenstar:
just been to see my NEPHEW (moonie ) he is perfectly formed just sooo tiny! His stats are good and mommy looks so much better than she did on Saturday. I'm just on train home now... I will try to post a pic

Jen, I am so pleased to hear your Nephew is doing well today, and obviously that your sister in law looks better too.  


You know as well as I do that it's going to be a long hard haul for the little fella as well you guys, his family rooting for him.


All of my thoughts and positive energy will be sent your way from me. 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

Sorry I haven't replied to anyone, feel a bit of a twit for posting what I did  it did make me feel better to get it out of my head though  her boyfriend has a good head on his shoulders so I hope he doesn't get taken in by her dad and his family, thank you for your messages 

  vent away and don't feel silly.

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Sorry I haven't replied to anyone, feel a bit of a twit for posting what I did  it did make me feel better to get it out of my head though  her boyfriend has a good head on his shoulders so I hope he doesn't get taken in by her dad and his family, thank you for your messages 

  vent away and don't feel silly.


Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
just been to see my NEPHEW (moonie ) he is perfectly formed just sooo tiny! His stats are good and mommy looks so much better than she did on Saturday. I'm just on train home now... I will try to post a pic

Jen, I am so pleased to hear your Nephew is doing well today, and obviously that your sister in law looks better too.  


You know as well as I do that it's going to be a long hard haul for the little fella as well you guys, his family rooting for him.


All of my thoughts and positive energy will be sent your way from me. 

oh bugger..  


my congrats were a bit premature then (argh.. argh... argh..    foot in mouth again!!!)


Cinds..   I have NO experience with this..      NONE..    (I had the gestation period of a blue whale..   and used to moan like buggery about it..   think I should have counted my blessings thinking about it now)



Really glad you are here for Jen..     I know from the stuff I've been going through this year how much it helps when there is someone who has actually gone through the same thing....     and how priceless it is when they are on here & are here to support & talk to about it!


I can;t help Jen on this one (as you saw....   I am bordering on tactless!!)


Am so glad you can help her with this xx

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

Sorry I haven't replied to anyone, feel a bit of a twit for posting what I did  it did make me feel better to get it out of my head though  her boyfriend has a good head on his shoulders so I hope he doesn't get taken in by her dad and his family, thank you for your messages 

  vent away and don't feel silly.

 and Moonie 

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Ells:

Soozy   I was wondering what I had done that was so bad but now I remember the ice cream  Please don't ring her.....she scares me!  I am being good again, I swear.  

Is she like Marjorie? Next time you feel like something naughty why not give this a go?


 When I was pregnant I would have happily ate dust.  I loved the smell of dusty old cupboards and when my sister moved into an old house with lovely stinky cupboards I spent ages just opening them and closing them.


My consultant is a bit annoying, I think she cares more about getting as many people to her meetings for her own targets as opposed to getting them there to help them.  And she texts a gazillion times and if you miss a meeting she texts nonstop til you either come back or block her number (ahem, I've blocked her before).  There's another group nearby with a lovely leader but the meeting time isn't great for me.  


Just today Jen (well yesterday now) so early start in the morning for me  But as usual I'm tired enough for bed yet!  I really need to start going to bed earlier coz I'm knackered in the mornings and sometimes find myself back in bed after they've gone to school and the OH is at work 


I've a headache so hopefully I sleep as soon as I go to bed tonight!


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