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Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I'm more interested to find out whether people in other areas still wear pyjamas to drop their kids off at school. It may be just a smoggie tradition.

Not sure Joe, but I sometimes wear mine when I drop Mr C off at the pub, which is essentially the same thing.  Children in the playground. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Cool stuff Cinds  


Bet that isn't  ÂĢ2.99 a roll.

It's not as expensive as some I have seen.  The website I found it on was ÂĢ30 a roll.  However, a further search this morning and I have found it else where for ÂĢ18.99 per roll. 

I love that paper... you got a link to the website cinds?    I quite fancy a browse  *checks bank statement*

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by erinp:

Thunder and Lightning here,scares me.Lightning cant get you in the house can it?

Close all the windows and hide under the table.


I love thunder and lightning.

I am not going near the windows ,the bedroom window and lounge windows are open!The French doors are open.And I am at the table.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

My mum used to turn all the knives and forks when there was a lightening storm. No idea why.

I think it was my mum that has made me so scared, she would switch the television and lamps off ,and shout if you went near the windows.

Sounds like my mum - she'd cover the mirrors too.


if I'm inside - I quite enjoy observing a good storm now though - as a kid I was terrified!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

My mum used to turn all the knives and forks when there was a lightening storm. No idea why.

I think it was my mum that has made me so scared, she would switch the television and lamps off ,and shout if you went near the windows.

Sounds very likely Ells. My parents were totally opposite.I have a very early memory (I was probably about 2) of my dad carrying me to near the close mouth when there was a thunder and lightening storm and talking about it calmly and explaining what it was and how it happened.


I'm sure I didn't really understand it all at the time, but him just being calm and relaxed about it would have stilled any panic and fear that you might otherwise feel and lay the foundations for NOT being scared of thunder storms.


Though I remember several years later, me and my sisters were all at primary school now) there was this storm that had been going on for several hours and it was quite dark outside so we had the curtains closed and the lights on.

It was forked lightning and the storm was pretty much overhead as the thunder was cracking pretty soon after each flash, when suddenly there was this almighty flash and crash of thunder. We were reluctant to look outside because we were half convinced that the High-Flat across the road must have collapsed!


It hadn't of course, and we realised later that it was probably the lighting striking the conducter that made the huge bang.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Love the Polar Bears up there ^^^^^^^^.


Just posting to say - I'm being unbelievably lazy this morning (even for me) - I'm still in my dressing gown and sat posting/playing games.


Someone send me some motivation please - I do have a lot to do bt really cannot be arsed!

Me I cant be of any use to you

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Took daughter(10) shopping in town on a Sat afternoon for her birthday 2 weeks ago... now she and her brother (8) want to go more often (ie today!) can't help feeling i've opened a can of worms here

Mine only like going if we can stop off and have something to eat and then go to the ÂĢshop before coming home (they love it in there....craft stuff and toys for a quid!) so I tell them it's a quick scoot to town which means no eating and no ÂĢshop.....they never want to go then


Jen we're taking Master Cinds birthday shopping later today (15........flippin 15 on Wednesday).  Going to the metrocentre after 5, that way loads will be on their way home.  A little shopping, then wine and some chow.


We've been out paint & tile shopping this morning.  I'm very excited to have found the tiles I want for the kitchen.



I dropped off eldest grandson and his Dad at the football tournament. Took the youngest to two farms and then the village school fete. I also dropped off an unofficial witness statement to a lady in a local village. I saw her and her pooch attacked by an uncontrolled dog yesterday afternoon. I made sure that she was OK but refused to become involved. It preyed on me all night so I thought that I had better make ammends. If my wife had been alone in the country and attacked by a dog, and then the gobshite owner had denied all responsibility I would like to think that there was someone there for her.

Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Love the Polar Bears up there ^^^^^^^^.


Just posting to say - I'm being unbelievably lazy this morning (even for me) - I'm still in my dressing gown and sat posting/playing games.


Someone send me some motivation please - I do have a lot to do bt really cannot be arsed!

Sorry Soozy, but I've hardly got enough for myself!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Ells:

Those are lovely Cinds.....I like the mish mash of them.


I'm tile hunting online aswell  The new worktops are going to be black and I don't know what kind of tiles to get for the wall and floor.  I hate having to choose them because then if I don't like them I have no-one else to blame for it

My worktops are black too.  Definitely worth shopping about online, those were ÂĢ17.99 each where we saw them locally.  Found them online for ÂĢ8.99 each.  I'm not changing the floor tiles, they haven't been down that long and they'll go with all of the new stuff, plus they go all through in to the back entrance and the downstairs bathroom, so there's no chance I'm redoing all of that too. Plus we're putting the same down when we get round to the extension.


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