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Oh what have i committed to doing?


I'm off out in a minute to take all three kids (2yr old included) to a 'funday' type thing at the university...... It could be brilliant, the activities look really cool (and educational ) But it could also be a disaster if it tips it down or the little one decides she doesn't want to be there... OR the older two could argue like cat and dog (like they do most of time now adays) Wish me luck! i think i need it.

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Oh what have i committed to doing?


I'm off out in a minute to take all three kids (2yr old included) to a 'funday' type thing at the university...... It could be brilliant, the activities look really cool (and educational ) But it could also be a disaster if it tips it down or the little one decides she doesn't want to be there... OR the older two could argue like cat and dog (like they do most of time now adays) Wish me luck! i think i need it.

You're a good mum Jen .....................enjoy your day

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by machel:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Jen I hope the weather where you are is better than it is here. I feel like I've woke up in the back end of October.

same here, I have put a cardigan on as I refuse to switch the heating on in the middle of May!

Ne'r cast a clout till May is out


That's what my mum says ...........whatever it means. I think she said it too keep us in our liberty bodices till it warmed up properly.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
........ And don't forget that's May the tree, and not May the month. We still have Blackthorn in blossom, so the May, may be a while.

You know that mum (and lots of other mums) didn't - they just liked an excuse to keep is bundled up against the cold (even when the sun was shining).


I'm afraid I think I'm turning into my mum - I'm forever saying 'where's your coat?' and the like to my boys

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
........ And don't forget that's May the tree, and not May the month. We still have Blackthorn in blossom, so the May, may be a while.

You know that mum (and lots of other mums) didn't - they just liked an excuse to keep is bundled up against the cold (even when the sun was shining).


I'm afraid I think I'm turning into my mum - I'm forever saying 'where's your coat?' and the like to my boys

"It doesn't matter what you look like as long as you are warm" 

Not to a self-conscious teenager!


Oh my God it is bucketing down here!  It's my youngest's birthday and we had decided to have a day trip to the south for the seaside and amusements etc but yesterday saw the weather warnings so opted for the zoo on the east side of Ireland but there are weather warnings for there too.


It's been put off until tomorrow so hopefully the weather is a lot better or there will be tears!

Well I'm waiting for bus back to town (then another out :rolleyes and it didn't rain! The older two didn't argue! (Too much) ....... But the little one is in a foul shorty/crying mood it's a real funny age when they want to walk everywhere but still try to run Leg it all the time. Still its been a good day overall and I'm now knackered and off to visit relatives

Baby News:


After almost 60 hours of contractions fluctuating between 5 and 10 minutes, her waters have finally broken and she is in the delivery suite, although she is still only 5 cms dilated so could be a little while longer.  But *fingers crossed* he'll be here by tomorrow some time (which is his actual due date).

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Baby News:


After almost 60 hours of contractions fluctuating between 5 and 10 minutes, her waters have finally broken and she is in the delivery suite, although she is still only 5 cms dilated so could be a little while longer.  But *fingers crossed* he'll be here by tomorrow some time (which is his actual due date).

Excellent! Hurry up Baby Cinds, the forum is waiting to welcome you.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Baby News:


After almost 60 hours of contractions fluctuating between 5 and 10 minutes, her waters have finally broken and she is in the delivery suite, although she is still only 5 cms dilated so could be a little while longer.  But *fingers crossed* he'll be here by tomorrow some time (which is his actual due date).



poor girl   lets hope he arrives by midnight 

Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Baby News:


After almost 60 hours of contractions fluctuating between 5 and 10 minutes, her waters have finally broken and she is in the delivery suite, although she is still only 5 cms dilated so could be a little while longer.  But *fingers crossed* he'll be here by tomorrow some time (which is his actual due date).



poor girl   lets hope he arrives by midnight 

MrsH he's male, no way will he arrive before midnight and be actually early.  We're just shocked that she is doing something on time because she's always late for everything. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Just looking at my twitter.  Last weekend I tweeted something, not at anyone, just a general mundane tweet.  Yet two very random people (I don't follow them and they dont follow me) have favourited it.  Is that odd?


Any more news on the baba? Good to see she's in the delivery suit etc


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