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Originally Posted by Jenstar:

What the hell is she wearing on that red carpet!!!

I know ,she has lost 11st but she needs to remember she can't re visit her youth, those stocking are for teenagers.I bliddy detest the woman

I think we will see her sell herself all over the Tele/Mags now she has been declared bankrupt.


Here Jen that back

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Speaking of food i actually ordered this yesterday



I'm sure someone recommended it on here a while ago (i think it was Soozy)


Looking forward to reading it... and re reading it lol

No I recommended his book on giving up alcohol - it really worked for me - he's good.


I'd be very interested to know how you get on with it. I know it took him a long time to get his head around approaching a 'diet' book as you can't just quit food like his books on smoking,alcohol and drugs.


Please let me know how you get on with it.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
I filled a Morrisons bag with shit and a dead Blackbird earlier this afternoon. I feel an anti cat rant may be on the bubbling under. Those who in a FB way wax lyrical about the bastards don't own gardens and don't live in the vicinity of someone who has 20+

Blimey... some supermarkets will sell anything!


We're hoping the stork is going to bring our latest addition today (or more likely during the night some time).  Step daughter started contractions this morning, by tea time they had moved along to 10 minutes apart.


A collective pant pant and a push might help. 



Anyone with weak pelvic floor muscles is excluded from the collective pushing.

Last edited by Cinds

Thank you ladies.


Soozy I am really excited.  It's this step daughters first baby and she cannot wait to be a mother.   This is the step daughter I refused to have in the house for a long time because of her behaviour towards me, but over the last 3 years we have rebuilt the bridge and to be honest I'm closer to her now than her sister.  So 


Xochi, I wasn't too posh to push.  I was just ..... well to small to get that 2lb 6 baby out the natural way. 


Me too Yogi.  A couple of months ago after her cousin had just given birth. They had obviously been talking, and she had said to me "I'm a bit scared now".  I said to her "there's no going back now, you've just got to look at it as 'yes, it's going to hurt, but what you'll get at the end is worth all of the pain', just focus on that and do your best".


See I can say that, I had a c-section, so I just don't get what all the fuss is about. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Me too Yogi.  A couple of months ago after her cousin had just given birth. They had obviously been talking, and she had said to me "I'm a bit scared now".  I said to her "there's no going back now, you've just got to look at it as 'yes, it's going to hurt, but what you'll get at the end is worth all of the pain', just focus on that and do your best".


See I can say that, I had a c-section, so I just don't get what all the fuss is about. 


Three natural deliveries, with nothing stronger than gas and air - I know what all the fuss is about.


Ooooh Gas and Air, I wish you could buy that over the counter.  Even though I had a c-section they did give me the gas and air because I freaked out a bit when they did say I was in labour and there was a possibility the boy might not survive.  I remember going from hysterical to apologising for the lack of lady gardening. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

We're hoping the stork is going to bring our latest addition today (or more likely during the night some time).  Step daughter started contractions this morning, by tea time they had moved along to 10 minutes apart.


A collective pant pant and a push might help. 



Anyone with weak pelvic floor muscles is excluded from the collective pushing.

Aint got none 


Ouch 16lbs!!!  That poor woman!


Congrats (well early ones anyway) on the new baby Cinds.  I loooooove babies and can't wait until my sister has hers.  Which she is freaking out about now aswell and I'm trying to calm her by saying it's over so fast and it's all worth it bla bla bla when in reality I know what she's in for.  She knows too but it's been 12 years since her last baby.


During the birth of my youngest I had to be started and the evil nurse had me on a drip and was pushing up the dose every few minutes telling me it was for my own good (I know she was right but at the time she was evil).  I cursed at her quite a bit then took the huff and told my fella I had changed my mind and that we were going home.  The more they all laughed at me the more upset I got  Once I got an epidural though I was all sweetness and light and apologised for my language.  Those midwives must hear all sorts.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Ooooh Gas and Air, I wish you could buy that over the counter.  Even though I had a c-section they did give me the gas and air because I freaked out a bit when they did say I was in labour and there was a possibility the boy might not survive.  I remember going from hysterical to apologising for the lack of lady gardening. 

 Trust you to be worrying about your topiary at a time like that!

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Yogi.  My grandfather born in 1915 weighed 16 lbs.  Even I wince at that.  Was there even any birth pain relief back then?

 Oh my word, did your great-grandmother ever walk properly again?

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

We're hoping the stork is going to bring our latest addition today (or more likely during the night some time).  Step daughter started contractions this morning, by tea time they had moved along to 10 minutes apart.


A collective pant pant and a push might help. 



Anyone with weak pelvic floor muscles is excluded from the collective pushing.

Aint got none 

Oh right! Does that mean you just constantly pee & soil your pants? 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Ooooh Gas and Air, I wish you could buy that over the counter.  Even though I had a c-section they did give me the gas and air because I freaked out a bit when they did say I was in labour and there was a possibility the boy might not survive.  I remember going from hysterical to apologising for the lack of lady gardening. 

 Trust you to be worrying about your topiary at a time like that!

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Yogi.  My grandfather born in 1915 weighed 16 lbs.  Even I wince at that.  Was there even any birth pain relief back then?

 Oh my word, did your great-grandmother ever walk properly again?

I have no idea, the old girl was dead long before I was born.  I think.


And by the way, my topiary is very important to me.


It's been a bit neglected of late and I am very scared that myself and Mr Cinds might eventually get trapped together by some sort of awful pubic velcro if I don't take care of it soon. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Ooooh Gas and Air, I wish you could buy that over the counter.  Even though I had a c-section they did give me the gas and air because I freaked out a bit when they did say I was in labour and there was a possibility the boy might not survive.  I remember going from hysterical to apologising for the lack of lady gardening. 

 Trust you to be worrying about your topiary at a time like that!

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Yogi.  My grandfather born in 1915 weighed 16 lbs.  Even I wince at that.  Was there even any birth pain relief back then?

 Oh my word, did your great-grandmother ever walk properly again?

I have no idea, the old girl was dead long before I was born.  I think.


And by the way, my topiary is very important to me.


It's been a bit neglected of late and I am very scared that myself and Mr Cinds might eventually get trapped together by some sort of awful pubic velcro if I don't take care of it soon. 

 I've got a hedge trimmer you can borrow.


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