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Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Dont start me on doc receptionists! At our docs you have to pretty much tell them whats the matter and have them decide weather you see the doc or the nurse which i think is wrong

I always tell them I'm phoning from work and I don't want to say as I'm in an open plan office One of my colleagues got really annoyed with them always asking him, so whenever they asked what it was in relation to he would simply answer "my balls" They stopped asking him

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

OMG!! I very rarely watch Jeremy Kyle but ...............................OMG


Such low lives - they really don't care how they embarrass themselves do they?


Really and truly unbelievable.


Soozy   you watched 


I hate that programe for that very reason - WHO and WHY would anyone go on there and air their dirty washing in public like some or most or all do 


It made me very ranty and sweary the few times I watched 

Originally Posted by moonie:


Awwww the poor little mite Its a good job you where courageous and sensible enough to get your little one to the doctors straight away. You are a brill mum and i'm so glad everything turned out okay for you and your children. They are so lucky to have you as their mum  

That receptionist has no right to be in such a sensitive job

Hahaha Ask Master Cinds now if I am brill Mam.  He's 16 next month and hates me.  Actually that means I have done my job right 


I am fookin knackered.  Spent the day ripping out half of my house for redecoration, but I want to get Master C back in to his room (cave) asap so we have done most of the decorators work today, by keying all the gloss work and doing the first coat, but also doing all of the walls and ceiling, so when he comes tomorrow he just has to mount the Boys mural that we had made for him and then his room is ready for his new carpet on Thursday morning. 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

I am fookin knackered.  Spent the day ripping out half of my house for redecoration, but I want to get Master C back in to his room (cave) asap so we have done most of the decorators work today, by keying all the gloss work and doing the first coat, but also doing all of the walls and ceiling, so when he comes tomorrow he just has to mount the Boys mural that we had made for him and then his room is ready for his new carpet on Thursday morning. 

Decorating is one thing I never take the notion for.  I hate it.  I like buying the stuff and seeing the end result but the bit in the middle (the hard work) is no fun.

Originally Posted by Ells:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

I am fookin knackered.  Spent the day ripping out half of my house for redecoration, but I want to get Master C back in to his room (cave) asap so we have done most of the decorators work today, by keying all the gloss work and doing the first coat, but also doing all of the walls and ceiling, so when he comes tomorrow he just has to mount the Boys mural that we had made for him and then his room is ready for his new carpet on Thursday morning. 

Decorating is one thing I never take the notion for.  I hate it.  I like buying the stuff and seeing the end result but the bit in the middle (the hard work) is no fun.

We're meant to be having a man come and decorate the house, but we decided to get a head start on the boys room as his is getting gutted from head to toe.  New decor, new carpet, new furniture, and I've even bought him a whole new wardrobe of clothes to go in there, down to socks and pants.  (He needed all the new clothes as he has shot up and out grown).  Anyway we just want him back in his own room.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I love the smell of peppered meat in the fridge.

I have just tasted blueberries for the first time.

I have a really sore ingrown toenail (yuck)

and I've painted so many times this evening I have a headache with the fumes.


That's all.

How devine are they? Blue berries are delicious.

They kinda taste like less sweet/juicy grapes to me.  I'd rather have grapes tbh.  But I'm thinking the blueberries might be good in porridge.


I am going to turn into a mushroom.  I love the things and have ate a full punnet of them since last night 


I love cats but next door feeds the stray cat that lives around here, he doesn't eat all the food so all the other million cats from here come for the food and then come into my garden to sh-t  every morning it's all in the borders, they even do it in the middle of the lawn 


Now one of them are being sick it was all over my back doorstep the other day , She's an elderly lady and I've tried to ask her nicely to just put enough out for the stray but to no avail, I've tried all sorts to stop them using my garden as a toilet but nothings working 

Originally Posted by Aimee:

I love cats but next door feeds the stray cat that lives around here, he doesn't eat all the food so all the other million cats from here come for the food and then come into my garden to sh-t  every morning it's all in the borders, they even do it in the middle of the lawn 


Now one of them are being sick it was all over my back doorstep the other day , She's an elderly lady and I've tried to ask her nicely to just put enough out for the stray but to no avail, I've tried all sorts to stop them using my garden as a toilet but nothings working 

Get a dog! Keira keeps the cats out of my garden.


Seriously though, I understand how you feel. Years ago, I had a neighbour who started off with three cats, then adopted loads of strays. If they were not  pooing in my garden, they were leaving "presents" of dead mice and birds on my back doorstep.


Ugh Aimee I'd be pissed off too!!  My neighbour has a cat which seems to prefer my garden to hers.  So far no pressies on the doorstep so it can stay there if it's happy.  I really dislike cats (sorry cat lovers) but that one doesn't bother.


On the subject of cats....there are a massive amount of cat lovers on my facebook it seems   every day is a spamming of cat pics.  They aren't THAT cute.  


I remember an old next door neighbour of ours complaining about our cat pooing on her garden. She was a real old misery and always moaning about something. One morning she confronted Mr Woo about the poo situation. He simply replied 'I know - isn't she clever? - I taught her how to do that and she picked it up really quickly'.


TBH - it is hard fir a cat owner - what can they do? It's unfair to keep the cat locked up.

Soozy Woo

Tina Malone announces pregnancy on This Morning .


Earlier in the year she revealed that she was  about to start IVF treatment at the age of 50 in order to have a baby with  husband Paul Chase, who is 19 years her junior.

And just a few months later, Shameless star  Tina Malone is pregnant after travelling to Cyprus for artificial insemination,  and has admitted that it might be twins.

Announcing the news live on Thursday's This  Morning, the actress said that she only found out herself last week, and has  already gained eight pounds.

Expecting: Tina Malone and husband Paul Chase have revealed that the actress is pregnant at 50 following IVF

Expecting: Tina Malone and husband Paul Chase have  revealed that the actress is pregnant at 50 following IVF

The star, who walked the red carpet at the TV Baftas on Sunday, admitted to being just five weeks gone and is over-the-moon: 'I am pregnant. We are delighted,' she said.



Tina revealed her ambitions to become  pregnant on the same programme back in February, and has since travelled all the  way to Cyprus to realise her dream.

She wanted the egg donation to be anonymous -  something that is not possible in the UK or US - so made the journey  overseas.

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