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A spider about the size of a small child (ok, slight exaggeration) just sauntered across my living room floor.  As I advanced on it with a glass to capture it - it scooted under the telly unit.   


It's just re-emerged... i want it to get close enough so I can get it before it legs it again - but it's super fast and I'm scared it gets to me before I get the glass over it.


WTH are spiders doing inside already?  I don't usually get them till September! 

Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

A spider about the size of a small child (ok, slight exaggeration) just sauntered across my living room floor.  As I advanced on it with a glass to capture it - it scooted under the telly unit.   


It's just re-emerged... i want it to get close enough so I can get it before it legs it again - but it's super fast and I'm scared it gets to me before I get the glass over it.


WTH are spiders doing inside already?  I don't usually get them till September! 

The size of a small child

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:
Erin        I had to use a REALLY big glass!   Got the blighter though!   His wee spidey face probably looked a bit like that as he plummeted out the window.


Did I say I wasn't calm?    I expect the SAS to try to recruit me after the way I stalked it, imprisoned it and deported it!


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