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Soozy that made me laugh.  I've just had a text conversation with Master Cinds.  He'd text me this morning saying he didn't feel well & could he stay off school.  I just saw it 30 minutes ago & text him to tell him that.  He replied saying 'would I of been allowed to stay off' I text back saying 'it's would have not would of, and the answer would have been a big fat NO'.


He sent back saying 'you knew what I meant', I replied 'OK bro' to which he said 'whatever mam' so I sent back saying 'chill me bloodz.  Word to the Mother INNIT'.  He's just sent back saying 'please don't text me again' 

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Soozy that made me laugh.  I've just had a text conversation with Master Cinds.  He'd text me this morning saying he didn't feel well & could he stay off school.  I just saw it 30 minutes ago & text him to tell him that.  He replied saying 'would I of been allowed to stay off' I text back saying 'it's would have not would of, and the answer would have been a big fat NO'.


He sent back saying 'you knew what I meant', I replied 'OK bro' to which he said 'whatever mam' so I sent back saying 'chill me bloodz.  Word to the Mother INNIT'.  He's just sent back saying 'please don't text me again' 

 I'm starting to feel sorry for Master Cinds. 

It's okay, it was only a momentary flash of sympathy.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Soozy that made me laugh.  I've just had a text conversation with Master Cinds.  He'd text me this morning saying he didn't feel well & could he stay off school.  I just saw it 30 minutes ago & text him to tell him that.  He replied saying 'would I of been allowed to stay off' I text back saying 'it's would have not would of, and the answer would have been a big fat NO'.


He sent back saying 'you knew what I meant', I replied 'OK bro' to which he said 'whatever mam' so I sent back saying 'chill me bloodz.  Word to the Mother INNIT'.  He's just sent back saying 'please don't text me again' 


Ahh i'm so looking forward to these things! My daughters 11yr old friend was round yesterday and they were playing songs on youtube and dancing round the living room with the 2 yr old. I walked danced into the living room and just saw the colour drain from my 10yr old daughters face Funny thing is she loves that I'm a 'daft mum' when there aren't any friends about

Originally Posted by Cinds:

Jen I love winding him up. My fav was when he used to get so wound up when I referred to 'those emu kids'.


You have to understand its all his own fault, you see his voice broke over night, and so I was robbed of the opportunity to tease him about the up and down squeaky voice. 

 @ Emu kids .............when my sister was visiting recently I was telling her about the kid next door - I said 'he dresses all in black sort of goth like you know ...what do they call them - Nemos'

Soozy Woo
A disgruntled train  customer's novel reaction to being refused a refund has gone viral.
An  image of a letter intended for a Greater Anglia Rail customer relations adviser  was posted online this week, METRO reports.
A passenger's letter to Greater Anglia.

ÂĐ Twitter

It shows a  typed letter to a staff member, whose name has been obscured, along with a  rolled and sellotaped letter which appears to be from the rail company's  customer relations department.
Mimicking the familiar tone of a corporate  letter, the unknown sender wrote: "Thank you for your letter dated 12th of  April, explaining that you are 'unable' to refund my ticket for my train that  was cancelled in January, due to the fact that I did not apply within 28 days of  the incident."
They continued: "I have enclosed your letter and you will  notice that I have taken the liberty of rolling it up very tightly which should  make it easier for you to stick it up your arse."



We had an email of complaint to our business this week, after we had took the decision to repossess one of our HWPW units due to the customer stopping payment.  (It's the first time in the 10 years we have been trading that we have ever had to repossess a unit).


I have not put all of the email in, but this bit amused me to hell.


"It is normally business ethic ate to negotiate but that's something you are
unable to do you act like a desperate man you've got the name for it that's
for sure."

ethic ate 


Plus the fact they resort to childish insults as in the desperate man reference.



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