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Aww Jen, I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry if I was you 


Luckily some kids do fine through the chicken pox, my 2 both had them 2 years ago and the younger one was fine (which was surprising as he's awful with eczema and I thought his skin was going to go haywire).  The older boy was a little sick and sore because he had them in his mouth and throat but apart from that they got through them with no major incidence.  

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Two sofas, neutral beigey colour BUT ... we also got some rocking taffeta ish beige, orange and red flowery curtains. Actually  as I type that, I get the impression of a room that my Gran would have been happy in ... trust me, we are talking glossy mag stuff here.


And not Woman's Realm either



I know the 'look' you've gone for and I like it.  I'm guessing the curtains are the only real splash of colour and the rest of the room is neutral.

Trés retro Habitat sort of thing?


Habitat? It's known as shabbycrap round these parts!!


However, I suppose it is a bit like that, although there is no evidence of black ash or chrome!


So, Waitrose were selling off mangoes at 69p each. Usual price £1.99, on offer at two for £3. 


Four times 69p is £2.76' minus the £1.96 at the till, so I got four mangoes for .78p!!


Recipe suggestions please! 


Aww Jen, poor little Jen


my three got it all at the same time. I have a picture somewhere of them all laid on the sitting room floor, stark naked, all completely covered with spots.


actually, they were all very red, maybe I should find the picture out and have it blown up and put it on my sitting room wall, it will go with my new colour scheme!

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Habitat? It's known as shabbycrap round these parts!!


However, I suppose it is a bit like that, although there is no evidence of black ash or chrome!

Shows how long ago since I've been to Habitat then..!  I was thinking more along the lines of a Conrad vibe (never even thought about chrome and black ash, honest!). 


PS.  Mango salsa


Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I swear i'm cursed! Little one now has chicken pox!!

Poor love..!

A family friend has just got over it - he's 62.!!!


Aimee, I hope you've been to see the quack; shingles is nasty

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Aww Jen, poor little Jen


my three got it all at the same time. I have a picture somewhere of them all laid on the sitting room floor, stark naked, all completely covered with spots.


actually, they were all very red, maybe I should find the picture out and have it blown up and put it on my sitting room wall, it will go with my new colour scheme!

 They'll throttle you if you do.

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I swear i'm cursed! Little one now has chicken pox!!

Poor love..!

A family friend has just got over it - he's 62.!!!


Aimee, I hope you've been to see the quack; shingles is nasty

Had them this time last year. Very nasty 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I swear i'm cursed! Little one now has chicken pox!!

Poor love..!

A family friend has just got over it - he's 62.!!!


Aimee, I hope you've been to see the quack; shingles is nasty

I think it's an allergic reaction I've had to something, if it's no better tomorrow I will go to the doctors, I don't think the back pain is anything to do with the rash I think I've just pulled it 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I swear i'm cursed! Little one now has chicken pox!!

Poor love..!

A family friend has just got over it - he's 62.!!!


Aimee, I hope you've been to see the quack; shingles is nasty

Had them this time last year. Very nasty 

what was it like? 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I swear i'm cursed! Little one now has chicken pox!!

Poor love..!

A family friend has just got over it - he's 62.!!!


Aimee, I hope you've been to see the quack; shingles is nasty

Had them this time last year. Very nasty 

what was it like? 

Scabby, painful, itchy spots

Originally Posted by moonie:

Had them this time last year. Very nasty 

Ouch!  Not nice


Aimee, shingles manifests itself either to the left or the right (or if you're really unlucky..both sides!).  It travels up the spine.

I'm not sure that I've explained that very well........

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Had them this time last year. Very nasty 

Ouch!  Not nice


Aimee, shingles manifests itself either to the left or the right (or if you're really unlucky..both sides!).  It travels up the spine.

I'm not sure that I've explained that very well........

Had mine on the right side back and front. You did 


I've just thought, my daughter was teaching Jens kids two weeks, I know who to blame now 


Cosi, I only have a rash over my shoulders and upper chest, some on my arms and a few spots on my back, have felt a bit rough over the last fews days though 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I swear i'm cursed! Little one now has chicken pox!!

Poor love..!

A family friend has just got over it - he's 62.!!!


Aimee, I hope you've been to see the quack; shingles is nasty

Had them this time last year. Very nasty 

what was it like? 

Scabby, painful, itchy spots

I'm a bit itchy, the only pain is in my back 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Aww Jen, poor little Jen


my three got it all at the same time. I have a picture somewhere of them all laid on the sitting room floor, stark naked, all completely covered with spots.


actually, they were all very red, maybe I should find the picture out and have it blown up and put it on my sitting room wall, it will go with my new colour scheme!

 They'll throttle you if you do.

But it would be hilarious.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I swear i'm cursed! Little one now has chicken pox!!

Poor love..!

A family friend has just got over it - he's 62.!!!


Aimee, I hope you've been to see the quack; shingles is nasty

Had them this time last year. Very nasty 

what was it like? 

Scabby, painful, itchy spots

I'm a bit itchy, the only pain is in my back 

Hopefully, though not nice. You may have just strained your back then.....

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Go to the doctor's, Aimee..!  Whatever it is, you shouldn't be suffering - not in this day and age (< that quote was from my ex doc years ago)



rant alert 


s-i-l took his car for its MOT, over£400 of work (it failed), not happy with this he took it to my local passed!

what makes people think they can get away with such a con? that's no loose change

Originally Posted by machel:

rant alert 


s-i-l took his car for its MOT, over£400 of work (it failed), not happy with this he took it to my local passed!

what makes people think they can get away with such a con? that's no loose change

 Thats so dishonest. How can they get away with that, indeed?

Originally Posted by machel:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Did he get the print out they give you of what's failed?  

i think so, he is going to contact VOSA (sp?)

Good, then he can show them the difference between the first and second results.  Disgraceful.


We're busy doing some redecorating in the house and one of the rooms we are revamping is the boys room.  We had the idea of doing one wall as a mural.  Anyway he's decided on this, I think it will look ace.


Originally Posted by Cinds:

We're busy doing some redecorating in the house and one of the rooms we are revamping is the boys room.  We had the idea of doing one wall as a mural.  Anyway he's decided on this, I think it will look ace.



Won't all those lights keep him up at night 


Good choice Cinds   I likes it.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Moonie that's what we've been saying 


EC, there was some fab ones, I really liked this one,  but we had to let him decided (no resentment in my voice at all) 



My sister had one when she first decorated her new house.


It was a forest scene.


I personally have never considered one, but I think they are great for kids to theme a room and add a distinctive touch. I bet their friends love it.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Moonie that's what we've been saying 


EC, there was some fab ones, I really liked this one,  but we had to let him decided (no resentment in my voice at all) 


That will teach me to read all the posts before commenting   

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Moonie that's what we've been saying 


EC, there was some fab ones, I really liked this one,  but we had to let him decided (no resentment in my voice at all) 



My sister had one when she first decorated her new house.


It was a forest scene.


I personally have never considered one, but I think they are great for kids to theme a room and add a distinctive touch. I bet their friends love it.


Yeah, he's already got a few canvases based on the London, New York, Paris theme. So I suppose it's just revamping and adding to that. 


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