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Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Good job on the Cat Cinds, the poor thing must have been stuck there while the guy drove to you?


ION My new sofa is coming!! between 2-3pm!! Exited!

Aww I REALLY need a new sofa!!  I keep delaying getting one for one reason or another (xmas, holidays etc) and now I am waiting to find somewhere to move to before getting a new one but I am mortified at the sight of this one at the minute.  Hopefully I can buy a new one soon, but I will miss my recliner

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Believe me Ells i REALLY needed one, one of the seats had sunk into a big saggy leather hole, a small old woman actually said "I've fallen down a hole" when she sat there lol

 My OH has done that to the end of my 3 seater with his big fat ass.  I could kill him.  Luckily it's his seat so no-one else really ever sits there.  


My eldest came in from school at 3.20 and tells me he is going to a party at 4.40 and he needs a card, gift, money to spend and a lift to and from the venue.  Bloody kids!!  I've had to run to the bank machine (I don't drive so it was a 15 min round trip) THEN I realise I've got no cards left so have to go get more money out just to get a card.  Had to ring his daddy to cut work short and come home for him as the venue is a 15 minute drive away and there was no way I was paying a tenner in taxis aswell as putting a tenner in a card because there's no time for me to get a gift.


Then he bloody tells me the birthday boy wasn't even in school today and that he THINKS that the party is on (there were no invitations, just a spoken invitation on the xbox at the weekend of a 'maybe' party depending on what him Mum decided) and that he THINKS he has the right time and he doesn't know if it's an actual party or just kids meeting up for a film/bowling 


I ended up having to get him to ring the wee boy and put his mother on the phone to get the details (he was right all along) and awkwardly ask if I needed to give him money for the film/bowling (it was like asking if she was paying for everything...which she is).  She must be wondering how a simple 'party on monday 4.40' turned into a whole palava!!


Kids!!!  I should have just told him no from the beginning but he was so excited as he doesn't always get asked to the other kids' parties.  


Anyway...that was useless info but thought I'd post it anyway

Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I've just seen Kate at some royal appearance thing in a green coat... it looked like a housecoat my Mum might have worn forty years ago...


What the hell happened to her sense of style..

i like it

 Mulberry's Frayed Coat in Mint Cotton Tweed - which retails for around ÂĢ1,750 - is now sold out, thanks to the usual 'Kate effect.

Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Tina:
Originally Posted by KaffyBaffy:

I've just seen Kate at some royal appearance thing in a green coat... it looked like a housecoat my Mum might have worn forty years ago...


What the hell happened to her sense of style..

i like it

 Mulberry's Frayed Coat in Mint Cotton Tweed - which retails for around ÂĢ1,750 - is now sold out, thanks to the usual 'Kate effect.

jeezo.. people will wear anything.    It's very fitting that comes at the back of a sofa post.... I've seen sofa material that would make a nicer coat.

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
It did Rexi! It's a black leather corner and I'm so happy, there is a little nick in the leather (really tiny) so they're gonna come and replace the whole thing on or before Friday. What did you get? It's not something you buy often so it feels good doesn't it!

Two sofas, neutral beigey colour BUT ... we also got some rocking taffeta ish beige, orange and red flowery curtains. Actually  as I type that, I get the impression of a room that my Gran would have been happy in ... trust me, we are talking glossy mag stuff here.


And not Woman's Realm either




I dreampt last night that we were all due to meet up - I had such problems getting to the place (a sort of castle) - when I arrived everyone knew who I was but I didn't know anyone ...........I had to beat a hasty retreat because I'd bought the wrong shoes - then I set out on the journey all over again.


Did you all have a good time without me?


Can anyone interpret dreams? What do you think that all means?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Rexi:

Two sofas, neutral beigey colour BUT ... we also got some rocking taffeta ish beige, orange and red flowery curtains. Actually  as I type that, I get the impression of a room that my Gran would have been happy in ... trust me, we are talking glossy mag stuff here.


And not Woman's Realm either



I know the 'look' you've gone for and I like it.  I'm guessing the curtains are the only real splash of colour and the rest of the room is neutral.

TrÃĐs retro Habitat sort of thing?


Originally Posted by Jenstar:
It did Rexi! It's a black leather corner and I'm so happy, there is a little nick in the leather (really tiny) so they're gonna come and replace the whole thing on or before Friday. What did you get? It's not something you buy often so it feels good doesn't it!

I want a corner suite but I can't see me getting one any time soon  unless I win the lottery 


Awwwww Jen - If it's any consolation - my three didn't all get it at the same time - (one of mine has never had it, like me) so I'm not sure if it's necessarily a given that they'll all get it. I would highly recommend a cream called Eurax -it's like a greasy calamine and easier to apply.


Hope the little one isn't too uncomfortable 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I swear i'm cursed! Little one now has chicken pox!!

I've got a horrible feeling I may have shingles, I've had a rash top half of the body for two days and now I've got a lot of pain in the back, going to see how I feel in the next hour before ringing the doctors 

Aims, I would phone your doctor straight away. If it is shingles, there are meds they can give you if they catch it in the early stages.


Jen, I hope your wee one isn't poorly (just itchy!) with the chickenpox.

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:

I swear i'm cursed! Little one now has chicken pox!!

I've got a horrible feeling I may have shingles, I've had a rash top half of the body for two days and now I've got a lot of pain in the back, going to see how I feel in the next hour before ringing the doctors 

Oh Aims i hope you're ok My friend was telling me there's a 3yr old somewhere around here with shingles atm. Did you ring doc?


Ty Yogi, she's still the same little shouty bossy boots that she normally is She has had LOADS of spots come up though


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