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Thanx guys... fingers crossed its gone now, i really hope it doesn't go around cos i have my dad staying for a few days lol PLUS Just back from opticians (after the hosp were terrible i decided to take 10yr old back to the person who first noticed the pressure) It's the same as before!! 3 visits to hosp in one week and they never checked her out properly!! So we're off to eye casualty tomorrow with a letter from optician


Jen what is it exactly that is wrong with your daughter?  My son kept feeling pressure on his eyes and had constant headaches and it turns out it is caused by his adenoids being far too big and having sinusitis which was the cause of the pressure-like feeling in his head and eyes.  He's awaiting surgery for the removal of the adenoids and is on a prescription of nasal spray and anti histamine aswell.  

She had constant head aches just under 2yrs ago Ells with signs of pressure in her eyes, MRI (to check for lumps) and lumbar puncture later they diagnosed benign inter cranial hypertension and after they drained a bit of the fluid off during the lumbar puncture it all stopped.. Until about a month ago when the head aches returned.

They don't really help Jen, no  But hopefully the surgery will help.  They said it would be around a 4 month waiting period.  I'm dreading the recovery tbh, hope he isn't too sore.


Have you been to the eye casualty place yet?  You must be going out of your mind!  I hate when you know there's something wrong and the docs can't seem to find it or fob you off.  Be persistent and don't let them send you home saying it's nothing if she's still got problems.  Do you think they might need to so another lumbar puncture?   Your poor wee girl.

Originally Posted by Ells:

They don't really help Jen, no  But hopefully the surgery will help.  They said it would be around a 4 month waiting period.  I'm dreading the recovery tbh, hope he isn't too sore.


Have you been to the eye casualty place yet?  You must be going out of your mind!  I hate when you know there's something wrong and the docs can't seem to find it or fob you off.  Be persistent and don't let them send you home saying it's nothing if she's still got problems.  Do you think they might need to so another lumbar puncture?   Your poor wee girl.

Ells - when I was a kid i had my tonsils and adenoids out together. TBH - I really don't remember any pain or trauma at all - as I recall I recovered well. Mind ...................memory isn't everything - hope it goes well 

Soozy Woo

I hope so Sooz because apart from the fact that it will break my heart seeing him in pain....he's the biggest drama queen you'll ever meet and will milk it for all it's worth


Aww he's been a school trip since Wednesday and this is the longest he's ever been away from me and I can't wait to see him today!  He drives me insane most days but it's too quiet here without him

Originally Posted by Ells:

I hope so Sooz because apart from the fact that it will break my heart seeing him in pain....he's the biggest drama queen you'll ever meet and will milk it for all it's worth


Aww he's been a school trip since Wednesday and this is the longest he's ever been away from me and I can't wait to see him today!  He drives me insane most days but it's too quiet here without him

My boys home tonight for the weekend he's 31 but ......................he brightens up this household no end - he always did - like your boy he was/is a drama queen but so much fun. We'll both have our boys tonight Ells 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ells:

My bike KILLS my arse!  Why can't they make them with comfortable seats??

Is it a regular or a magnetic one? I had a regular one and had bad achey bottom. Then got a second quite expensive magnetic one. My posture on it is slightly different, the saddle is pitched forward slightly so its more like you're running than sitting. Much easier on the botty.

Or it could be that I lost a lot of weight exercise biking so its less pressure on the bot anyway 


Damn I gotta get back on it though... took a break last Autumn and haven't resumed.


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