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Originally Posted by Jenstar:

The poor mum's in that situation, how must they feel? Literally traded in for a younger model

I'd be feeling sorry for daughter - having been married to him myself I would know all his farting, coughing, irritating little habits ... I'd hate for my daughter to have to experience them!!


Hubby is annoying me atm, because he keeps coughing!

Originally Posted by machel:

strawberries (bought from the coop) are really delicious and they are english!

I don't know if it's just that we get the dross of the English crops up here, but English strawberries aren't anywhere near as good as Scottish ones. Even the Spanish ones are often better. Still not as good as Scottish ones though.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:

The rest of the family seem to have strawberries all year. I hate them. Blander than bland.

Sprinkle a little bit of sugar over them, then leave them alone for a couple of hours...delicious.  Or even better, dip them in melted chocolate and pop in the fridge so the chocolate resets.  *YUM FLIPPIN YUM*

Originally Posted by suzybean:
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Suzy, I know that what Cinds has said here so far is NOT what's giving her sleepless nights, but supes said she's repulsed too. I'm referring to that when I say 'what's so shocking?' Or does supes know more about it than has been said here?

Ooooh! I dunno, but one woman's shocking is obviously another woman's 'so what?!'. 

Trust me, you would be 'HE DID WHAT'.  It's not illegal, but it's just not right.

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by machel:

someone my daughter knows is in the same situation - man married woman, divorced her and married daughter, not to my taste but apparently legal

The poor mum's in that situation, how must they feel? Literally traded in for a younger model

I'm of that mind too.  BUT, in all honesty, would you as a daughter want one of your mothers cast offs?  I can't think I would.  I couldn't even imagine having a go with one of my sisters ex's never mind my mothers, and especially not one that had been the father figure in my life from being a young child.


To change the subject from my Jeremy Kyle acquaintances.


Remember we had one of Master Cinds come and live with us?  Well anyway it fell apart and he moved out, (but on good terms,or so I thought) he's actually now back with his Dad, which is good as he should be with his family, but not good if you know his Dad.  


Anyway, over the weekend he's been to our house when Mr C & I were out and stolen stuff.  I'm so upset to think that one of Master Cinds friends would come in to our house and do that, but evenmore so because it's him that has done it.

Originally Posted by Cinds:

To change the subject from my Jeremy Kyle acquaintances.


Remember we had one of Master Cinds come and live with us?  Well anyway it fell apart and he moved out, (but on good terms,or so I thought) he's actually now back with his Dad, which is good as he should be with his family, but not good if you know his Dad.  


Anyway, over the weekend he's been to our house when Mr C & I were out and stolen stuff.  I'm so upset to think that one of Master Cinds friends would come in to our house and do that, but evenmore so because it's him that has done it.

Awwwwwwww Cinds  Do you remember I told you that I have housed a number of my kids friends well ......................believe it or not one of them did that to us. I felt so sorry for my son as he really thought he was a true friend. It's sad isn't it?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

To change the subject from my Jeremy Kyle acquaintances.


Remember we had one of Master Cinds come and live with us?  Well anyway it fell apart and he moved out, (but on good terms,or so I thought) he's actually now back with his Dad, which is good as he should be with his family, but not good if you know his Dad.  


Anyway, over the weekend he's been to our house when Mr C & I were out and stolen stuff.  I'm so upset to think that one of Master Cinds friends would come in to our house and do that, but evenmore so because it's him that has done it.

Awwwwwwww Cinds  Do you remember I told you that I have housed a number of my kids friends well ......................believe it or not one of them did that to us. I felt so sorry for my son as he really thought he was a true friend. It's sad isn't it?

Soozy that's what's upsetting me too, we had a right day of it with boy cinds, obviously we were furious about it and he was being all teenager *rolly eyes etc* until we pointed out that not only had the boy done that to us, but he had also done it to him, I think he got it in the end. (I think and I hope he did).


Originally Posted by Jenstar:

Cinds I often wondered how thing were going with his friend living with you, shame the ways it's turned out

Yeah it is, because on our part there were no bad feelings when he left, it was just he couldn't cope with a family structure, he just wasn't used to it.  Which was fine, if we weren't for him that's ok.  But I'm gutted that he's done this to us.


To be honest, when he was still here (round about the time he left Mr Cinds bike went missing out of the garden) and we suspected but didn't point the finger, I asked him if he'd 'borrowed it' but never got an answer.  

The way our garden is, unless you are scrambling up a motorway embankment and over a 6 ft fence, the only way in is down the side of the house and you have to get past the dogs.  Yes they are just spaniels, but the boy dog is a mouthy little blighter who, unless you knew him, you would back off from.  So we know whoever took the bike knows the dogs.

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

More pretentiousness, from Lydia this time. Wants BB to take her photos back so that the other HMs won't see who her B/F is.

Is she afraid no-one will recognise him? (meow)

I haven't seen tonights yet.  But I would love it if they showed the house videos and some of them were like 'WHO?' over her fiance.


Although I did laugh when I saw (was it last night or Saturday nights) when she was asking Adam to not be so touchy feely with her as it made her uncomfortable (which is fair enough), but it was her 'well I act like lady as do my family' speech.  ERRRRMMMMM you sold a story about Jack Osbourne


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