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Aimee. On the hepatitis thing. My sister is a health care assistant.When she started 2 years ago she was working in an old peoples home. She had to have all her vaccinations and was vaccinated against  Hep.C. 

A few weeks after she was working there she was accidently stabbed by a lady dimentia patient with her insulin needle. They don't use the insulin pens when the staff have to adminster it. Anyway, my sister had to go for blood test as a precaution, and they found that she wasn't immune to Hep.C.  

The up shot is, she has had a series of vaccinations over the last 2 years, and she is having the last next week. She didn't get Hep. C. or anything else for that matter.

So maybe your daughters friend had the injections but,like my sister still wasn't immune.

I hope your daughters friend gets well soon.


No she's not Yogi, i went for appointment today and it was just a vision field test (that's the worry with too much pressure in the head, sight can degrade) but that was it! No consultation... no one looked into her eyes properly with the better equipment etc. So she's still getting constant head aches the poor thing. If shes still not right over the weekend I'm gonna take her straight to eye casualty this time and start demanding!

Originally Posted by Jenstar:

No she's not Yogi, i went for appointment today and it was just a vision field test (that's the worry with too much pressure in the head, sight can degrade) but that was it! No consultation... no one looked into her eyes properly with the better equipment etc. So she's still getting constant head aches the poor thing. If shes still not right over the weekend I'm gonna take her straight to eye casualty this time and start demanding!

Quite right! You can't faff about when her sight could be compromised.

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Just back from my ride out. The last ten miles were against a gale force east wind. I really feel the need to eat and eat. During my journey a Hawk flew over carrying some unfortunate denizen of the hedgerows. I also saw more lapwings than I have ever seen before.

The winds were ferocious up here today.


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