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Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

My daughter's sad little face is breaking my heart  I wish I could take her pain away  her dad on the other hand wants to kill him 

Thats such the right reaction from both parents

Mother wants to take the pain ,father wants to kick his ass.

I must admit I have itchy palms 

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Just reading back........
Originally Posted by Aimee:

My daughter's sad little face is breaking my heart  I wish I could take her pain away  her dad on the other hand wants to kill him 

 If I had a quid for every snotty oik who broke Mini's heart I'd be a rich inmate  




Jen, I'm so sorry to read about your loss.  My sympathies to you and your family



I know  I'll be better equip the next time, I think the first time is always the worst 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Aimee:

My daughter's sad little face is breaking my heart  I wish I could take her pain away  her dad on the other hand wants to kill him 

Oh no Aimee it must be awful  Poor poor girl


She's fading away before my eye's, sorry for going on

Oh no   theres probably nothing you can say to make her feel better right now. 

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Thanx for the kind words in on a train! I'm tired and getting annoyed! There's a guy *smoffing* across from me and my frikkin headphones are playing up!! I'm so tempted to hand him a tissue and ask him to blow his nose!!! Oh heck now we're being moved onto another train for some reason

Safe journey Jen  

Hope you're not delayed too much. Thats all you need  


Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I know  I'll be better equip the next time, I think the first time is always the worst 

It sure is.  Hard as it is, you've gotta plough on, give tea and sympathy and then drag her along (kicking and screaming - they all do!) to a happier place.

Yup has to be done. Plenty more sharks in the sea!

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

I know  I'll be better equip the next time, I think the first time is always the worst 

It sure is.  Hard as it is, you've gotta plough on, give tea and sympathy and then drag her along (kicking and screaming - they all do!) to a happier place.

Yup has to be done. Plenty more sharks in the sea!

 She's got a 10 hr shift tomorrow so she had better eat something 


She'll eat when she's hungry enough, Aimee.  To be fair, misery makes you lose your appetite.  But if you're really worried.... the smell of a fry up, or some onions for a burger, a roast cooking etc - any of those can alert the most weepy of teenage girls.


Or, there's always the bowls of nibbles; a bit of a distraction such as watching tv or chitty chatting.... and before you know it, she'll be snaffling more than her fair share.


How about a girly pampering night in with her best girlfriends?

Once they've faffed around with face packs, nail polish and all the other paraphenalia they'll need some refreshments and food.

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
I've only just got onto the boat Cosi, will get to Dublin at about 6am

Sorry for your loss Jenstar and I know and respect your priorities 

My mum died a couple of weeks before my 40th birthday, so, all celebrations were well and truly off, our, (bearing in mind I'm a twin,) birthday plan became a Saturday afternoon mass with close friends and family, my best male friend out of a v long retirement as an alter boy etc..... then somehow it turned into something else, lots of alcohol, admittedly, but lots of love too


Aimee, have just read what your daughter is going through. It reminded me of my first real love and what I went through when it ended. I was distraught and inconsolable for quite some time. Nothing my Mum, Dad, or anyone else said made a difference to how I felt. I just constantly sobbed, food nor anything else meant anything to me. Time, literally, although it was quite some time, was the only answer, acceptance. A few years later I met hubby and we've been together for yonks now. She too in time will meet the right one for her, she just doesn't know or believe it right now. All you can do is be there if and when she wants to share anything with you, hard for you I know as I later realised it must have been hard for my parents to watch what I went through, just because they cared, as you do.

Yellow Rose

How heartwarming

simple gesture of unconditional love from a  dad to his gay son has taken the internet by storm.

The Michigan high-school student, known only  as Nate, had clearly been concerned about revealing his sexuality to his  parents.

But his coming out conversation was preempted  by his father, who wrote a tender note explaining that he had known his son was  gay for years and simply didn't care.

'I overheard your phone conversation with  Mike last night about your plans to come out to me,' the letter begins.

'The only thing I need you to plan is to  bring home OJ and bread after class. We are out, like you now. I’ve known you  were gay since you were six, I’ve loved you since you were born.'

The touching note is signed 'Dad' and the  father even ends with a touch of humor: 'Your mom and I think you and Mike make  a cute couple.'

Touching: One Michigan dad put his son's fears about coming out to rest with this loving letter

Touching: One Michigan dad put his son's fears about  coming out to rest with this loving letter

The note first appeared on the Facebook page  of,  an anti-homophobia organization, on Thursday. It has since been 'liked' over  70,000 times and 'shared' on 42,000 occasions



Even if I had millions I still wouldn't mess around with my face.  My ass, belly, legs, arms, boobs YES but not my face.  You can't hide a f*cked up face.


I watched a film the other night with Megan Fox in it and didn't even know it was her until I googled (I knew the girl was familiar and it was doing my head in not being able to place her).  I was shocked.




The Credit Today Debt Collection Awards, sponsored by Lowell and now in its sixth year, took place on 15 November at the Palace Hotel Manchester.

The prestigious awards ceremony saw 
over 480 of the industry’s finest gather to recognise and reward the outstanding efforts to both individuals and teams in this challenging sector. 

Highlights from the night included; an entertaining evening with our top host, unruly TV personality and comedienne 
Ruby Wax.



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