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Remember me telling you about our customer who has taken to kissing me when he comes to the office, he's coming in in half an hour, I'm leaving between now and noon. 


I was leaving early anyway, but just not this early.  Off to Preston tonight (how exciting), and then on to Manchester tomorrow night to hang out with Trollop.  

Originally Posted by Ells:

I've woke myself up with a snort once or twice   I don't 'snore' as such just the odd snort


The OH snores like an assortment of farmyard animals though.  I could smother him some nights.

After a hard nightshift i was relaxing watching the TV.

Suddenly in the room there was a shout - i jumped - no one there!!!

Moi  - must of peep'd off for a sec


Oh my God I'm ready for the nuthouse this evening!!  My boys have been fighting for 5 whole hours and have barely let up!  I sent them to their own (separate) rooms yet they were still shouting to each other and then to me to tell me what the other one just said 


The youngest has just asked me to forgive him for fighting with his brother but (in his words) his brother is an ass.

Originally Posted by Jenstar:


My Grandma died yesterday ......  yes my Mum's Mum. Sorry to bring my sadness in here but the two yr old although she gives good cuddles doesn't really give the best conversation about it all lol


The funeral (in Ireland) is looking like it will be on Saturday (find out for sure later) so it looks like im canceling my party too

Very sorry for your loss Jen  

Just reading back........
Originally Posted by Aimee:

My daughter's sad little face is breaking my heart  I wish I could take her pain away  her dad on the other hand wants to kill him 

 If I had a quid for every snotty oik who broke Mini's heart I'd be a rich inmate  




Jen, I'm so sorry to read about your loss.  My sympathies to you and your family




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