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Originally Posted by Cinds:

Last night I went to bed all sleepy and its very rare I go to bed and fall asleep fast.  The husband was away doing a industry show on the west coast and was staying away.


Fast forward to 1 am, I woke up to someone trying to crawl in to bed with me.

I lay there so scared....only for the husband to say 'HIYA I was missing you so I drove home'


Very Nice but, it could have turned out so bad

omg Cinds you could have beat the crap outta him before he spoke! I would have cacked myself

Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Last night I went to bed all sleepy and its very rare I go to bed and fall asleep fast.  The husband was away doing a industry show on the west coast and was staying away.


Fast forward to 1 am, I woke up to someone trying to crawl in to bed with me.

I lay there so scared....only for the husband to say 'HIYA I was missing you so I drove home'


Very Nice but, it could have turned out so bad

omg Cinds you could have beat the crap outta him before he spoke! I would have cacked myself

I've told him "if you ever do that again at least have the decency to wear your balaclava and leather gloves" 

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Last night I went to bed all sleepy and its very rare I go to bed and fall asleep fast.  The husband was away doing a industry show on the west coast and was staying away.


Fast forward to 1 am, I woke up to someone trying to crawl in to bed with me.

I lay there so scared....only for the husband to say 'HIYA I was missing you so I drove home'


Very Nice but, it could have turned out so bad

omg Cinds you could have beat the crap outta him before he spoke! I would have cacked myself

I've told him "if you ever do that again at least have the decency to wear your balaclava and leather gloves" 

 I would have had a seizure thinking that someone had broke into the house ,not to mention I would have possibly screamed so loud that I would have woke the ruddy dead.

Nice that he missed you thou


Just glad it's a 'Yellow Warning of Snow', and not a 'Warning of Yellow Snow'


UK Warnings

Weather Warning

Friday 8th March


Outbreaks of snow will affect higher ground in parts of eastern and northeastern Scotland through Friday afternoon and evening, lasting into the early hours of Saturday morning.

Most of the snow will fall on ground above 400m where 10-20cm are possible, though as the snow level lowers during Friday evening and night, 5-10cm may accumulate down to 300m. Slight falls may settle to lower levels overnight before it dies out.

The public should be aware that travel disruption is possible especially on the highest roads.

In addition strong easterly winds combined with wet snow may cause power cable icing.

Valid from Friday 1600 until Saturday 0600.


It does make me laugh about this 'tax avoidance' thing. Whether its by multi-nations or the like of Jimmy Carr who was lambasted by all in sunder or actually doing nothing illegal. Who are the people who are pontificating the most about this? MP's and the press. 

MP's who screwed us, the tax payer out God know how much money and over how many years with their 'claiming for this that and the other' illegally. The press who did so much illegal phone hacking and illegal payments for information.

Enough said......

Originally Posted by Ells:

I'm going to dye my hair in a minute.  This never goes well.  Last time I dyed the kitchen tiles, drawers, a few books and some of the boyfriends t-shirts.  I can never just dye the hair without a mess.  


Hoping for a nice chocolate brown.....It'll probably be more black knowing my luck!!

At least you had a matching set then Ells 

Originally Posted by Ells:

Erin I googled that colour, it looks pretty but I think I'd be the same as you.  I like seeing pastel colours on other people but I don't know if I like them on me.  I usually stick to red, black, purple or french polish.


Wish my toes would hurry up and dry, my feet are freezing

I try most colours to be fair.

I think there was a tropical one ,sort of orange and I loved it .

Like you I always go back to the Reds/Grape/Blacks.

Mascarade is gorgeous on

Hope your toes are warmer

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Cinds:

Soozy I am feeling better, thank you for asking.  I had a proper poo today 

Well that's good to hear 

Scrap that, the imodium is wearing off again and I'm back to square one 

How long has it been now?  Might not be just a bug if it's going on too long.  



(Send me some of it til I test it out )

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I was watching something on the news last night about an American senator doing a *philibuster* (sp). After nearly 13 hours he had to give up to go to the loo 

What's a 'philibuster'?

Parliamentary debate which goes on and on and on to prevent/delay a vote.


I've got a busy few days ahead.  The eldest sons Confirmation tomorrow.  Mothers day (think I'm heading out with all the girls) on Sunday and then the 1 Direction concert on Monday  I have my outfits carefully planned for tomorrow and Sunday but my sister has just asked me on the phone what I am wearing on Monday.  Eh?  Do I have to wear something special?  What do people wear to concerts?


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