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Poor sod

A woman has dumped  her boyfriend publicly on an advertising board.
The billboard, which was  available for everyone to see at an Esso petrol station in Manchester yesterday  (February 14) on Valentine's Day, has subsequently become a viral sensation -  with many people criticising Laura, who set up the message.

ÂĐ Twitter / JordanDWilson

"Your clothes are at  your mum's & I've changed the locks," the advert read. "Sorry to do this on  Valentine's Day."
According to The Sun, Laura paid for the  advertising space at the petrol station because it is where Dan gets his  lunch.
Renting the billboard costs ÂĢ100 a month.

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Originally Posted by Cinds:

Anyone else watch Bizarre Foods America?


They are currently dining on congealed blood served with duck innards served on a rice cracker. But the most disgusting part of all they sprinkled loads of chopped coriander over the top. Bleurgh

I'm quite happy to eat the corriander on your behalf.

And so betwixt the two of them they licked the platter clean.


Garage Joe

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