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My eldest son is 12..he will be 13 in March...he has just said...'oh well, I'll be able to get a job in a few months time, I'll have at least 5yrs to save up. Mind you, not sure Iwant to go if unis are full of plonkers like that'...he is watching the 'protests' on the tellybox and is not impressed by the students at all. He also said that the rioters should pay the higher fees to cover the cost of the damage they are causing.....he's got a smart head on him!

I don't see how they can justify this huge rise in tuition fees, and it really pisses me off that they try to blame it on the state of the economy?
As far as I understand, they have cut funding to the Universities and have instead increased the amount they will be loaning to students from 2012. These loans will continue until those students have completed their courses and then will start being paid off, gradually, when these students start earning ÂĢ21,000, or over. Surely this will mean that it will be many, many years before this will have any effect on the deficit, which the ConDems are insisting is the urgent issue forcing them to bring in these changes?
So, how can this possibly be due to 'the state the Labour Party has left the country in', as opposed to an idealogical move to privatise Higher Education?
My eldest son is 12..he will be 13 in March.

Mine too! (I only have the one offspring though). He said something similar to your boy.

I've been drumming it into his head that if he can get a trade behind him (like electrician, plumber, mechanic....) he'll never be out of work as long as it's something that will always be in demand no matter what the climate is like.

The message the Tories are sending the kids is that education is not high on their list of importance as something to be protected. They just want as many people working as possible so they can get their mitts on income tax. As little outlay as possible with maximum return.
Liebral Democ-rats have shown their mercenary colours today.  What a farce this coalition is!  So Vince Cable decided to do the coalition the courtesy (and Lib Dem voters the discourtesy) of voting for the policy he wrote up.  Simon Hughes abstained, so much for the conscience of the Lib Dem centre left. 

At least Charles Kennedy and Menzies Campbell did the decent thing and voted in line with their party's pre-election pledges.  The Lib Dems picked a wrong 'un in Clegg that's for sure. No surprises the Ginger Rodent, Danny Alexander, voted for fees for English students from the safety of his Scottish constituency.
Blizz and Carnelian, I agree.
I'm very glad to see students up on the barricades again, they've been far too apolitical for years. They're not morons, they are the next generation and realise that they are being taken for a ride. I used to demonstrate in the early '80s against tuition fee, never mind a rise. Education should, if at all possible, be free; would you expect to pay for your child's Primary Education? No. And don't get me started on Theresa May's Royal Highnesses crap.
cologne 1
 Mind you, not sure Iwant to go if unis are full of plonkers like that'...he is watching the 'protests' on the tellybox and is not impressed by the students at all. He also said that the rioters should pay the higher fees to cover the cost of the damage they are causing.....he's got a smart head on him!

oohhh clever little Bauble just seen it on the news now
Liberal's = laughing stock.

They're certainly gonna have their work cut out re - inventing themselves in the future. They have simply shown that they'd be prepared to sell their own grandmother for a taste of power.

They certainly weren't looking long term. I fully accept that in entering a coalition there would have to be compromises but on this ...............Clegg & co have just shown themselves up as the power hungry hypocrites they are IMO.
Soozy Woo
It's a disgrace but I really don't know what else anyone expected from Clegg. On the TV debates he was so slimey he made my skin crawl. Insisting on calling audience members by their first names like a third-rate used car salesman trying (and failing) to fake a 'friend of the people' persona and ridiculing labour and the tories before jumping into bed with Cameron and selling his soul. I saw it coming a mile away.
That's the stupid thing, though. They've just ensured that they're going to lose. Them and Cameron's Uncompassionate Conservatives. *spits*

This has set back the Lib Dems back years IMO, and i bet the previous leaders think the same and are raging. I voted Lib Dem but never again, and i reckon most of their votes came from students etc; at this last election. Clegg has just killed all the progress the Libs have made over the past few years. He is now Cams puppy IMO. Its my way or the highway.
Crispy Christmas
The Lib Dems have set themselves back years IMO. I don't suppose it'll bother Clegg - I'd imagine he'd defect to the Tories if push came to shove. Very shallow and obviously lacking in real conviction.

I can see that it looked like a good option to jump into bed with David at the time. I actually think they'd have been better off letting the Tories try to govern with no majority. They would probably have come out better all round.
Soozy Woo

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