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Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
We've no chance of defining left and right!!! Having declared war on Cameron, Murdoch has declared war on the BBC who he described as a bunch of toffs and right wingers. He really is the most powerful man in the country. He's still in charge. Haddaway and shieght Dirty Digger!

I have absolutely no idea what that means


I thought about this a bit more and realised the reason I find it weird and off putting when people say/do awful stuff and others then affiliate them with some political party cos 'all or some of them think/act like that'  is because when stuff like that happens I only ever think about it in terms of the type of person that could think in such a way or do whatever was bad not what political party they are associated with. .it would never occur to me to even go down that route..

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
We've no chance of defining left and right!!! Having declared war on Cameron, Murdoch has declared war on the BBC who he described as a bunch of toffs and right wingers. He really is the most powerful man in the country. He's still in charge. Haddaway and shieght Dirty Digger!

Murdoch described the BBC as 'right wingers'?  Murdoch will support any government that's complicit with expanding his empire, his influence and allows him to spread his poisonous brand of self serving right wing politics. 


The wall of silence from our press that so often pontificates on its role in holding the powerful to account surrounding the allegations that part of Murdoch's empire was implicated in hacking ITV digital cards says it all about our fearless right wing press.  Only the Guardian and BBC ran with the story, so no surprises there.


Many on the left are parading their anti-racist credentials by applauding the decision.


I've read the tweets and they just read like a pissed up dick-head trying to wind people up.


As far as I'm concerned the acid test for a prison sentence should be if society or communities are threatened to such an extent that prison is the only option to protect the public.  In this case, where the threat is moronic racist postings on Twitter, that can't be true.


Along with the over-the-top reactions and wholly disproportionate reactions to tweets and Facebook comments on the riots, I feel the establishment is reacting with paranoia to a new media in a similar way to how it reacted to so-called 'video nasties' of the 80s and 90s. 


The left should be extremely careful, what society finds 'offensive' is transitory.  For instance, while it was 'ok' and socially acceptable in the popular media to call black people criminal and lazy in the 1970s, today it is similarly ok to tar Liverpudlians (and less so, the entire North) with that same negative stereotype. 

Last edited by Carnelian

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