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Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Amythist posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:

Rita Ora - pumping out more bland-wallpaper of a song. I really feel sorry for the younger generations, not having any real great music or musicians.

yep though I do like Baba naga from your Sheffield

Never heard of him/her/them. *goes to look* 

Baba Naga - psychedelic gloom band from Sheffield UK.

Well - I completely missed them. I will however give their material a listen so I can make an informed opinion of them.


Cheers @Amythist  

I went to a wedding in Sheffield where they played all evening as the groom was his mate albeit 40 years apart!.....Tom Mozzer Casserly I think the guy amazing guitar player and singer 


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