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Hi SCD fans was wondering what you thought of the media frenzy around the Sean/ Katya canoodle .....people {journalists  and twitter  probs} are calling for him to stand down and calling for Katya to be removed.....I think it's hilarious to show this moral outrage about a kiss when it seems that those that run the world and our government are guilty of much much worse and keep their jobs..or get better ones 

Sean being outed as a gaslighter by his now ex is a very good revenge ...glad she took the cat

Amythist posted:

Hi SCD fans was wondering what you thought of the media frenzy around the Sean/ Katya canoodle .....people {journalists  and twitter  probs} are calling for him to stand down and calling for Katya to be removed.....I think it's hilarious to show this moral outrage about a kiss when it seems that those that run the world and our government are guilty of much much worse and keep their jobs..or get better ones 

Sean being outed as a gaslighter by his now ex is a very good revenge ...glad she took the cat

Yes I think it’s a bit OTT asking for his head on a platter so to speak you say , it was a kiss ....but I’m glad his girlfriend stuck it to him

Amythist posted:

Hi SCD fans was wondering what you thought of the media frenzy around the Sean/ Katya canoodle .....people {journalists  and twitter  probs} are calling for him to stand down and calling for Katya to be removed.....I think it's hilarious to show this moral outrage about a kiss when it seems that those that run the world and our government are guilty of much much worse and keep their jobs..or get better ones 

Sean being outed as a gaslighter by his now ex is a very good revenge ...glad she took the cat

Having seen the video, it wasn’t a peck or a quick kiss, it was two minutes of serious tonsil hockey and I think his GF was right to dump him  - I did like her comment about the cat.

Katya’s hubby doesn’t appear bothered, which I find odd but, maybe they have an agreement/arrangement about such things.

I don’t care whether they stay on the show or not but, I doubt they are going to get much public support after their very public display.

Last edited by Yogi19

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