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The alleged voting leaks are saying that every week Matt and Scott are topping the votes with Ann in third.. so maybe perhaps the judges know that Kara and Pamela aren't as popular with the public and are overmarking to keep them in if this is in fact true.

I can relate to this theory because Lisa Snowdon my favourite from series 6 kept getting through on dance offs, being overmarked despite having a low public vote and the dance off was in position then.. a leak from that series had John Sargeant topping the vote with Tom and Austin in third. Rachel was in a few dance offs and on occasions got overmarked to keep her in, same as Emma in series 4 who was also not doing well in the voting.

The information was leaked last year that Chris was topping the vote every week and his odds to win shot up straight away, until then he was just getting on with it.

Men have always done better on SCD, we've had 3 female winners but the females have IMO always had it more tougher. Make of that what you will!

darloboy (Play The Game!)
With reference to previous dance experience:-
Kara Tointon has appeared in The Sound of Music. She attended an 'Academy of Performing Arts' which would inevitably involve some dance training (although maybe not specifically ballroom.)
Matt did a fun dance competition for Blue Peter, but the BBC have pointed out that no professional training was invloved.
However Pamela's experience has included working with Bruno Tonioli and Craig Revel Horwood.
I assume things like this are checked by the BBc before issuing invitations to appear on the show. 

"ARLENE Phillips says Strictly has lost its sparkle after Saturday's "flat" live show.

The dance expert told TV Biz: "Altogether it was a slightly dull and lacklustre show. I felt it had lost its fire.
"The standard of dancing most certainly dropped. I think the show for some reason, and I may be out of step, had slipped.
"It fell quite flat. I could have easily given up watching it, quite frankly, and you shouldn't feel like that." 
 Needed more passion ... Patsy Kensit and Robin Windsor

 Arlene, 67, said she was bewildered by the marks that judges Alesha Dixon and Bruno Tonioli gave to one of the contestants. 
Hundreds of angry fans left complaints on web forums after actor Scott Maslen, 39 - who made several mistakes in his routine - was given nines by the pair.
Meanwhile TV host Matt Baker, 32, who received a standing ovation for his dance, received only eights from both judges.
Miffed Arlene said: "It's beyond belief, what was I missing?
"I sometimes worry that watching this at home you're actually seeing something as a viewer or not seeing something as a viewer that they are seeing on the floor. I am now feeling Strictly out of step with the marks."

She's slipped from her previous standard. Their lack of rehearsal this week due to Artem being ill definitely showed.
Kara needs to get her fire back. Judges' score: 34

Their Titanic routine was less like Jack and Rose and more like The Two Ronnies.

Very clever if you're trying to disguise the fact you can't dance. Judges' score: 14

I'm really sad Patsy left, especially as two dancers who were far, far worse remain. Technically she's come a long way but the dance needed more passion. Judges' score: 30

More fox than trot. Scott tripped at the start and never recovered.

He was dead behind the eyes. He's gone from George Clooney to George of the Jungle. Judges' score: 31

He was like a dancing Lego man - stiff and awkward. I thought he looked ridiculous.

Trying to wiggle his bum and be a cheeky geek just didn't work. Judges' score: 22

I thought Matt was right ahead of the pack. The judges scoring him lower than Scott was beyond belief. It was a beautiful waltz and a daring choice. Judges' score: 33

The lifts were dynamite but there was not enough Charleston in between.

Pamela lifting James up was fun and brave though. They're a very cheeky pair. Judges' score: 38


The above comments are taken from an article in today's Sun newspaper.

Arlene Phillips questions the judges marking in Saturday's show.

(Her marks are given in heavy type after the contestants name.)
She feels Matt and Aliona should have been top of the leaderboard and criticises some of the judges scores.
The article in The Sun is here:
Last edited by brisket
I do not really know what the judges were on about!!!!

Mat and Aliona's dance was amazing, it just  drew you in and I was personally transfixed by it!!!

Scot was awful, he tripped, missed steps and was totally unengaging, no way did it deserve 9's!

Kara doesn't know how to do a bad dance.

I actually thought gavin had improved, not alot, but his flexibility and his facial acting was so much better.

Pamela's was enjoyable.

Patsy's dance I liked and was very disappointed she got the boot!

As for Ann, well to be honest that was the most pathetic unentertaining piece of utter crap it has ever been my displeasure to watch on the show.  She and Anton should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves, it puts tony beak even further down in my estimation!!!!!

In my opinion Ann and Scott should have been the bottom 2!
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Just caught up with Saturday night's episode and I can't believe Patsy went over Henson.

He was beyond awful - tartan troosers were far too tight for him aswell.

Although I find Anne quite entertaining it really is time she went.

If I was one of the other celebrities knocking my pan in for hours every day I'd be pi$$ed off if I went before her.
I must be the only person that likes Pamela.  I think she and James have a great relationsip and have become great friends.  She is 2 years younger than Widdie, but has a great attitude towards life.  She works hard every week, has done some wonderful dances and has shown that even though you're a gran, you're not dead.

I never really liked Arlene as a judge.  I thought she was nasty for nasty sake, and never gave a lot of constructive criticism and now is coming across as very bitter.  I still don't think that Alesha has the experience or the credentials to judge, but I do admit that I like her better than Arelene.  If you were not a "fit" man with hip action, Arlene had no use for the celeb dancers.  I reckon she would love to have Gavin shaking him bum in her face week after week.

I think the standard this year is the best ever.  Kara is always on form, even when she has a bad week, she still looks graceful and elegant.

Matt is always good, and even though Scott had a bad week on Saturday, he has been very good.  Of course, there is Pamela, who always gives it her all every week.

This is the first year that I couldn't begin to pick a winner.
She is 2 years younger than Widdie, but has a great attitude towards life.  She works hard every week,

I think Anne has led a very different life to Pamela....................I wouldn't say it's any less 'great' just different! I don't think Anne could fake anything if her life depended on it - unlike Pamela who puts on a fake smile and fake humility/sincerity.

I wouldn't trust Pamela as far as I could throw her .........................I get bad vibes from her.
Soozy Woo
.I wouldn't say it's any less 'great' just different! I don't think Anne could fake anything if her life depended on it - unlike Pamela who puts on a fake smile and fake humility/sincerity.

How do you know it's fake and insincere?  That kind of comment always baffled me during Big Brother when people would call a housemate "fake".

Wagner was voted out, Gilian was voted out, I hope it's a hat trick and widde goes this week!
Taken from the bookmakers william Hill's website -
You Bet Widdecombe Set To Waddle Away
This Weekend William Hill have seen a gamble on Anne Widdecombe being the next contestant to be kicked off Strictly this weekend as punters feel the bubble has well and truly burst. The former MP is the 5/1 joint second favourite to get the boot. Gavin Henson is 4/9 favourite to be eliminated with Pamela Stephenson also 5/1. “The wheels seem to have finally fallen off the Widdecombe Wagon and with equally inept Wagner going last week on X-Factor it could well be Ann’s last Hurrah on Saturday,” said Hill’s spokesman Joe Crilly. Matt Baker is 11/10 to win the show with Scott Maslen 3/1 and Kara 7/2. William Hill Strictly Odds: Outright: 11/10 Matt Baker; 3/1 Scott Maslen; 7/2 Kara Tointon; 5/1 Ann Widdecombe; 7/1 Pamela Stephenson; 33/1 Gavin Henson

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