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If she spoke like a fan instead of some kind of expert, it wouldn't be so bad.

Alesha was spot on with her marking last night unlike Len and Craig
Honestly, darlo?  I don't actually look at the scoring (I've been watching a recording and fast forward through the Tess interview and training bits)   I just think - no, Michelle didn't dance beautifully for me.
Honestly, darlo? I don't actually look at the scoring (I've been watching a recording and fast forward through the Tess interview and training bits) I just think - no, Michelle didn't dance beautifully for me
Yes even most of DS are admitting (shock horror) that Alesha was the best judge last night, kept cool and gave good advice whilst not going OTT with the marking and certain people losing the plot.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Jimmi was a good dancer
Yes he was and a nice guy but I think he would have been out in a couple of weeks anyway and I honestly couldn't see him making the final.

Some of Jimi's fans were obviously a bit complacent yesterday thinking he was safe and regardless of what people think about Ann it just wasn't her that was below Jimi on the leaderboard that got enough votes to be through to next week but of course it's all Ann's fault and I can see the likes of Craig making matters worse like he did with John Sargeant.

As for the producers they will be loving the publicity, good or bad and the opinions Ann and Anton are provoking, plus Anton is being groomed as Bruce's replacement.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

Dancing is obviously important as is entertainment but it's not a professional competition and other than having fun/ the journey and someone lifting a glitterball,the overpaid celebs don't sign up for the love of dance at first, they have more exposure and job offers once the show finishes at the forefront of their minds along with the cash offered by the BBC and most of them don't really carry on dancing once the show is over, however it's nice to put on the CV.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I'm just disappointed for Jimi because he was a better dancer than several others who are still in the competition.
 It is a shame for Jimi and Flavia but the likes of Ann, Gavin, Michelle etc got more votes than them fair and square on the night and some may disagree with how the vote went but I think they do deserve to be there on the basis that people have picked up the phone and voted.

I'm sure they will be gutted and disappointed and won't blame Ann unlike some people but will be dignified about it all!.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
he most important thing.
And me Brisket I was disappointed Jimi went tonight as I have said before I like Ann but it is time for her to go and let the ones who are working hard stay, it will end up a farce especially if Ann wins this is why I preferred the dance off, what is the point of the judges if they have no say who stays and who should leave,the public get to vote but the judges should choose between the bottom two IMO
Reference: Aimee
you have to dance for 3 mins on a saturday night,
Has he been "moaning"?  You don't like him do you Aimee?

To be fair, I think there is a little more to it than turning up on Saturday for 3 minutes.
Many contestants over the years have found it difficult to train between work commitments; I don't think they exactly "moaning" when they point it out - just stating facts.
For once I agree with all the judges - I think he's a very good dancer. 
It's a good thing we don't all like the same contestants. 
Last edited by brisket

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