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What a lot of botox  ,HD has got a lot to answer for. Pamela Stephenson being the most tragic victim of the plastic surgeon,with the unsettling immobile shiny features and trout pout.I used to admire her and would have done much more so if she had resisted.

Heart sunk when they brought Paul Daniels on....hes notoriously grumpy and wtf was he doing showing off his magic tricks....nobody cares.

Anne Widdicombe,I want to see her doing some lifts.
Reference: Pengy
The only thing I'll say is that I hope they don't make the series too much like Dancing with the Stars. The reason I much prefer SCD is that they keep to the very strict rules of proper ballroom dancing unlike our American cousins whose dances can sometimes be nothing more than a showy trot around the floor with props and stuff.
I agree with you Pengy and Yogi.

Until I see otherwise I shall be anxious that this series is not going to be 'jazzed up' so that stagey gymnastics take over from ballroom.
On the opening programme it was all pizzazz and no sign of a waltz or tango or foxtrot.
I want ballroom please.
I agree with you Pengy and Yogi. Until I see otherwise I shall be anxious that this series is not going to be 'jazzed up' so that stagey gymnastics take over from ballroom.

Singing from the same hymn sheet as you guys... I actually gave up on the last series of DWTS.    I find it worrying that they've dropped the dance off this year - so that's one element for sure that's going the 'merican route - and it seems to be less 'ballroom' champions and more 'stage' dancers they're bringing in.   Oh for the days of Ian, Matt, Karen and Lillia.      Like you though, Brisket, it will take a lot to stop me watching.    I hope we're needlessly worried though.
Tara Tointon has been given a handicap by the show bosses because she has dancing experience.

Surprising then that Michelle Williams has not been treated in the same way because she has performed on stage in "Chicago" to great reviews.

Kara Tointon is apparently joint favourite at the moment with Matt Baker.

I think I'll be supporting Matt Baker. (For the moment at least.)
Last edited by brisket
Plenty of laughter from Goldie (could be nerves I suppose), but seemed relaxed, and I'm pretty sure Kristina's experience will ensure they get down to business when necessary.
Although you can't tell much from these clips because it's just 5 minutes with a comera to post on the blog. Nice to see them beginning to train together.
But I'll use the next couple of weeks to check my wardrobe and go through all my outfits again. I shall leave no sequin unturned.  I know what a stickler for standards and appearance you can be!
 Glad to hear Brisket....  can't have you letting the side down......although I think I will have to stick to the ballroom dances... far  prettier dresses , and more sedate than all that jigging about..... not to mention easier on the knees I will leave to samba and jive to you
We were excited when we  saw that a Grauniad columnist was taking part and delighted to see that she wrote an article about it. One worried that after she said that it was an experiment she went on to describe her outfits to every sequin and rhinestone, her hair, and false eyelashes. By the time she mentioned shaving her pudenda we'd had enough.
Garage Joe
Thanks for posting the list of dances darlo  
I heard Goldie being interviewed on the radio yesterday and he described Jimi Mistry as
"snake hips".  (A compliment - so it sounds as if Mr Mistry is a decent mover.
I know I should wait until I have seen them dance, but if pressed I would say that at the moment I am supporting Matt Baker.
That could all change with the first dance though.
According to this report Matt Baker is not frightened of a "bit of hands on".
Last edited by brisket

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