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it's still not really in the spirit of the programme
Y'see I think it is. She's always annoyed the bejaysus out of me with her sanctimonious attitude but it's NOT a talent show like X Factor notionally pretends to be. It's a light entertainment programme, I envy anyone who can dance but someone who is almost perfect from week one - while impressive - isn't always entertaining.
I dont't find Ann Widdecombe the slightest bit entertaining with her unfunny self-promotion. I have no difficulty separating dancing from entertainment, because it is the dancing I find entertaining. For me the entertainment is the dancing. Widdecombe's attention-seeking only irritates.
Well ditto peach. As I said she's always annoyed the bejaysus out of me. BUT she's clearly entertaining a host of people or she'd not still be there. I don't think skill at dancing is what a chunk of people tune into in the same way BB attracts a horde of brain dead voters with no concept  of an entertaining show other than "wot's fit an' stuff"
*rushes in.... late!*

I'm late too - sunday morning late!       Anyway - I'm trying to catch up on the thread and will throw in my tuppence worth.

Firstly - I agree with absolutely everything Olly said in her mega post the other day

Brisket - I don't pay too much attention to the talky parts other than what te judges say, but I can see what you mean about Pamela in that respect.

Last night (which I'm watchin on On Demand because I accidentally deleted the recording instead of X Factor - don't you just love BBC iplayer... howe did we live without it?)

Jimmy and Flavia - absolutely loved it, although the judges were right - it was a bit too fast for him, he did lose timing on the cane section and the cartwheel was worthy of a four year old.   Still loved it though!

Scott and Natalie - fantastic.  I do love a good tango - and he had the face and the posture and everything
now I'm on to Tina and Pee Wee Herman (nah - I can't take to him either)

I really enjoyed that routine - not quite as much as Jimi and Favia, but watchable just the same.   I think Tina has potential.

Vincent and Felicity.....first off - Felicity was looking more her age tonight - what have they done to her?   I really enjoyed their dance.    I love Vincent and i thought that was really good - better than Scott for me.  I'm not too good at spotting the technical rights and wrongs - I just know what I enjoy watching.
Patsy and the bruiser....    I enjoyed that (I often think I just love the dance so much I'd enjoy a rubbish one anyway)    The only downside for me was that she did look a bit shapless and clumpy - the straight dress and flat shoes don't flatter her shape (but I realise that's the style)

Gavin?   swhat can I say?   Oh yeah ......        I love how they do his hair - I'm sure they do it to mock him because he's such an arse.    Can't bear the twonk.     He looked ridiculous, he was rubbish - and I want proper tango music.    I'd love to see him go.
Peter... oh dear.     Nice guy, but.... that was kinda painful to watch.

Pamela... hmmm.... it look ok to me, but I can't say I enjoyed watching it.    That might have something to do with the hideous concoction of a dress she was wearing and the blank stare she wore for the duration.   Oh and no tango music again.

Having a break now - will watch the rest later.
ok - up to date!   Waiting for 7.30.     Loved Matt, thought Michelle was better but still don't like her and Ann and Anton make smile.

Darlo - can I ask a favour please?    Can you please put the spoilers in a separate thread?   I know you 'hide' them - but they still show in your ticker if you're following the thread so you can still see them by accident.  x

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