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Good morning SCD fans! 

A great start last night, and I was totally blown away by Matt!  Where did they get him?  I thought Debra was very elegant and did a beautiful waltz.  Patsy was all over the shop.  Scott was good and I thought there is our winner until Matt danced.

Looking forward to tonight.  I told Mr. Q that the only way I would be more surprised than I was with Matt was if Anne Widdecombe came on and did a cartwheel!
Reference: Baz
Missed you Brisket
Thanks Baz    

I couldn't post here, but I did see the programme.
I have just read back through the pages for last nights show. It soulnds like all the gang had a good time comparing notes and expressing opinions. It was nice to read.
As for my opinion - I had suspected and hoped  that My Boy Matt might be good, and I was not disappointed. Yes he can dance. For a week 1 dance I thought he was very good. So I'm pleased.
I particularly liked that he doesn't seem scared of it, and has a bit of 'thrutch' and flair.
My Boy Matt.

A few comments from some of my earlier posts:-

"Sept 12th
If Matt Baker has a sense of music and rhythm I think I'll be following him, and he could do well.

 Sept 13th
I think I'll be supporting Matt Baker.

With his gymnastic experience we may even see a back-flip....or a splits.

 Sept 19th (commenting on a training video)
He is really concentrating. Not afraid of a grand gesture....I think he will be good.

 Sept 26th
I am supporting Matt Baker."

So far, so good. 
I apologise for sharing my pleasure.

Last edited by brisket

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