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  I never said Matt did 2 bad dances...? Or are we going quote crazy in here

But I do agree with Suzi-Q that he relies on gymnastics rather than dance content too often.
Kara's got to win on technical ability, surely..? 
With Pam in 2nd place for sheer spirit, guts, determination and all round "up yours Widdy" attitude.  I've never felt that Pam expected anything unless she delivered - even if she's been over-hyped at times by the judges.
A few reflections.
Matt has been pretty consistent throughout the series, whereas Scott has been inconsistent.
I liked Scott but he was unable to fulfil his potention. My hopes for his Charleston were not to be; it turned out to be dull with minimal charleston movements.

Matt does not come across as big-headed to me. He strikes me as courteous and enthusiastic.
I don't mind the somersaults. They have lasted a few seconds and I feel have added excitement to his dances.
I think he has shown that he takes cricism extremely well (unlike Brendan or Natalie or Ann Widdecombe for example.)
I have been entertained by Matt more than the rest of them, and I think he has a natural ability for posture and musicality.

I think Kara does great postures and  poses and delivers what Artem has set her. But I can't warm to her emotionally; she leaves me unmoved and uninvolved.
Moreover much of the choreography has been suitable for showdances rather than strictly ballroom. A number of her dances have had the minimum basic content, but a lot of showpiece and acrobatic stuff, yet surprisingly she has been praised for it.

If I see Pamela's thighs and strictly restricted crotch one more time I may have a seizure.
Unlike the judges I have found much of her dancing a bit cumbersome and rather ungainly.

I have not altogether like the (over)use of props in this series. 
I think some of the skimpy costumes have looked rather silly - like beach volleyball with sequins.
I think the music, particularly the vocals, has been much better this series.
I have missed the group dances - where professionals and celebrities danced together. I used to enjoy them.
Apologies for a lenghty post. (Things just kept popping into my head   )
I think the music, particularly the vocals, has been much better this series. I have missed the group dances - where professionals and celebrities danced together. I used to enjoy them.

I agree the music has been brilliant. I too enjoy the group dances. I also think Pamela has looked cumbersome ..............i really don't get it TBH.
Soozy Woo
I would like him to win Cosi

Really..?  You do surprise me.
Yeah, I know there's a lot of Baker Babes and Boys cheering for him, Baz, and you all know I'm not one of them.  I'm not really a 'fan' of any of them this year, although I think Kara may be the one who ups her game next week. But like Brisket said, she's not the warmest of personalities.

Hey, it could be worse.... the old mood hoover could still be there! Now that would be a travesty.
I thought Matt seemed churlish when he left the stage after his salsa. He didn't take the criticism well.

I thought the judges were unbelievably critical of him.  They were blaming him for the choreography of the dance, which isn't his call.  I thought he danced well and then to come off to that barrage of acid criticism (while they go into raptures about Pamela).  I thought he had every right to look deeply upset.
Just a point about Matt's "attitude" after the judges comments.
We know what editing can do to a situation.Things  can be slanted in a particular way.
I genuinely think this short scene is being misunderstood.
We know that Matt had to do a quick change ready for the Swing-a-thon.
Tess had told him to hurry.
All I saw was Matt saying "yea" to a question from a member of the backstage staff as he rushed off to get changed, unbuttoning his shirt as he went.
It amazes me that this has been translated into a flounce.
He simply answered a question as he hurried to the costume people.
That's what I saw anyway.
Blame the edit! 
Last edited by brisket
It wasn't about AFTER but DURING his interview with Tess when I thought he looked mighty grumpy and unable to accept criticism.  He really didn't seem to be able to take any of the comments and look afronted that anyone would dare to dislike his dance.  The cameraman offset didn't really have much to do with it apart from adding to Matt's pique.

What I find odd is how the production crew have played down his experience.
To be a gymnast requires poise, balance and a good knowledge of clean line presentation.
If you couple that with Matt's dance coaching by 4 professionals  (who include Darren and Lilia plus a Blue Peter competition), then the downplaying of his skills and 'previous form' looks far too disingenuous for my liking.

It was accepted that Kara lost a weeks training due to previous coaching for Sports Relief does Strictly.  How does being coached by Ramps (a non pro) equate to being an unfair advantage when Matt hasn't received similar penalties?

Anyhoooooooooo, none of it really matters if you accept that it's never going to be a level playing field - which I do.  I just don't like silly diverting tactics making out others are on a back foot when clearly they aren't.   It's bad enough that there's a smidgen of judge's favouritism going on around Pam (fair do's - she's really giving it a go), and Tess with her "are they, aren't they" hype about Kara and Artem, but to expect that Matt isn't the BBC's 'man' and that they haven't a vested interest in him would be pushing it too far.

It's going to be an exciting final, and that's all that matters.
Reference: Cosi
It wasn't about AFTER but DURING his interview with Tess when I thought he looked mighty grumpy and unable to accept criticism.
I didn't detect it myself Cosi - other than the normal disappointment any contestant might feel under the circumstances. I think he has shown good grace throughout.
I agree though that it should be a good final.
Blimey Cos.. you have looked at this in detail!     I don't really know him (or Scott) haven't seen them in anything before, but like you wasn't basing my feelings on they way he barged past he person trying to talk to him in the hallways... just on the fact that he has a face like smacked arse anytime he's criticised.    I daresay he was upset.. I also daresay (imo, Baz, Yogi, Brisket - you know I luvs ya all ) he thinks he's all that and a bag of chips and can't believe that everyone else doesn't think so.

I hope you don't think I'm digging any of you Matt fans out, Brisket ('cos you're all lovely people, honest!).  I just thought I'd open up the debate a bit more...and explain where I was with it all. 

It's easier to recall a few things once there's less bods in the competition.
As we're down to the final 3, a bit of close inspection is much easier.

And besides, the mood I'm in, I could slate or promote any of them.
(Had a bun fight with the Crimbo decs today - nuff said!)
It's all so very subjective, isn't it? (think I may have said that before!)

So much of the dance is dependent on the music chosen, IMO.  The music in Matt's salsa on Friday wasn't Salsa music and didn't have the party atmosphere that a salsa should have.  The music Scott had in his Jive a few weeks ago (Hit the Road Jack) was brilliant and the storytelling was fantastic.  The best Jive of the series, but since then he hasn't really danced anywhere near that level.

I adore the storytelling of a dance and week after week, Pamela's dances have told a story. I think that James is a brilliant choregrapher and has brought out the best in Pamela. I think that is where Aliona is lacking at times.  Matt's first dance, where they brought in his Countryfile roots was brilliant and he has danced well throughout, but  hasn't wowed me.

The dancer who has been exceptional throughout, IMO, is Kara.  Her lines and her posture has been brilliant.  She always looks so elegant and graceful.  Her Argentian Tango has been the dance of the series for me.
The music Scott had in his Jive a few weeks ago (Hit the Road Jack) was brilliant and the storytelling was fantastic. The best Jive of the series, but since then he hasn't really danced anywhere near that level.
I agree.  After watching Scott jive, I really thought he was going places (so to speak).
As you say, he's been under-performing - erratic even - ever since.  I also thought he looked quite ill during the last few weeks..?  Maybe too much weight loss was to blame but he looked desperately gaunt....and still does.

Did anyone watch ITT tonight?  Bruno announced the 4 dances for the final:

Best scoring dance,
Couples' choice,
New dance (one they haven't done)

I love the showdance. It's either inspired or totally cringey and bonkers mental.

Pamela's best scoring dance:  Tie between V. Waltz & Quickstep (40pts each)
Matt's best scoring dance:  Tie between Tango & Samba (38pts each)
Kara's best scoring dance:  Tie between V. Waltz & Rumba (39pts each)

One last thing, the celeb's so far for the Xmas 2010 Special are:

John Barrowman
Vince Cable
Fern Britten
June Brown
Ronni Ancona

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