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I thought it was a great show tonight, being in that famous ballroom seemed to give it an extra buzz.

Craig was the right choice to leave but I don't think it's necessary for judges to make such hurtful criticisms. All the dancers work very hard and for some like Ricky it's easier and more natural than for some others. I'm glad Craig realised his dream of getting to Blackpool.
Yellow Rose
Dances confirmed for next week:

Jade & Ian = Tango

Ricky G & Erin = VW

Nothing new the judges have been personal and rude before... they should all get a telling off as it's not on. Nothing Alesha said to Craig isn't as bad although rude and personal as the comments the other judges made to Kate Garraway or John Sargeant amongst other celebs even when Arlene was there so they are all as bad as each other, whether right or wrong it was her opinion, we have ours but the voting as proved goes against the judges at times like last week.

Some couldn't wait to criticise her again due to a lack of expertise, she deserves criticism for the comments but the BBC have already explained the reasons they wanted her there and remember the other judges didn't become them overnight, they started at the bottom somewhere does it mean to be a judge you have to be older and automatically have lots of experience?. We as a public act like judges at home when watching.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Last edited {1}
I agree, Jenny.

Alesha's whole purpose of being on the judging panel is because she knows how the celebs feel.  She was in the dance off with Letita Dean and of course Letita was voted out, so she knew how both Craig and Ricky were feeling. Of course Craig should have been voted out before Zoe, but that's the nature of the programme.

It doesn't matter what the other judges have said in the past about dancers.  The judges have much more experience in the dancing world than Alesha has.  Just when I was beginning to think she wasn't doing too bad, she pulls a nasty stunt like that.

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