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My husband says he is going to take me to Blackpool.  I want to go next Saturday.  I have the perfect plan - we hide in the loos and then come out to watch Strictly.  I will make sandwiches and bring a flask of tea and will wave at you from the top floor.
It'll be Zoe that goes I think, but the stupid voting is starting to annoy me now.  Not that I'm a fan of either of those in the bottom two, but they're both good dancers, especially Ali.
It must really knock their confidence/ego to know that they are dancing well and the public just don't like them.   This is nothing to do with the dance, it's to do with people not liking them.
What a terrible choice to have to make, Craig should so have gone.

I do not like Zoe or James, but they had to go, poor Ali looks devastated.  Alesha annoyed me there, she voted out the one who was prettier than her.

I think they should ban the public vote when poor useless people like Craig get through.
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