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Reference: Cigs
That suprised but pleased me, thought all of wales would have been on the phone all night.
Oh you think everyone in England was on the phone for the English contestants? Get a grip hon. He probably has more votes from boxing fans.

Perhaps I should just be bloody grateful you assume we even have phones.  
But shes still very lucky to be there, she should have been out the first few weeks.

 It doesn't matter how nice she is she cant dance.
Again true she can't but is getting a tiny bit better, she should have gone but now there are worse e.g. Craig.

We all know Rav should have gone instead of Martina, and that week Joe Calzahgi should have been in the dance off etc.

I would rather Craig and Natalie went before Jo.
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Oh you think everyone in England was on the phone for the English contestants? Get a grip hon. He probably has more votes from boxing fans. Perhaps I should just be bloody grateful you assume we even have phones
Apart from the fact you probably know I was saying that to get a response from someone welsh

You make a good point
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Found this on Alesha Dixon's official website, OMG the man who attacked Leona Lewis was an obsessive fan of Alesha also.

The man charged with assaulting Leona Lewis at a book signing this week has been described as “very sick” and in need of full-time care. Peter Kowalczyk, an X Factor reject, punched Leona in the face in an unprovoked attack as he was thought to be enviable of Leona’s success. Kowalczyk’s parents, Tomasz and Victoria, said their only child has a history of health problems and that whilst they believed their son was not obsessed with Leona, he was undergoing and weekly music therapy for psychological problems. Tomasz says that along with Leona, Peter also envied and regularly talked about Alesha Dixon.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Not sure where Zoe and James where, not on the bottom anyway. It doesn't matter where they are, it's whether the public vote for them or not that counts.
I know that but they still get some points for the judges scores so if they were quite near the top then they really didn't get many votes! Zoe looked quite upset about that I thought
Hello everyone.  Sorry about my early departure last night, much better today and thank you for your well wishes.

I knew Jo would go through when Brendan dragged her off the dance floor in his fit of fake rage!  I can't say I'm displeased about Joe going.  About 3 weeks too late, IMO.

Should be a great show next week with the American Smooth and the Samba.
I am so dissappointed with SCD this year.
Last nights show was dreadful. What the hell was Bruce F like ? He needs to get his marching orders and quick. How dare he speak to Craig the way he did.

Brendan needs a good talking to by the higher ups for his fake tantrum throwing....guess he figures it's the only way to get votes.

Was dissappointed at Alesha Dixons comments to Laila - "You woz like a  drunken rag doll". There was absolutely no need for that and why didn't Brucie take her to task over being personal???

I used to adore SCD but finding this series very, very dissappointing.
Was dissappointed at Alesha Dixons comments to Laila

I didn't like that comment either made me cringe, Laila didn't look bothered though she looked relieved just to get it over with. Craig's remark to Jo about the bush skippy kangaroo was really personal, don't blame Brendan for dragging her out but then we missed the other comments and who knows what they could have said.

I'm enjoying this SCD series, hasn't got the magic of other series but it's all the moaning every year that drags it down along with the controversy.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
"You woz like a drunken rag doll". There was absolutely no need for that and why didn't Brucie take her to task over being personal???
That's a very good point - I actually missed Craig's comment (was in the kitchen) but was surprised to hear Brucie's tone of voice when he gave him a telling off.   Brucie's not there to have an opinion!   Craig was right btw - she was like a bloomin' kangaroo!    As for Alesha.... hmm... she sounded 'fick' with her 'you wuz like'   Made me cringe as much as the content of her comment... but I'm a snob that way!

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