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I also prefer SCD to X Factor. Every year there are those that have natural ability, and those that don't and have to work hard to learn so much and hopefully stay in as long as they can. I love watching those with natural ability as I love all forms of dance but I've more respect for those who have to work that much harder to keep up with those who also work hard, but who have a headstart over some others.
Yellow Rose
X-factor is soooo predictable, a bunch of fairly average singers go through, the public vote off anyone who is good looking (woman wise) and keep useless personalityless people who will totally fail in the future.

I watched it once last weekend when I was away, and well the two irish twins are utterly useless cannot sing cannot dance and have a terrible attitude.

There are only two with any potential (lucy? and stacie who is utterly annoying) the rest are totally average.
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Indeed and she is trying her best but there will come a time where she will have to go to keep the best dancers, but I would keep Chris and Ola in till the final 3 with Ricky W and Ali
Of course she will have to go soon enough, but Craig definately has to go before her, and well I wouldn't mind seeing Natalie go too.

To early to pick a final three but would like to see Ali get there and Ricky W, and well if Laila can learn that she can do latin then she has a chance too.
Cigarettes & Alcohol

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