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You can also disagree without being unpleasant or rude. (One of the nice things about the majority of posters on here.)
Thats one of the best things about this place, we can disagree but keep things respectful.

Hicky I see things differently, as there has been a couple of girls I haven't taken to same as the boys.

Just read Ricky W's blog I predicted right he is doing the VW
darloboy (Play The Game!)
he will never be as good as Alesha's VW! That was magical - at least I thought so.

So true, Alesha's was so magical and so elegant I can never understand how she never got a top score, but her and Matt still ranked the best couple according to the judges averages they are on 36.5 according to Wikipedia, couple of the other rankings are interesting also.

This thread is great because lots of SCD fans here
darloboy (Play The Game!)

Alesha: Don't say I can't judge!

Singer hit back at her critics

Posted: Friday 16 Oct 2009
Above: After weeks of keeping quiet, Alesha Dixon has broken her silence


Alesha Dixon has spoken out about the amount of criticism she’s received as a judge on Strictly Come Dancing and said that she didn’t deserve any of it.

The 31-year-old singer said she didn’t know she was being brought in to replace veteran judge Arlene Phillips on the BBC1 show Strictly Come Dancing and claims she only found out the news once it was made public.

She said: “I knew nothing, I found out when everyone else did. I was as surprised as everyone else but I took all the flak for it.”

The Breathe Slow singer said she’s determined to make a success of her career and told chat show host Jonathan Ross that all the controversy surrounding her appointment on the show has not dampened her spirit.

She said: “I thought I’m not going to let the media ruin  my experience.

“It made me stronger. My life has never been smooth; it’s made me more determined, more focusedâ€ĶI’m a fighter, I believe you have to rise above negativity.”

The talented star also took the opportunity to hit back at critics who claim she’s unqualified to judge the dance contest.

She told Ross: “It’s nonsense to say that I'm not qualified to judge the dancers.

“I spent six years singing with Mis-Teeq, and another four as a solo artist where I had to pick my own dancers and audition them. I'm not new to this.”

Alesha Dixon's full interview can be see on Tonight With Jonathan Ross this evening, on BBC1 at 10.35pm
Here is hoping we finally get rid of the plank that is Joe Calzaghi tomorrow, he is getting on my nerves with his oooh I am sooooo nervous this is soooo out of my comfort zone.... Erm mr wooden it is sooo outside everyones comfort zone, but at  least they are improving unlike you you tree. Also, Kristina is getting on my nerves, she is soooooooo sooooooo smug, oh look I have another plank who cannot dance, but it doesn't matter, cos I can drape myself over him, and we will still get voted through, oh and at least this one won't quit, so I might make the final.
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Kristina is getting on my nerves, she is soooooooo sooooooo smug, oh look I have another plank who cannot dance, but it doesn't matter, cos I can drape myself over him, and we will still get voted through, oh and at least this one won't quit, so I might make the final.
Kristina is making the most of the celeb that she has got, Joe has turned out to be a big disappointment after the media hype one thing she can do is choreograph routines to suit her celebs strengths, she's a fantastic dancer she isn't smug I disagree she's lovely, Joe's ok but I do think they should go soon and yes I did like John Sargeant last year, she likes publicity and good for her.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Well you can't blame Kristina, she was lumbered with Joe, they have no idea who they will get and she picked the short straw, and I don't think it's a coincidence either, as she had John Sargent last year so the producers are giving her the dummies.

And it's the public that are keeping him in, as the judges scoring would have him out.

Corrie's Craig Kelly on finding his feet on Strictly Come Dancing

Craig Kelly and Flavia Cacace [Pic:BBC/PA)

Corrie’s Craig Kelly has not waltzed away with much glory in Strictly Come Dancing. In fact, he’s got the judges in a spin – for all the wrong reasons.

So far in the popular BBC1 series his clunky quickstep has seen him likened to Humpty Dumpty and he has narrowly survived two dance-offs.

But then it’s little wonder he is so unsure on his feet.  Lancashire-born Craig, who plays the Street’s knicker factory boss Luke Strong, admits it usually takes a few drinks to get him on a dancefloor. He even ducked out of the first dance at his wedding just three months ago.

Craig admits: “My Scottish Grandma Lennox was an amateur ballroom dancer and I have a bit of rhythm, but I am a total novice on the dancefloor.

“The only dancing I have ever done is after a few beers at a disco – usually I’m at the bar having a good natter.

“We didn’t even do a first dance at our wedding. We were going to do a last dance instead, but they shut the restaurant before we got around to it.”

His new bride Camilla might have failed to get him up on his feet then, but Craig, 39, reckons that without her support he wouldn’t have got this far in Strictly.

“I don’t know where I would be without her,” says Craig, who is partnered with professional dancer Flavia Cacace. “She has been my absolute rock since the beginning.

“Of course, Flavia has been amazing too, but Camilla has been going through the highs and lows with me. She knows how much it means to me and how well I want to do.

“She comes to training every week and every Saturday night she is in the audience with my dad, Paul. Often she is more nervous than both Flavia and myself put together.”

Camilla has also helped Craig keep his chin up when his efforts have been panned.
He says: “When I did the quickstep, Bruno said it was a disaster and that I went round the floor like Humpty Dumpty!

“He certainly didn’t mince his words. Afterwards I had to fight back the tears. It was upsetting and disappointing, but then he saved me in the first and second dance-off.

“Last week, he said my foxtrot was a good effort, as did Len. But I almost didn’t care what the judges said. All I knew was that I was doing it for me, Camilla and Flavia and I was relaxed for the first time. A breakthrough!”

It has given Craig renewed confidence – and he needs it.

Tonight he and Flavia perform some pretty fancy footwork with their jive.

“Hopefully I’ll come out and give them what for,” he says, defiantly. “This is a chance to redeem myself.

“We’ve had some hard dances that have been moody and serious, where you can’t express yourself too much. But in the jive there is a lot more freedom and we can show off a bit more.

“We hope the public will give us a chance... I don’t want another dance-off for as long as possible.”

At least he knows that Camilla will be there, as always, cheering him on. He knew the 33-year-old marketing director was “the one” for him six weeks after meeting her at the naming ceremony for a a friend’s daughter in Sweden, four years ago.

Within months they had moved in together. And when Craig popped the question in July last year, he made sure the occasion was as romantic as possible.

“I had the ring made especially and I found this beautiful little restaurant bar called El Paraiso in Formentera on the Costa Brava, overlooking the beach,” he explains.

“Although I was really nervous, it was a magical moment when it happened. I was made up when Camilla accepted.

“And it was such a romantic setting that we decided there and then that we would get married in a year’s time and in the same spot. So in July we went back to the same place for the wedding and reception with 110 guests.

“It was incredible. The ceremony was in a lovely old Spanish church and we had the reception at the restaurant. We then spent two days on a boat, which wasn’t a great idea – I had the worst hangover known to man, and the boat was lurching up and down.

“But it’s a great thing to get married. To commit yourself to one person that you want to spend the rest of your life with is a big deal but something I don’t regret for a minute.

“And Camilla is a great girl and she is the best wife. She is very on the ball, she encourages me, she inspires me – and she keeps me in check.”

Camilla was also a driving force behind Craig’s decisions to take part in Strictly and commit to his eight-month role in Corrie. “I didn’t think I’d have the courage to do Strictly,” he admits. “But she persuaded me that I’d be great.

“The same went for Corrie. As we live in London, I was worried about taking a job in Manchester, but Camilla could see how much it meant to me.

“I did find it tough being away and I missed her – that’s one of the reasons I left. But the door has been left open for Luke.” Fortunately, Camilla wasn’t worried by seeing her man snogging two of his sexy soap co-stars, Helen Flanagan (Rosie) and Kym Marsh (Michelle).
He grins: “She trusts me and knows it’s only a pretend snog. She laughs it off.”

Next week is the last Corrie fans see of Luke. He leaves Weatherfield – taking Rosie’s money with him. The conman “sells” Rosie his shares in Underworld. Problem is, Luke didn’t have any to sell. Once Rosie’s money is in his account, he does a runner.

“Unlike me, Luke is a rogue – he takes Rosie to the cleaners,” says Craig. “He is a very naughty boy.

“But I have enjoyed playing a baddie. I always played Luke like he had an ace up his sleeve.

“He is very charming, but always one step ahead.

“It was very sad to leave Corrie, but if I hadn’t left I could never have done Strictly.”

Now all he has to do is win over those judges – and try to smile more while he’s dancing.

“Camilla said to me from day one, ‘Don’t take it too seriously, smile and enjoy it,” he laughs. “I’m trying, but sometimes that’s easier said than done.”

Strictly Come Dancing, tonight, BBC1, 7.15pm.  The Strictly Come Dancing Official 2010 Annual, (BBC Books,ÂĢ12.99) is out now.

I'm looking forward to tonight and hope one of the Jo(e)s go.  They are the worst dancers and have gotten the worse scores week after week.  There is no spark of anything in either of them.

I love the jive!  I can't remember if Ian and Jade are doing the Jive, but it will be interesting to watch if they are.  Tall people tend to look really awkward with the kicks and flicks, but Ian looks great when he does it.
Isn't Cheryl singing tomorrow night? I generally catch the repeats of X-Factor. No way would I switch over from SCD!
I think so Suzi so the performances are tonight, due to the timeclash with SCD we manage to catch the last bit of tonights show every week now unless the BBC and ITV decide to move to avoid the clash which is unlikely.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Reference: Chicken Chow Mein
hey darlo , im good how are you? im sticking with strictly tonite , then watching x factor on itv player

I'm good thanks, thats it you can catch up. I done my assignment this week have till after half term but it's out of the way now so can chill. Hows uni going, been working hard and lots of partying?. I've bumped up your EE thread also.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
craig on the other hand.... he may as well not have said anything. his comment last week was not constructive and not helpful and worst of all not true
Craig is brill, he is honest and is fair if he is impressed he will say so and give a mark to reflect his thoughts, or if he's not impressed then he will be harsh but he gives credit when it is due but the rigamortis comment made me PMSL after the Tango. Alesha is very considerate towards all the couples though.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
but darlo , last week joe improved , no doubt .even though he wasnt impressed , he could of said things that need to be improved, but all he said was there was no improvement at all.thats it. how is that useful to anyone?
Joe did improve but maybe it wasn't enough for Craig yet and he should have been more constructive, that said i'm not keen how he gets personal sometimes I do think he should give more helpful advice though. Joe will go on a JS journey not popular with the judges but popular with the public me thinks.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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