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I thought Jo was definitely the worst. Surprised she wasn't in the dance-off.
(In interviews she behaves like a child.)
I think Craig Kelly will improve, and was better in the dance-off.
I think there are a number of dancers this year who are going to clearly improve from week to week, which will make it good to watch.
Still think Rickly Whittle and Ali Bastion are much better than the rest.
Smiling Dunwoody voted off Strictly
Richard Dunwoody and his professional dance partner Lilia Kopylova have been voted off Strictly Come Dancing
Richard Dunwoody and his professional dance partner Lilia Kopylova have been voted off Strictly Come Dancing
Richard Dunwoody cantered off the dancefloor when he became the second celebrity to be booted off Strictly Come Dancing.

The former jockey, who smiled the whole way through Saturday's performance, said the experience had been "tremendous".

Dunwoody took on Coronation Street star Craig Kelly in the dance-off after they scored the two lowest marks when the judges' scores were combined with viewers' votes.

His fate was sealed when judges Craig Revel Horwood, Bruno Tonioli and Alesha Dixon all voted to save Kelly although head judge Len Goodman admitted he had planned to vote for Dunwoody.

The jockey, who twice won the Grand National, said: "It's been an unbelievable experience.

"It's just been tremendous."

He said partner Lilia Kopylova had done a "tremendous job".

She described Dunwoody was "by far the most hard working partner I have had" even though dancing did not come easily to him.

"And finally I'm going to learn how to ride horses," she said as she hugged him.

Brendan Cole's angry outburst at Craig Revel Horwood, they've never seen eye to eye. Brendan gives his honest opinion about Alesha in support and he is right he would be the first to say something if he wasn't impressed as he couldn't care. Brendan has matured and calmed down but he obviously was wound up by the comments about Jo and felt he had to stand up for her but he has got the fiery temper still he's a class dancer. Daily Mail trying to stir up more anti BBC stuff and they've got it in for Alesha also.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I felt Richard had a lot more enthusiasm, and embraced the whole experience more than Craig did.............. I also love Lilia .

Jo was pretty poor, and I don't see her improving much.

Judges go on about pulling faces...........Brendan pulls the most ridiculous faces when he dances, and as much as I like does she
I liked Richard and was sad to see him go, I'm going against a lot of the people here but as yet - I'm not keen on Ricky, yes he's good but I like to see the dancers who improve week on week, unless you get someone like Aleisha or Jill who are just so good that, it's a pleasure to watch them dance, didn't like Tom last year either, too smug faced for me, I haven't really decided who my favourite will be yet, there are a couple I quite like, but I usually decide on about the third/fourth week.

Aleisha did well tonight, she was more outspoken about the dancers, she was nervous last week and it showed, but despite what the media are saying, I think she has got the other judge's support and according to an article I was reading in this weeks Radio Times, there is a chance we will see Craig dance this year, the char char char darling!!!  Maybe!!
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
I just caught up with what I missed last night.  I was too sick to watch the programme last night.

There are too many dancers for me to keep track!  I wish they would have less zlebs and let them have the first couple of weeks off from being eliminated.  Then we could see how much they do improve week after week.

I don't like seeing such high scores so early in the competition either.  Yes, some of them were outstanding, but 8's for their first dance?  Will they be getting 10's next week?
I still don't have a favourite either.  I tend to like the dancers who may not be technically perfect, but I can see an improvement in week after week.  Or the dancers who come out and really do a performance.

I ended up really liking Tom Chambers last year.  He was not a perfect dancer, but his final show dance (the one he did last week with Camilla) I thought was brilliant.
I wondered where you were last night Suzi, hope you're feeling better today.

I do like watching Ricky W. because he's good, but like others I've not chosen a favourite yet.   I'm looking forward to next week when they all dance on the same night, but my 'favourite' can easily change as the series goes on and the either get better, or show they've peaked.     I loved Tom last year, anyone who can do a really good quickstep usually sneaks into my faves list - I love that dance, and I thought his and Camilla's showdance was wonderful.  I can see why people might think he's a bit smug, but I'm not really bothered about their personalities so much as their performance (not that I thought he was that smug tbh, but think he's got a bit of an unfortunately expression!)
I am missing the Sunday night show. I know it wasn't live and all that, but I really loved having 7 nights of SCD!
I enjoyed the Sunday show, but I prefer having the results on the Saturday, only because with the Sunday show I had to steer clear of the forum for a day as there was always some 'informative' person bursting to say who had gone on the Saturday night. I like the drama of the live result.    As to posting and watching - I like to comment on the show, but I live on my own, so like to watch it with the people here.
The thing with Tom Chambers is that he did Ballet dancing before which was an advantage in how he mastered the dances and his footwork was always precise, Rachel had an advantage also singing in S-Club 7 but there dances was choreographed not the same as proper dancing. I wasn't keen on the smug faces either but that was the way he smiled and he couldn't help it, he won on public vote fair enough but if there wasn't that cock up in the semi final then he would have been out as both Lisa and Rachel outdanced him but it wasn't fair on him and Camilla as they would have been in the dance off either way so got let off. Tom is still nowhere near Mark Ramps or Goughie though, I preffered Matt Di Angelo or even Gethin Jones to him as they interested me more.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I just watched this this morning as i was watching X Factor last night

Natalie Cassidy should have been in the bottom two - she was awful. Over confident in her interview beforehand then dull as ditchwater.

She thinks very highly of herself doesn't she?

Would like to have seen Richard through as he looked like he was enjoying being part of the show unlike Craig.
I liked Natalie's cha cha.  I thought she had great musicality throughout, but she did begin to tire before the end.

I think they all try to big themselves up before they go on just to give themselves a much needed boost.  Craig did look a bit miserable, like he didn't want to be there.

I would have liked to see JO go.  I thought both her dances were dreadful!
enjoyed the Sunday show, but I prefer having the results on the Saturday, only because with the Sunday show I had to steer clear of the forum for a day as there was always some 'informative' person bursting to say who had gone on the Saturday night. I like the drama of the live result. As to posting and watching - I like to comment on the show, but I live on my own, so like to watch it with the people here.

BBC had themselves to blame for that for deciding to pre-record it and the Sunday show was a bad idea, used to enjoy finding out on DS though lol all the spoiler threads on C4 used to be a right laugh for those of us who knew but understood some didn't want to know. I enjoyed being one step ahead of the BBC who didn't fool everyone. Gethin and Austin was the worse as I knew lots of women would not be happy lmao.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I liked Natalie's cha cha. I thought she had great musicality throughout, but she did begin to tire before the end. I think they all try to big themselves up before they go on just to give themselves a much needed boost
I suppose they do Suzi

I think what annoyed me about hers though was the fact that she said she was really going to get the "party started" or something along those lines and then.....flat as anything

I'll give the girl the benefit of the doubt... nerves got to her
Can't pick my winner this year yet - although I do like Abi and Laila - and Ricky Groves made me laugh out loud last week
I don't have a favourite yet, either.  I don't know who most of them are, so their "celebrity status" means nothing to me.  Ricky G. was brilliant, wasn't he?  I did not expect that at all!
I must say, I expected a lot more from Rav - simply because he looks so fit!  I should have known better after watcing Mark Foster last year (still can't get that fishnet shirt out of my head) and he was rubbish!

Having said that, not always the most fittest are the best.  Darren Gough was like a bull in a china shop when he first started, and the improvement he made was unbelivable!
Rav does have the "look" of a dancer doesn't he but he's terrible. Remains to be seen if he improves.

Think he should have gone last week but of course the panel chose to save the BBC employee ....

It's always interesting to see how much people improve over the weeks - they are the ones that deserve to make it to the end instead of the ones who are popular with the public.
I never thought of that Suzi ... of course Matthew was Alesha's partner.

Not very fair on him really if that was the case - I have to say whilst I loved Alesha last year and she was a deserved winner I don't think she should be on the judging panel.

She seems to struggle to think of what to say - it happened again last night - just echos whatever has been said before her.
Not very fair on him really if that was the case -
I agree, but he would not have been in that position if he hadn't been in the dance off anyway.  Of course, it's only speculation on my part, but some of the tabloid fodder that I have bothered to read, would have probably gone down that angle.

I do think Alesha is doing better with their commentary and comments.  I never liked Arlene on the panel and would have preferred Karen Hardy or Camilla as a judge.
Joe and Kristina an item?. Not surprising although they do have chemistry they should stop trying to fool people we're not stupid although their business. Only thing is can see why they're getting distracted with each other. Kristina is a right man eater, she's got over Vincent Simeone pretty quick
I didn't know Kristina and Vincent were an item?  I thougth it was Flavia and Vincent - just shows how much I keep up!    I wonder if John Sargeant and Kristina were an item then? 

I do wonder if they will be able to keep their relationship platonic though - or is it already too late?
didn't know Kristina and Vincent were an item? I thougth it was Flavia and Vincent - just shows how much I keep up! I wonder if John Sargeant and Kristina were an item then

Flavia and Vincent were an item but she cheated on him with Matt Di Angelo, they are still together despite rumours they had split up. Kristina went out with Corky Ballas her celeb dancing partner on DWTS before she came over here to SCD they split due to the long distance thing. Kristina and Vincent thing was for a while last year he had a girlfriend and he cheated on her with Kristina but then he got his girlfriend pregnant and they have a baby boy now and back together, Kristina was hurt. I love the BBC forums always full of gossip.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Flavia and Vincent were an item but she cheated on him with Matt Di Angelo, they are still together despite rumours they had split up. Kristina went out with Corky Ballas her celeb dancing partner on DWTS before she came over here to SCD they split due to the long distance thing. Kristina and Vincent thing was for a while last year he had a girlfriend and he cheated on her with Kristina but then he got his girlfriend pregnant and they have a baby boy now and back together, Kristina was hurt. I love the BBC forums always full of gossip.
So, Vincent has a different girlfriend other than Flavia?
So, Vincent has a different girlfriend other than Flavia?

Yes but they split up the year Matt Di Angelo was in SCD, they only dance professionally but this girlfriend he's been with her since last year or the year before according to the article I read about him and Kristina. I confused you Suzi sorry lol I meant Matt and Flavia are still together.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
2051 Forum Posts Today at 08:30

I just caught up with what I missed last night.  I was too sick to watch the programme last night.
There are too many dancers for me to keep track!  I wish they would have less zlebs and let them have the first couple of weeks off from being eliminated.  Then we could see how much they do improve week after week. I don't like seeing such high scores so early in the competition either.  Yes, some of them were outstanding, but 8's for their first dance?  Will they be getting 10's next week?
Sorry to hear you were sick last night.
I agree about there being so many dancers, and so many I haven't a clue who they are, at least I recognise most of the professionals.

They have to vary the point scores or they would all be very similar.
I twill be worse next week when they all dance, they have to give 2 x '8's to reach 30, and 2 x '7''s to reach 26, so with 14 sets of scores how else can you seperate them?
They have to vary the point scores or they would all be very similar. I twill be worse next week when they all dance, they have to give 2 x '8's to reach 30, and 2 x '7''s to reach 26, so with 14 sets of scores how else can you seperate them
That's what the public vote's for surely?  I think it's crazy to have such high scores in the first week.     Where's the achievement in getting a 10 if they have an 8 in week one?   It's if they start with 4's and 5's then reach the giddy heights of  a 9 that they seem to have achieved something.  Seriously - JO and Joe and Richard, should have been 2s and 3s and Ricky and Ali should have been getting 6sand 7s at this stage.
Sorry to hear you were sick last night. I agree about there being so many dancers, and so many I haven't a clue who they are, at least I recognise most of the professionals.
Thanks Hicky.

I'm with Kaffy on the scoring.  If they are scoring 8's in the first week, how will they ever achieve anything higher than a 10?  As caustic as Craig is, I do think he scores more realistic.  The judges are not really scoring the professionals, but the zlebs and not even Ricky W., as good as he is, was worth an 8 - especially as there were loads of technical errors, posture problems, etc.
I remember watching that last year. It was a briliant programme, and that bloke who won (I am awful at names) was fantastic

Robert Webb, he was so hilarious. Fact some of the routines were choreographed by Richard Marcel who also does things for SCD, he was the mastermind behind Alesha and Matt's Salsa and it got the highest watch SCD video on Youtube until BBC took it down because of copyright and YT removing videos.
darloboy (Play The Game!)

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