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Matt Cutler will be there also with Martina Hingis so she'll have some support from them. I know Phil Tufnell and Ricky Whittle and a number of the celebs actually taking part have spoke out in support of her which is nice. Alesha was going to get some criticism thats fine of course you're going to get that but some of it was way negative and digs at her I do feel sorry for her but she'll be fine with her support network of her friends and family and fans.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
But that wasn`t the reason Alesha is now on the judging panel.  It`s because BBC wanted one less technical judge and one to reflect the views of the celebs as contestants, whoever was hired Arlene was always going the journey and I don`t think Alesha`s doing a bad job.
Aleeeeesha Dickson is no match for Arlene, BBC were crazy to sack her. All cause she has more youthful looks, sad.
But that wasn`t the reason Alesha is now on the judging panel. It`s because BBC wanted one less technical judge and one to reflect the views of the celebs as contestants, whoever was hired Arlene was always going the journey and I don`t think Alesha`s doing a bad job.  For whatever reason they hired her. Who is she to tell a contestant, 'I was proud of you'. I dont think she's earned her life skills to say that to anyone. Jusy prefer Arlene, if I'm truthful.

Nearly 2m record 'Strictly' or 'X Factor'

Monday, September 21 2009, 17:05 BST

By Andrew Laughlin, Technology Reporter

Nearly 2m record 'Strictly' or 'X Factor'


Sky has revealed that nearly two million homes used Sky+ this weekend to record either Strictly Come Dancing or The X Factor during the scheduling clash.

On Saturday, the BBC opted to broadcast Strictly from 7.25pm to 9.05pm on BBC One, thus clashing with The X Factor which aired on ITV1 between 8pm and 9.15pm.

Therefore, 1.9m Sky+ and Sky+ HD subscribers used the recording function of their set top box to ensure that they did not miss either of the shows.

After The X Factor beat Strictly in the ratings war, figures released by Sky also indicate that it was the preferred choice for Sky+ users, with 1.2m saving the ITV1 show to watch later, compared to just 686,000 doing so for Strictly.

A Sky spokesperson said: "Scheduling clashes like this are what Sky+ was made for. It's great we've been able to save two million people from a difficult decision and enabled them to watch every second of their favourite shows."

The BBC's scheduling decision for Strictly Come Dancing has been widely criticised in the media, and even come under scrutiny from politicians.

During a speech at the Royal Television Society Cambridge Convention, shadow culture secretary Jeremy Hunt expressed his dismay at the corporation's approach.

"It was an extraordinary decision to disappoint thousands of licence fee payers," he said. "There will be thousands of viewers who are very angry at that decision."


Gough: Alesha must be more critical

Darren Gough says being a judge on Strictly Come Dancing was always going to be tough for Alesha Dixon. (PA)
Darren Gough thinks Alesha Dixon needs to be more critical
Darren Gough thinks Alesha Dixon needs to be more critical

Published Date: 21 September 2009
Former Strictly Come Dancing champion Darren Gough was not bowled over by Alesha Dixon's debut on the judging panel.
The retired England cricketer, who won the BBC celebrity dance contest in 2005, said she had to improve and needed to be more critical.

Gough, who defeated Dixon in the 2007 Strictly Come Dancing Christmas special, said: "Poor Alesha - she's a lovely girl, she was a terrific dancer when she did the show, and one of my proudest moments was beating her in the Champion of Champions, but as a judge I think she found it very, very hard."

He added: "I think some of the stick she's taken has been a little bit too far, but she's got to improve and if you're going to be honest about it, she's got to be more critical."

Gough, 39, said: "When you're not a professional dancer yourself and you have to stand up and judge people like Brendan Cole and Anton Du Beke who've been dancing for 15 to 20 years it's going to be very difficult for her."

Gough said the 30-year-old former pop star had tried to "sit on the fence" during her appearances so far: "She said basically the same thing - 'oh you look nervous, but nice start to the competition'."

Gough also revealed that fellow cricketer Phil Tufnell had a bit of a reputation as a twinkle toes - particularly when he has had a drink.

He said: "He does like getting up on the floor and doing a bit of disco dancing - I've seen him in the past, normally when he's had a few jars too many or so."
I just watched Alesha, Craig and Darcey on ITT and Craig did reiterate the reason she`s on the panel and that they are all happy.  I`m going to give up now on reading the bashing threads, I`ve just read the ITT thread on DS and they are really laying into her.  I think we realise that some people will continue to do it for the whole of the series no matter how she improves

Jeppa I give up I really do, i've just posted in a thread on the BBC message boards from someone slating her for her appearance on ITT, do these people expect Alesha to take lots of criticism then not given a chance to defend herself?. I've noticed lots of personal digs creeping in now on DS and on the BBC website about Alesha herself, so sounds like heat is taken off the BBC for a bit now.

darloboy (Play The Game!)
jeppa 1415 Forum Posts Today at 19:37

I know Darlo, they are even saying that she was only a mediocre dancer - despite the fact that all the judges, including Craig tonight, said that she was the best winner ever and could have been professional
I think Alesha was a great dancer, the ones that are saying she wasn't are just fans of one of the others and will never change their mind.
Alesha will do the job that they have hired her to do, it's just sour grapes on the part of some.
And those that wanted Arlene to stay will never except Alesha or anyone else.

I just hope Alesha can hang on and the program makers keep backing her.
I know which I would rather look at.
I'm afraid that so far I have tended not to give too much weight to Alesha's opinions. I suppose that's because I am not convinced her views are solidly based.
Say I am being trivial if you like but there are a couple of little things which prevent me from warming to her:
> I loathe the huge wild hair
> I loathe it when people can't be bothered to say the letter T.
She did it a lot on ITT tonight, and it irritates me so much (Glottal stops and Estuary English make me cringe.)

Interestingly on ITT, Darcey Bussell commented on the awful tango music which dancers have had to endure. As a ballet dancer I hope to hear her make further comments when the music is inappropriate. After all she is used to dancing to music which matches the action.
Her comments tonight pointed out that wrong music can be an unfair disadvantage to a dancer. Good for her.
Sorry, Darlo, but I will never be convinced that Alesha becoming a judge is a right move.  As I have stated before, I adored Alesha when she danced (even though I had never heard of her before).  I watch SCD because of the dancing and not because I like or admire a particular celebrity.  I like watching Phil Tufnel on telly, but it remains to be seen if he can dance.

The public already have a voice - they can vote (or not).
Completely agree, Suzi-Q.     I enjoy Dancing with the Stars too - and I know even less of them!  I don't enjoy it quite as much as Strictly though.  The quality of dancing is sometimes superb, but the 'rules' are a bit different and the dances are a bit more show-bizzy for my liking.  I'm a traditionalist - which is why I usually agree with Len and Craig.

Regarding ITT last evening I don't thinK Aleshas argument that she trained for 4 months qualifies her to be a judge, that's just plain silly and an insult to every professional dancer who has slogged their guts out for their art and would be better placed to judge than her.

I have always loved Alesha but combined with her performances on Fri/Sat and then last night, the verdict is out on whether I will continue watching SCD. Gorgeous girl & entertainer but not right as a judge IMO

Sorry, Darlo

Why apologise to me?, grrr it annoys me when people on here do that when they disagree with me, difference of opinion thats all.

Alesha is now getting slated for her ITT appearance ok maybe some will disagree with what she said but she was there to respond to this criticism and to defend herself which she is entitled to of course but now some people are hanging off every action she does and word she says to criticise her but she will deal with it.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
but now some people are hanging off every action she does and word she says to criticise her but she will deal with it.
We have differences of opinions, which you said yourself but by voicing mine it does not mean that I am hanging off her every action to criticise her.
It would seem we differ wildly in our current opinions but then I guess that's what forums are all about and it shouldn't mean anything personal.
Holy Moley, had a look into SCD thread and its vicious! Not something that I would ever condone
 Fairfax people are entitled to their opinions thats fine, but I kind of regret saying that now as it doesn't happen here I was thinking of elsewhere as I do post on the BBC site and have a look at DS for any info or gossip to read or to post here and of course here we're more respectful than them places as they are kind of scary at times, but from what i've read some just won't give her a break obviously she did deserve some criticism maybe some harsh but I kinda feel that some weren't prepared to give her a chance and were just going to moan about but not all though as I have seen some fair comments from other people.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Why apologise to me?, grrr it annoys me when people on here do that when they disagree with me, difference of opinion thats all.
Sorry.  Opps!  Just a habit I have.

Anyway, I thought Claudia looked lovely last night.  I'm glad she got rid of that heavy fringe - I just always wanted to grab some scissors and give it a trim!

It will take a lot to make me turn off SCD.
Anyway, I thought Claudia looked lovely last night. I'm glad she got rid of that heavy fringe - I just always wanted to grab some scissors and give it a trim

Claudia is fab, she has posted on the BBC website before and does read the forums she left a lovely message to me last year before in a thread I had started with my username over there but ITT wouldn't be the same without her she sure knows her stuff and glad she was in the audience on Saturday, Len's masterclass is back soon.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I've only seen one series of Dancing with the Stars - the one with Heather Mills (spit, spit) but I agree, I loved it!
I only got into the last one so did't see Heather Mills.    I think the new one starts soon on Watch (late September it said)  I must look it up and set the V+ box.   Donny Osmond and Kelly Osborne are competing in this one.

Vanessa Feltz blasts Dixon criticism

Tuesday, September 22 2009, 19:30 BST

By Daniel Kilkelly, Entertainment Reporter

Vanessa Feltz blasts Dixon criticism

Rex Features

Vanessa Feltz has claimed that critics of Strictly Come Dancing's new recruit Alesha Dixon are hypocrites.

Fans of the BBC One ballroom show have complained that Dixon is a poor replacement for Arlene Phillips since she made her debut on the programme last week.

However, Feltz has now insisted that the same viewers objected to Phillips when she was on the panel.

Writing in her Daily Express column, she said: "The 'she's too ancient' versus 'she's too clueless' debate rages ever more ferociously. People who wouldn't know their paso doble from their merengue profess to be outraged at Alesha Dixon's lack of ballroom pedigree.

"Strictly-ites, who happily scoffed as Arlene stumbled clumsily over her painfully scripted flights of alliteration, suddenly insist they miss her more fervently than their deceased relatives."

She continued: "Strictly Come Dancing is a light entertainment show, not an in-depth induction to the arcane origins of the rumba. There isn't time for exacting analysis.

"Alesha's more than equal to the task - looking delectably pretty and spitting out the occasional empathetic platitude. Lay off Ms Dixon. It's not her fault she got the gig."

The BBC yesterday insisted that it is "really pleased" with Dixon's performance on the show.


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