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Again I thought Hollins was smug and not at all sincere on Breakfast this morning.

His apparent spit reation from Strictly fans will hopefully be enough to see him not win, but I will not hold out much hope.

The best dancers should be in the final and Mr smug hollins is far from being the best dancer, ok so he improved, but his improvement was not sufficient to see him named as the best dancer, or even the second or third or even fourth, I would put him behind Ali, Ricky, Jade and Zoe.

Everyone mentions his personality, but all I see is a smug player of the public. ala "oh we are the underdogs and soooo amazed and suprised to make it so far" utter rubbish, if you ask me.

If he wins with a comedic routine and does not outdance Ricky then it will be a hollow victory and make a total mockery of the principles of the show.

I would go as far as to say that I would laugh if he lost, not for Ola because she has been genuine and sincere and was genuinely upset that Ali was voted out, whereas the smug git stood there grinning a smug and yet somehow gormless grin!
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Cigarettes & Alcohol.  You are fully entitled to your opinion but I just don't see it the same way.  Chris and Ola should win. 

Chris is not smug.  If anything he is probably bemused that he has got this far.  The old "chestnut" about the best dancers winning went out of the window a while ago.  If you want a dance competition then leave it to the "professionals" to be the judges and don't let the public take any part (which defeats the object of the show).

If the public choose Chris and Ola (which I sincerely hope they do) then it will be because they entertained the public the most over the course of the series; not because they were the best dancers.  Tom was not the best dancer last year but he deserved to win; which thankfully he did.

Sorry if you don't like my take in things.  As I said you are, of course, entirely entitled to your opinion but not everyone will agree with you.
Joyron, you too are entitled to your opinion, and as equally as entitled to it as me or anyone else.

Tom Chambers did not deserve to win last year as he was not the best dancer, he just produced the crowd pleasing in terms of comedy routine.

Just as the smug git hollins is playing the clown and playing the public, with his poor me I am amazed act.

I have seen nothing from him that makes me feel he is anything but smug, and I watch breakfast, and ITT.

He knows he has the public support and is playing to it, which is smug, and he was so ungracious in the semi at the end!

I will express my opinion, and allegedly there is a split on the BBC message boards that say he does NOT deserve to be in the final.

As someone else says one persons entertainment is someone elses total turn off, and I personally have had enough of the clowns winning, it is dreadfully dull to know that clowning beats talent.
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Hello Cigs. Chris isn't that bad lol ok if this was a personality contest he would win but no doubt it's a entertainment show as more for me as well as dancing and thats why people enjoy watching him because he is fun.

Ricky is nice and fun also he can dance very good as we all know, he's had a tougher route to the final and criticism to put up with because some couldn't connect with him or Natalie but he will finish up rightly runner up. I should be keeping the faith but it's been obvious for a while Chris and Ola will win and if they do then they deserve it.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
As I said previously Cigarettes & Alcohol, I respect your right to your opinion.  Other people (like me) see it differently.  It may be called strictly Come Dancing but if it were not a type of "competition" then the public would not be involved in choosing who should win.

If as you say one person's entertainment is another person's turnoff then perhaps if you are not happy with the possible result you should turn off.  I will watch because there is a chance Chris will win.  I do not agree with you that he is smug; it's just your view of him.  I will be very unhappy if Ricky wins as I just cannot stand him, but then that's my personal opinion which I agree not everyone will share  That's just the way it goes.

I will be very happy if Chris wins, as I was last year when Tom won.    I do not agree with you that Tom did not deserve to win.  He entertained the public, which is what the programme is all about.  I think perhaps we just have different views about what the programme aims to do!!  We all see things differently.  I wanted Olly to win on the X Factor on Saturday but he didn't.  I'll get over it as it was the public's decision.
well it seems to me that from what is said that we have the wrong judges for this type of show.

The judges are judging the dancing and the public isn't.

We have lost Ali when she has just scored the highest score ever in a dance and that is 50 out of 50 for a single dance.

She was voted out by a public that isn't judging dancing any more.

So I can't see the point in these judges telling them how well they are dancing, they might as well have a few people to judge how funny or entertaining they are.

The public is judging their home life their ordinary day job, who they are dancing with, every sort of thing but not the dancing.

So if the judges decide, Ricky will win, if the public decide it could be the joker Chris, purely because he has more fans.
I thought Tom deserved his win last year.
I don't know what Ricky or Chris are like away from the cameras.
But when they are performing one of them is streets better than the other in my opinion.
Ricky entertains me and pleases me because he is the better dancer (I thought Ali was even better.)
But Chris doesn't entertain me. In spite of much improvement his dancing is not up to the standard of a final in my opinion. (He hasn't even got his hands right after all this time.)
Ricky dances better and entertains me more.
The other one doesn't.
when chris was smirking when ali went out put me off, atleast Natalie looked gutted for them. I wish they didnt allow these people who are on these morning shows on there as they can plug themselves every day, i swear that is helping more and more for chris.
I think Chris was pleased at getting through but he definetly gave his commiserations to Ali and Brian. Chris obviously has more PR because he's a BBC employee so can promote his cause where as for Ricky he's going down to Liverpool every day to film Hollyoaks then back to London to train so doesn't have much time to do that so some people can only judge him during show time.

Not confirmed yet but it seems Ricky's dances might be his Quickstep and the Cha Cha Cha, others obviously the Lindyhop and the Showdance.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I will watch because there is a chance Chris will win. I do not agree with you that he is smug; it's just your view of him. I will be very unhappy if Ricky wins as I just cannot stand him, but then that's my personal opinion which I agree not everyone will share That's just the way it goes.
Same opinion here Joyron. Moreover I absolutely loathe the Hollyoaks trailer that they have running at the moment with Ricky and his fellow actors on the dancefloor, a la stricly
I absolutely loathe the Hollyoaks trailer that they have running at the moment with Ricky and his fellow actors on the dancefloor, a la stricly
Me too...if Chris did something like that I'm sure the Ricky fans would use it to up the 'popularity vs talent' debate.

More importantly...I can't believe I'm gonna miss the bloomin final
when chris was smirking when ali went out put me off, atleast Natalie looked gutted for them. I wish they didnt allow these people who are on these morning shows on there as they can plug themselves every day, i swear that is helping more and more for chris.
That smug gormless grin was the final nail in his coffin for me, everyone else was either in or close to tears, whilst the "entertainer" was living it large, sort oh I am great and you are gone look.

As for his self promotion on Breakfast, and with turnbull, williams, reid, staite, and kirkwood, all bigging him up, it is ridculous.

Personally if I had wanted clowns I would have gone to the circus, not watched what is in esscence still a dancing competition.
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Wow, Joyrun, so gracious of you to allow me to have an opinion, and so generous of you to take time out of your busy life to schedule my tv watching for me!

In the past Darren Gough was ridiculed, but by the time he won, he was a real dancer and a real entertainer.

Tom Chambers was a good dancer, and I was not dissapointed he made the final, as I loathe the snowdon woman, but he did not deserve to win as Rachel Stevens was streets ahead of him as a dancer, and her and Vincents show dance was stunning.

Smugfaced Hollins, has bad hands, a bad facial expression, bad posture, and does not always get his footwork right, I would put him down as the 5th best dancer this series.
Cigarettes & Alcohol
 1742 Forum PostsYesterday at 22:01 (Edited: )
Reference: Can't even believe that Bruce was letting Claudia do tap in 6" heels, is he mad?

 I don't expect Bruce had any say in what shoes Claudia wore!
Well it looked pretty stupid teaching someone in heels like that to tap dance, he should have got her the right shoes for the job.

If Claudia had have hurt herself doing stupid things in high heels then Len would have carried the can.

Don't think she can walk in them never mind do anything else.
Wow, Joyrun, so gracious of you to allow me to have an opinion, and so generous of you to take time out of your busy life to schedule my tv watching for me!

Only just seen this.  That was TOTALLY unnecessary.  I was trying to be polite but put my opinion accross.  You obviously just want to "throw your toys out of the pram".  That shows me that you cannot take anyone else's opinion against your own.  What a pity!!!

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