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He's not smug, just leave that emotion to me right now. Your like Bruno, attacking the guy because of his face. lol
Erm, he is smug, just look at him.

I am not attacking his face, just the fact he is by far and away the least talented of the three, and got to the final by playing the public, playing the underdog card, and knowing all along it would work.
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Cigs, you obviously don't like him, but just maybe he was gobsmacked that he had got through, just maybe. Anyway thanks for the discussion tonight, can't watch the final next week because of a prior evening out, totally forgot when I said I would go that it was the SCD final night, so just want to say - good luck to both dancers next week, may the best one on the night win, and yes, I would sneakily like it to be Chris, but if Ricky wins, he will have deserved it.
What I do not like is purely the fact that for the last couple of weeks he has been so smug.

If he had witheld his smug grin for even a few seconds, he could be forgiven, but he did not, we had everyone else, including Ola being respectful and gracious, but not the hollins.

He is going to win, he could probably afford to drop Ola in the show dance and still win, but heyho, that is the way it goes, it is never about talent and ability, but about how well you play the public.....

I am sure it will be a good final, but not a great one

I am happy for the supporters of others if their boy made it through, I just think it is a disgrace that the worst dancer even with the "massive" improvement went through in what should be a dancing contest.

If Ola wins, then she will deserve it for taking him all the way, but he won't.
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Erm, he is smug, just look at him. I am not attacking his face, just the fact he is by far and away the least talented of the three, and got to the final by playing the public, playing the underdog card, and knowing all along it would work
You sort of are attacking him because of his facial expressions, he cant help how he looks, he always seems a down to earth modest guy when he speaks.
You sort of are attacking him because of his facial expressions, he cant help how he looks, he always seems a down to earth modest guy when he speaks.
Hmmm, because like the judges, dancing is not simply about the footwork (which he has improved but is still not great), but about the whole package, and his facial expression DO detract from the performance.

It would be like miss world gurning, yep the rest of her looks good, but then the facial expression might make her look ugly....

I personally do not see this modesty, it is the look in his eyes when he says he is amazed to have made it this far blah blah blah, but he just does not look believeable.
Cigarettes & Alcohol
I dont see Chris and Ola have this in the bag  - overall Ricky has been a good dancer - he has made a few mistakes but as tonight proves he came out with two wonderful dances and earned his place - Chris has had the viewers vote for weeks - for me the show dance is the be all and end all of final night - I just dont see Chris doing a show dance with any magnificence that Ricky is going to be able to do

Ricky to win for me - I have wished this from week 1
I am very disappointed with tonight's result.
We have a very uneven final now (but based on tonight's fiasco it is possible the worst dancer could win.)
I have lost a lot of interest now.
I can't understand why so many people say Chris was entertaining. Would that be in a non-dancing sort of way.
I am most entertained by the best dancing and that is definitely not Chris.
I am very sorry we are now deprived of a fascinating final.
Ali danced beautifully throughout.
Chris would deserve to win if Ricky was to finish runner up which I am sure he wil
Ricky should never have been in the dance off last week - he was top of the leader board - he was top again tonight but the viewers voted   at this stage dancing must be a consideration it isnt just about personality - I really dont see Chris winning  - but it is all down to the voters and as said previously I think the show dance as well - I like Chris as a person but Ricky IMHO is the dancer of the two - had it have been a judges choice tonight Chris would have gone home 

really looking forward to next weeks show dances  
In terms of the showdance, Ricky and Natalie will produce something spectacular (as long as he doesn't mess up and drop her) whilst, Ola will most probably choreograph something comedical to play to the clowns ability to clown around and hide his lack of ability and to the publics sense of humour.

I do think Ola deserves to win, for the way she has taken Chris along, but, Natalie has pushed the limits of Ricky in her choice of choreography, it is a mismatch, and as Brisket and liver say it does not have the appeal of the two best dancers going head to head.
Cigarettes & Alcohol
Tom and Camilla won because of their show dance( which was amazing) They certainly weren't the best dancers though.

I never really liked Tom, but they had the show stopping dance on the night.

I wasn't really that bothered about who made it to the final, because I wanted Jade to be there.

The right couple never seem to make the final. I'm still gutted that Zoe and Ian never won
Cigarettes & Alcohol 1244 Forum PostsToday at 22:59 (Edited: ) Reference: can't believe chris has got through to the final Ali was robbed cigs i agree, he's too smug for my liking, Ricky to win for me *i must have a thing for Rickys, my ex husband was Ricky and my long time boyfriend before him was Ricky* LOL at your Ricky fetish

i seem to attract them  they've all been wasters  i got a lovely daughter from one though

chris is still smug *stick tongue out smillie*

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