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Having watched again (yes I am sad I sky+d it), The gobby annoying arrogant Cassidy woman definately messed up in the middle of the dance and again this was ignored by the judges.  She is without doubt the weakest dancer and to me offers absolutely zero in entertainment terms, flat footed no elegance and her facial expressions are dire.

On reflection, I think out of the two tuffers did deserve to go, but only just it was that tight.

As for Jade, she should be given one more chance, but definately with the dance she is scheduled to do this week, not the one she missed out on, as this would be a further advantage to her.

I disagree with some, I like Laila's personality, it is just a bit more subdued than others.

I would be happy to see the back of either Ricky G or Cassidy next followed by the other the week after.

If Jade cannot dance next week she should be withdrawn from the competition.

I am totally disliking the tortellini fella this series, it is time for him to move on, hardly any constructive criticism, just nastiness.

As for Bruce, he is getting long in the tooth, but I cannot think of anyone I would like to see replace him, and a definate no for winkleman to take over backstage, she is a nutjub, likeable yes, and nice for a change, but no to fulltime job on the main show.

Ricky W needs to pick up his act, I think Ali is pulling away from him in terms of technique, and her personality is coming through more and more in her performances.

I dunno why the judges gloss over the cassidys many errors and overmark her so much, but it is starting to annoy me more and more!!!
Cigarettes & Alcohol
This is a paragraph from the BBCs Strictly Come Dancing voting policy:

"There are a number of contingencies which could occur during or before each show, as with any other live television programme. Contingencies cover withdrawal of any celebrity, professional dancer or judge for health reasons or other unforeseen circumstances or outside the control of the BBC. The remedial actions may include, but not be limited to changing the format of the show, including, removing, substituting or adding professional dancers and or judges; and cancelling, suspending or altering voting at any time. In the event of any contestant leaving the competition at any point prior to the quarter finals, the BBC will decide on whether to reinstate previous contestants i.e. the person with the highest score eliminated from the previous episode or equivalent, or to take other actions in accordance with the BBC's contingency plans as it deems necessary and appropriate to the circumstances."
I think Laila will prove it was totally right to keep her in and make the most of having another chance
personally I think the public voted to keep Anton in .........although Laila isn't a 'bad' dancer she really isn't up there in the top four or five. I have hope that she may improve but TBH - she is pretty average - the public simply adore Anton though.
Soozy Woo

Darlo must be at college!

It was a fix that he and Craig Kelly stayed in as long as they did.  I must say I disagree that Jade should have dropped out.  When she couldn't dance on the Saturday, she was devastated and had not had time to have her knee properly assessed.  If it turns out that she can't continue, then they should have no one eliminated this week.
Joe Calzaghe is one very bad loser.  He was one of the worst dancers on there along with Craig, and really deserved to go.

Hopefully there will be some positive news about Jade and Leila today regarding dancing on Saturday.

They are both getting some dreadful things written about them on other boards, especially DS and BBC sites, I have done the same thing as Leila many times and was 100% behind her on Saturday as she was dancing, it's a wonder she was able to walk on those shoes, let alone dance.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Fairfax .........

 offline 432 Forum Posts Today at 15:40 (Edited: )
God that wooden lump Joe has some cheek. He was absolutely dreadful on the dancefloor, Martina Hingis and IMO Richard Dunwoody were better or at least as bad as him (whatever your perspective is) He was damned lucky to have remained in the show for as long as he did. He definately needs a reality check
He can only see the situation through his own eye's, they may not see things as others see them, he never will as he can't see through your eyes.

So blame him not for his opinion, we all are entitled to them.
Fairfax .........

 online 433 Forum Posts Today at 16:52 (Edited: )
Reference: So blame him not for his opinion, we all are entitled to them

So you blame me for my opinion.
Well in my opinion the chap is a deluded rotten dancer and a sore looser (as seen through my eyes)
Were did I blame you for your opinion?
I said that we are all entitled to our own opinion, him also of course.
Strictly Come Dancing

Strictly Come Dancing: Here come the girls!

By Theresa Heath on November 17, 2009 2:06 PM

Now we're down to a handful of contestants I finally have time to blog again. With previous episodes lasting about 2 and half days, plus the time it takes for Bruce to get through his links, I barely had time to eat and sleep. I love Strictly, but come on - almost 3 hours? Without toilet breaks?

This week saw the departure of Phil Snake-hips Tufnell after he lost out in the dance-off to Ricky No-hips Groves. I was sad to see him go but it was always going to be a tuffie (ha). Both Groves and Tuffers are the big characters in this series, with the added bonus that they can actually dance a bit too. Personally I thought Phil had the edge on Groves but Len didn't agree - and it was the boot for Phil.

It was a fairly predictable result with none of the controversy of previous weeks, even with the public giving Laila a second chance. It would have been jolly unfair if they hadn't, given that she was dancing on one leg, and besides - its amusing to watch Anton's disbelief as he progresses further than ever in the history of the show.

For me, however, the highlight of Saturday's show was Tess and Claudia - and didn't they do well? I say pack Bruce off to the comfort of his sofa for good, and get Daly upfront and Winkles in the back room. For once the bits in between the dancing were a joy to watch.

Claudia. Prettier than Bruce.

Were did I blame you for your opinion? I said that we are all entitled to our own opinion, him also of course

Lets not be disingenuous here. You know exactly how you responded to me Hickey 

But thats OK this is a public forum and as you are in favour of people having an opinion,you're entitled to yours as much as I am to mine. Its just a pity that Joe C had to express his opinions so negatively and rudely about the show and a fellow contestant when he clearly was an utter disaster on the floor himself.

Am I the only person wondering what Joe C. called Craig Kelly? "worse than a swear word
I'm wondering that too Yogi.  It seems very strange. Why does Joe C feel the need to mention his displeasure now?  He must know his remarks will hurt Craig Kelly and the dance competition itself. I think his comments are very mean spirited and in poor taste.

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