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Perhaps it would have wiser for Anton and Laila to have withdrawn.
But as they did dance, I cannot for the life of me see how they escaped a dance off, and eviction.
Laila is through - but not on merit.
Setting precedents like this is dodgy ground. What if each week somebody decides to retire halfway through their dance?
To me an incomplete dance is just not good enough (whatever the reason.)
I don`t think it was a vote on merit - I believe it was a sympathy vote. And I don`t like, or approve of, sympathy votes.


On a more positive note I thought once again Ali and Brian were great, closely followed by Ricky Whittle and Natalie.
Perhaps it would have wiser for Anton and Laila to have withdrawn. But as they did dance, I cannot for the life of me see how they escaped a dance off, and eviction
Wouldn't that also to apply to Jade and Ian who got to sail through to next week without dancing, fair enough Jade's injury was more serious and it's a shame but it would have been unfair on Laila if she went in that circumstance... glad she got through.

Laila has a lot of guts for dancing through the pain, she was ok enough to dance but it still hurts but she deserved another chance and thrilled she has it because she deserves it.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Gosh some people on the BBC message boards are really getting their claws into poor Laila and Jade, not their fault they're injured and someone had to go either way...
I think it was a bit unfair that Jade got another week , simply on the strength of getting injured. After all, she could have had a terrible dance this week ... but we shall never know. As for Laila... I felt really sorry for her... she seemed genuinely in a lot of pain..... but, again,  I feel she was simply saved by a sympathy vote.
Really not seeing where the support of Natalie is coming from .....thought she was over marked tonight TBH .......she's flat footed and there's no elegance at all IMO.

Anyone seen her when she thinks the cameras are off? What a sour faced old cow ..........bit different to the bubbly, bubbly nicey, nicey when cameras are rolling.

Not liking her (OR HER stomping at all).
Soozy Woo
But if an injured contestant decides to dance I think they should not receive special treatment - they should be judged on the same criteria as everybody else.
Absoloutely! I think Lailla was in a dreadful position as she knew Jade had withdrawn earlier with a (perhaps) more serious injury. I'm guessing she was put under some sort of pressure TBH. In fairness she really didn't get a great score from the judges .....they reacted accordingly. The public voted to save her ......i'm guessing Anton might have something to do with it.
Soozy Woo
am i the only 1 that like Natalie and Vincent
Nope....the judges like them too

I'm glad Tuffnell's gone.  I liked him in the comp, but I'm glad to see all the difficult ones to watch in case they go wrong are being weeded out.  I won't be popular for saying this, but hopefully Ricky Groves next week

Poor Laila, at least she gave it a go.  As for Jade, what a shame.  I just hope she'll be okay for Jan.  Imagine having to back out of athletics because you entered a dance competition   Will they give her another go next week?  I missed the end (Ire -v- Fra in the world cup)
Hello everyone.  I couldn't be bothered to set up the lap top in front of the telly last night, so watched and moaned with hubby instead.  And I didn't get the constant "what's the forum saying now?" questions! 

Shame about Laila and Jade - I hope both are able to compete fully next week.  If not, they should not be allowed to continue.  It will throw a damper on the semi finals and finals though, so they will have to have a week or two of no one leaving.

I thought Ricky G was marginally better than Tuffers.  It was split at our house as to who should leave.  Ricky will really need to pull out all the stops next week if he wants to continue - same with Natalie.  Chris Hollins is dancing on thin ice too, but I do see a lot of improvement and I did like his Paso - but the music was crap!
Morning Temps ltns

Yes, she had a bye, and will appear next week, however, I thought they should have judged her by the dress rehearsal that took place earlier, as it was only on the last move that her knee popped out, I consider that it would have been fairer

And as for natalie, she has grown on me weekly, she has such passion and vivaciousness for each & every dance, I really want her & vincent to get to the final

I would love it if Laila went next week and thought she should have been in the dance off last night, she has the personality of a mushroom
Hi Gel and are you both this morning?

Natalie to me comes across like a teacher's pet.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not too keen on the 'I'm so crap even though I'm brilliant' facade either, but Natalie's schmooozing is starting to grate now   I'm very picky

I didn't miss Bruce at all...I hardly thought about him either.  I love Brucie, but to be honest I think he's jokes before each dance are lame to say the least   Like your dad making a speech at a wedding

I'm not sure I agree with Jade being given another go.  If she didn't perform on a night I don't think it's fair to the others.  I know her knee was very badly injured etc and she would have performed if she could.  But I still don't think she should get a green card to next week.
Hiya Temps and Gel

I can't say that I missed Bruce either, and I do like Brucie!  Tess did all right, a bit flustered at the beginning doing Bruce's job, but overall she did all right.  Claudia was brilliant!  I prefer her backstage rather than Tess.

I really, really like Jade and I'm glad she went through.  Not that fussed about Laila, tbh, and I was really hoping she would do better overall than she has done.  It's a shame they were both injured.  It's been a bad year for injuries - Ali with her foot a couple of weeks ago and Tuffers having had to have surgery on his knee.

It's getting tougher and no one that is being slack will be able to blag it anymore.  I think Ricky G and Chris and Natalie are the weakest dancers now.
Really enjoyed a Bruceless show last night, it was much better without his constant me, me, me routine, I think the show ran well and Tess was great, so was Claudia, really enthuastic and warm towards the contestants.

Poor Jade and Leila, that was a shame, loved the way Anton just knew she couldn't carry on any more and picked her up and twirled her round, and Jade's knee - dreadful.

If I was Brucie, I would be worried, the show carried on perfectly well without him and DS and BBC boards, most people are saying the same thing.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

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