@Baz posted:Definitely in the danger zone !
Yes……but the public love him ……think they’ve gone off the Ringer🤣🙏🤞
@Baz posted:Definitely in the danger zone !
Yes……but the public love him ……think they’ve gone off the Ringer🤣🙏🤞
@Kaytee posted:Yes……but the public love him ……think they’ve gone off the Ringer🤣🙏🤞
I’m not sure they were ever on the ringer 🤣🤣🤣
Well done her 👏👏👏
@Kaytee posted:Wouldn’t mind her winning
Me neither …although I really would love it to be Chris
That was better than usual Pete🤣👏
@Baz posted:Me neither …although I really would love it to be Chris
Goes without saying……but any finalist apart from the ringer 🤣
@Kaytee posted:Goes without saying……but any finalist apart from the ringer 🤣
Yes 🤣🤣🤣
Think that Craig was right there……robotic ,that’s the word I was looking for
@Baz posted:They are definitely gunning for Pete !
Of course…..he’s the weakest link
@Kaytee posted:Think that Craig was right there……robotic ,that’s the word I was looking for
Did someone strangle a cat?????that singer is awful 😱
Cute little kids❤️
@Baz posted:Come on JB …beat her to the top of the leaderboard
He won’t get 4 10s…..he beat her in the last round
There’s bits of this dance I don’t like
@Kaytee posted:He won’t get 4 10s…..he beat her in the last round
Yes, he did, but I’m hoping his combined score might beat her
@Baz posted:Yes, he did, but I’m hoping his combined score might beat her
Looks like they more than liked it 🙏🙏🙏👍👍
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