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We all know that there are long periods of mind numbing boredom in that house and I've been thinking about which hm has the best strategies for coping with this.

Sophie seems to simply eat her way through it which is not really the best!

Marcus is pretty good at staring into space for hours on end but he seems to be stewing on things which is also not great.

Freddie would over-analyse himself and everyone else into a catatonic state given half the chance.

Bea plots and schemes and seems to me to have a huge amount of self-control but this spills out in her irritation with others.

Lisa smokes herself to death and has established a routine around food and fags that gives her a sense of order.

Charlie and Rodrigo keep each other distracted with their 'pranks followed by hissy fits' game.

Siavash mooches around mentally chastising himself for the Noirin affair and waiting for the endgame.

David, it seems to me, is the best able to cope. His factory job is dull and monotonous so he's perhaps more used to it and (I mean this in the nicest possible way) he doesn't think too deeply about anything and so fills his time from one hour to the next.

I don't know how I'd cope without TV, books, computer and all the other stimulus we take for granted. Plus there are only so many times they can tell each other their life stories!

What would your strategies be?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Hypermnesia:
I don't think I'd ever be bored in there, I love observing behaviour, and interacting.

And I would be happy with my own thoughts too.

However, I wouldn't ever want to be a housemate.

I like observing but not so much the interacting!

In my normal life I love my own company and get pissy if I don't get my own space and so I think whilst I'd be happy with my own thoughts I would crack under the intensity of living so close to others.

I also would never ever want to be a hm in a gazillion years! Big Grin
Originally posted by electric6:
Lisa smokes herself to death and has established a routine around food and fags that gives her a sense of order

I'd do that probably Red Face.....hopefully without the nails-down-blackboard singing all the time though!

I smoke more when bored too and not having much food would make me smoke more too.

I often wonder about eviction nights and how they're locked in for hours on end and whether the smokers have planned the last fag and are desperate for the next because that's what I'd do.

It's an evil addiction. Nod
Originally posted by skive:

I smoke more when bored too and not having much food would make me smoke more too.

I often wonder about eviction nights and how they're locked in for hours on end and whether the smokers have planned the last fag and are desperate for the next because that's what I'd do.

It's an evil addiction. Nod

Yeah. I'd do the same on eviction nights...You're right, we're daft...we're bloody crazy! Laugh

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