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I lost my job because I became alcohol dependent after a lot of crap happened.I got struck off and now am applying for anything but in over a year and about 200 applications have not had even an interview.Should I keep on being honest or start lying about why I lost my job? Or could lie to my doctor and say I am drinking and go on incapacity benefit?(been sober for over a year) ps hate AA,don't buy the higher power stuff.

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Hi sweetipops... please don't give up! have you thought it might just be the recession that is making finding a job difficult to obtain and not your former problem.I know a lot of people that are finding it difficult at the moment.
I like the idea of doing some charity work... this may help your confidence... I am sure that it probably needs a boost of some sort.Try to find a charity that you would be actually interested in, that way you will enjoy what you are doing and you just might feel that you are making a difference . HugI do not know whether you have a support network in place but I do know that this forum is jolly good for getting things off your chest. Best of luck.... and do try to believe that when you're down the only way you can go is upwards! Hug
Hi, when you say you were struck off, what did you do before? I wouldnt lie to the doctor, they have enough to do. It is a tricky one what to write on your CV, could you put you were ill and are now well, and get a reference from someone you used to work with? Doing some charity work in the meantime is a good idea, it looks like you are doing something whilst looking for work. Plus it will get you back into the swing of things and feel you are doing something useful x
ps. have you thought this actually might be the real time to reassess what you really want to do in life, most of us do jobs which helps us to pay the bills ... but spend most of the time unhappy with what we are doing! ask yourself this... what would really rock your boat....... think about it, then go for it! Have confidence, believe in yourself!Life shouldn't be about regrets but about understanding that we have the power to make things happen... come on you can do it! Hug
Originally posted by figtree:
ps. have you thought this actually might be the real time to reassess what you really want to do in life, most of us do jobs which helps us to pay the bills ... but spend most of the time unhappy with what we are doing! ask yourself this... what would really rock your boat....... think about it, then go for it! Have confidence, believe in yourself!Life shouldn't be about regrets but about understanding that we have the power to make things happen... come on you can do it! Hug

Brill post, completely agree.

And well done on staying sober, that's fabulous Big Grin
Originally posted by ContessaQ:
lie on your aplication form for a new job, past employers are not allowed to say anything negative about you, only can confirm you worked for them.
that only depends on the job, for instance if you were nursing and dealing with drugs etc past employers are obliged to say reasons for leaving. The same with working with children , elderly and vunerable people.
A good idea is to look for some sort of voluntary work, you can put that down as most recent/current job. Even though it is unpaid it is STILL employment. Put down Personal Reasons for leaving your other job. Don't be putting ANYTHING negative in the application form. If you want to be honest and up front, the interview is where your past drinking can be discussed...not the application stage. You can use any voluntary work for updating skills and for recent references too.

Couple of good sites ....

CSV are a really good organisation Thumbs Up

This will give you the chance to explore areas you might not have thought of as a career before, and lots of organisations can pay for volunteers to take qualifications and training. It will also help to get you back into the workplace slowly, one step at a time, giving you a chance to build your confidence back up Smiler

Good luck Thumbs Up
Wouldn't say lie, but don't mention it on your CV. What Pepsi said, don't put anything negative on your CV or application form.
Where is your CV? Have you uploaded it to monsterboard etc? I advise adding it to as many sites as you can think of. monsterboard, totaljobs, megajobs. also look on the company websites, for vacancies.

Good luck - don't give up.
Very sorry to hear that Op. Well if you've been honest in your application forms for over a year and its got you no where its time to change tack.
Don't know what you actually state as your reason for leaving your last job but don't say alcohol.
Don't know what line of work you're in but try and put a positive spin on why you left.

On my CV I just left out a job I was sacked from because it was just 8 months. The only jobs where someone can be struck off is either Law or Medicine. If it is either of those not so sure about lying on an application.
Thanks to all you lovely peeps. Valentine
Lots of good advice there.I have been saying "due to a bereavment etc" so maybe just to say nothing thanks.I should look into voluntary work that is definitely an option on how to restart my life. Thumbs Up
By the way I was just getting a bit pie eyed in the afternoon sometimes, while doing paperwork.etc.At no time did I ever put any patient at risk.(was always aware enough to know that)
Originally posted by Vikingchick:
I lost my job because I became alcohol dependent after a lot of crap happened.I got struck off and now am applying for anything but in over a year and about 200 applications have not had even an interview.Should I keep on being honest or start lying about why I lost my job? Or could lie to my doctor and say I am drinking and go on incapacity benefit?(been sober for over a year) ps hate AA,don't buy the higher power stuff.

Why not try it out on one application and see how it works out. I don't see why you should tell them. It's something in your past, it shouldn't affect your present. No one reveals all their cards in an interview.

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