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Oh OK. Strange how Ben gets most of the girls lying in bed with him though. You'd have thought if he ponged that badly they'd all be keeping well clear.
The thing with Dave though he's very cute the way he does his slyness, I watch him very closely and would'nt believe a word he says but he's good at putting things in all the HM's minds....
i like Ben but i must admit i have never seem him wash his hair and it is starting to look greasy
Well .........I don't like Ben .......the fact that HM's are talking about how infrequently he showers doesn't really surprise me. He is too bloody lazy to participate in the tasks and I'm not surprised that he's probably too lazy to shower. He has a manky personality and .........Im guessing he's a bit manky with his personal hygiene ................but ...........please understand - I do love him to bits.
Soozy Woo

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