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Another week and another vainglorious and ill-informed Hollywood actor wades into a serious political issue only to make a complete twit of himself. 

Sean Penn thinks Britain is being ‘colonialist, ludicrous and archaic’ about the Falkland Islands, and insists we must accept some sort of sharing agreement with Argentina, or he will be "very cross with us."  (We're shaking in our boots aren't we?)

So does anyone actually agree with Penn?  And should we be giving the Falklands to them JUST because they are closer to it like George Galloway thinks?   if that is the case; and you think we should give the Falklands to Argentina, then where does it stop?  America give Alaska to Canada, Uk to give Jersey to France, USA give California back to Mexico? 

Wonder why Argentina want the Falklands anyway?  

Seriously Penn, stick to acting.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

He's entitled to his opinion.  I don't agree with it but he's entitled to express his opinion.  I expect foreigners find it difficult to understand how totemic the Falkland Islands are to the Brits.  After all, it's the last hurrah of Empire!  Ever since Thatcher won that war, British PMs have been war-junkies whenever they were struggling on the domestic political front.


I think he showed his ignorance in his pontificating.  For quite an accomplished actor, it was not his finest performance.


As has rightly been pointed out, Argentina only exists because Spanish colonialists killed a load of natives and founded a country they named Argentina.  Incidentally, the "argent" in Argentina  means silver, which was so plentiful for the plundering by Spanish profiteers. 


The Falklands were colonised before the founding of the Argentine nation. 


Therefore, Argentina has no moral claim on the Falklands.  The Argentinian claim on the Falklands is no less colonial than the British claim.


I understand that he's regarded as left of centre in the US.  If I were him, I'd worry first and foremost about US foreign policy and how on the whole the US has become a force for evil across the world. 


Of course he knows all about it! He was married to Madonna, and she played Eva Peron , so he must be an expert!  


I think he's opening his mouth and letting his belly rumble here .. though the Obama administration supports negotiation too apparently.  Would have thought that the wishes of the people of the islands would have been higher on their agenda 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:

Of course he knows all about it! He was married to Madonna, and she played Eva Peron , so he must be an expert!  


I think he's opening his mouth and letting his belly rumble here .. though the Obama administration supports negotiation too apparently.  Would have thought that the wishes of the people of the islands would have been higher on their agenda 



Totally agree with what Slinki said ^^^^^ and that's all that counts in my opinion 


Excellent post Carnelian.


Funny this subject comes up today as I have been sorting out my books and found The Tin Pot Foreign General and the Old Iron Woman by Raymond Briggs which my kids loved. Well worth a read if anyone hasn't seen it


The world is full of outposts of former colonial days. Yes it is ridiculous that we 'own' the Falklands when Argentina is nearer.


But we don't have a time machine to go back and not colonise these places so the only thing that really counts now is the self determination of the people and they want to remain British.


And a hint to the Argentinian politicians; Maybe the Falkland Islanders wouldn't be so anti you lot if you hadn't invaded them and made their lives a misery back in 1982.

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by nuts:

YAY! Go Slinki and Damesy 

Where? The Falklands? No way !  



sheep and penguins Slinks, we'll stay her 

I meant, I grees wiv yous re what the peeps want 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by nuts:

YAY! Go Slinki and Damesy 

Where? The Falklands? No way !  



sheep and penguins Slinks, we'll stay her 

I meant, I grees wiv yous re what the peeps want 

ewes, you mean ?  

Originally Posted by Veggieburger:

Excellent post Carnelian.


Funny this subject comes up today as I have been sorting out my books and found The Tin Pot Foreign General and the Old Iron Woman by Raymond Briggs which my kids loved. Well worth a read if anyone hasn't seen it


The world is full of outposts of former colonial days. Yes it is ridiculous that we 'own' the Falklands when Argentina is nearer.


But we don't have a time machine to go back and not colonise these places so the only thing that really counts now is the self determination of the people and they want to remain British.


And a hint to the Argentinian politicians; Maybe the Falkland Islanders wouldn't be so anti you lot if you hadn't invaded them and made their lives a misery back in 1982.

Yep! This time round they appear to be trying " diplomacy" ( though standing in front of a map marked Malvinas and showing it coloured in Argentinian flag colours might be a touch heavy handed!) and it seems to be paying off in terms of gathering support .

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by nuts:

YAY! Go Slinki and Damesy 

Where? The Falklands? No way !  



sheep and penguins Slinks, we'll stay her 

I meant, I grees wiv yous re what the peeps want 

ewes, you mean ?  

That yous....this ewes.......MEH! 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by nuts:

YAY! Go Slinki and Damesy 

Where? The Falklands? No way !  



sheep and penguins Slinks, we'll stay her 

I meant, I grees wiv yous re what the peeps want 

ewes, you mean ?  

That yous....this ewes.......MEH! 



the reason they are pushing for an invasion/takeover is that there maybe oil in the area,  just because the islands are closer to argentina is not a reason to become argentinian, as with scotland it is up to the inhabitants to decide

Originally Posted by Tori:

Sean Penn/Politics Give us a break. He is a d**k head for sticking his nose in. Has he a new film or sommat coming out shortly? Bet he has.

And what better publicity? 

Originally Posted by nuts:
Originally Posted by Tori:

Sean Penn/Politics Give us a break. He is a d**k head for sticking his nose in. Has he a new film or sommat coming out shortly? Bet he has.

And what better publicity? 

My thoughts exactly.

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:



sheep and penguins Slinks, we'll stay her 

I meant, I grees wiv yous re what the peeps want 

ewes, you mean ?  


are you still bleating on Slinks?


*best I could go with *

Originally Posted by Tori:

Sean Penn/Politics Give us a break. He is a d**k head for sticking his nose in. Has he a new film or sommat coming out shortly? Bet he has.

In fairness to him, he has a long history of political activism and humanitarian work ( not long been made an Ambassador-at-large for Haiti in recognition of his work there ) 

Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:

I meant, I grees wiv yous re what the peeps want 

ewes, you mean ?  


are you still bleating on Slinks?


*best I could go with *

* looks sheepish* 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Tori:

Sean Penn/Politics Give us a break. He is a d**k head for sticking his nose in. Has he a new film or sommat coming out shortly? Bet he has.

In fairness to him, he has a long history of political activism and humanitarian work ( not long been made an Ambassador-at-large for Haiti in recognition of his work there ) 

should have said though I don't know that he's thought this one through properly! 

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Tori:

Sean Penn/Politics Give us a break. He is a d**k head for sticking his nose in. Has he a new film or sommat coming out shortly? Bet he has.

In fairness to him, he has a long history of political activism and humanitarian work ( not long been made an Ambassador-at-large for Haiti in recognition of his work there ) 

should have said though I don't know that he's thought this one through properly! 

Yep, never heard him state any views on Libya,Afghanistan,Iraq etc????? Could it be coz he is a Yank?

Originally Posted by Tori:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Tori:

Sean Penn/Politics Give us a break. He is a d**k head for sticking his nose in. Has he a new film or sommat coming out shortly? Bet he has.

In fairness to him, he has a long history of political activism and humanitarian work ( not long been made an Ambassador-at-large for Haiti in recognition of his work there ) 

should have said though I don't know that he's thought this one through properly! 

Yep, never heard him state any views on Libya,Afghanistan,Iraq etc????? Could it be coz he is a Yank?

he was quite vocal on Iraq , not sure about Libya and Afghanistan

Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Tori:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Slinkiwitch x:
Originally Posted by Tori:

Sean Penn/Politics Give us a break. He is a d**k head for sticking his nose in. Has he a new film or sommat coming out shortly? Bet he has.

In fairness to him, he has a long history of political activism and humanitarian work ( not long been made an Ambassador-at-large for Haiti in recognition of his work there ) 

should have said though I don't know that he's thought this one through properly! 

Yep, never heard him state any views on Libya,Afghanistan,Iraq etc????? Could it be coz he is a Yank?

he was quite vocal on Iraq , not sure about Libya and Afghanistan

Bet he wouldn't turn down a roll in any film made on any of the mentioned conflicts. Lets face it- He should stick to what he knows best- ACTING. This also goes out to other celebs who keep sticking their noses in politics coz they know they will make a stir within the Media

One is old enough to remember the Falklands War described as the first battle of Antarctica. Apparently there are mineral deposits beyond our wildest dreams therein. Unless someone is going to bring back global socialism later on, then this country's survival depends on wealth, resource, and trade. I'll leave that with you.
Garage Joe

They gave Sean Penn the comment spot in yesterday's Grauniad, a right of reply if you will. Much as I usually admire his structuralism and right on politics, he is after all quite left wing for an American, though to be fair Nick Griffin is pretty left wing compared to them, he seemed to dig an even bigger hole for himself.

The bottom line is that The Falklands are slap bang in the middle of potential wealthy mineral deposits and the UK own them.

All the stuff about the Argentine junta, Pinochet, and Prince William is irrelevant.

Garage Joe

Just read it Joe -


So, basically, we (Brit and Arg) were quite chummy in the seventies, and were having chats about some sort of share, or swap, but then Brit made friends with a horrid Chilean boy, who bullied a nice Chilean boy, which made the nasty Argy boys a bit worried that the nice villagers would notice that they were quite nasty, so they decided to distract the nice villagers with a gift, some islands with Brits and sheep on.


Brit should get over it, cos the nice villagers are in charge now, and they kicked the nasty Arg out, after Brit kicked them off the islands.Brit asked for it, anyway, by being friends with the horrid Chilean boy in the first place. Now Brit has asked that good looking, rich boy, with the whirly flying machine, to come and visit and found a tenner in the pocket of that coat they 'borrowed' and never gave back. 


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