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Steve had a terrible thing to happen to him at aged 19. To lose both legs an eye and other injuries must have been horrendous.However he's a lot older now and god forgive me for saying it..he is really going for the poor me,pity vote.
I judge him on his behaviour in there and I  think he's a bit of  a lech...there said it.
Reference BARMYBRUMMIE Yesterday at 22:53:
Steve was the only one to nominate Josie this week.
TBH, I can't imagine anyone in that house putting John James and Josie up against each other - not unless they were intentionally trying to start a row...
Besides: from Steve's perspective, having both up would be counter-productive if he really wants one of them to go, as the anti-JJJ vote would be split...
Eugene's Lair
If Steve had selected Josie, he would have laid himself open to quite a few potential noms come Monday.
He couldn't nominate Rachel because she's his hug buddy
He couldn't choose a noob
Corin has already survived an eviction
To protect himself in there the only other choice was Andrew

Having said that, I wish he was up this week
Reference: Barmy
Newflash Steve - ur not the only bloody one - thousands have been maimed terribly - not just in the armed forces, but in NHS/policing/firefighting etc etc. Get a grip u f*ckin moron
That's a ridiculous thing to say.

I don't like the bloke, as a housemate and a lech, but he's well aware of other amputees and even runs a bloody wheelchair basketball team.
Why is it ridiculous Blizz - u seem to think EVERYTHING I say is ridiculous - Steve is the ONLY one in the house who is terribly maimed - he doesnt break his neck to do anything does he??  All you get out of Steve is EFF this and EFF that, leering at the girls, touching them up - he does f*ck all else - but its ok cos its Steve and he's got no legs and he's going to win the show.
I bet if he was in the house with lots of other seriously disfigured housemates, he might just mind his Ps n Qs, might just tone down his language and remember that he's a married man instead of perving all over the YOUNG girls that are/have been in the house.
Steve thinks he can get away with ANYTHING because he is the ONLY one in the house with a noticeable disability

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