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At the end of the day, soldiers, like policemen/firemen and to some extent doctors/nurses KNOW the risks they are putting themselves at when they 'sign up' - SOLDIERS more than others - they are signing up to FIGHT - to BE FOUGHT, to KILL if necessary and to BE KILLED - get over it Steve

as much as I have sympathy for the atrocities that happen to our boys/girls - they know EXACTLY what they are signing up for - they risk getting killed/severely injured - whilst also killing and severely injuring INNOCENT people in the process of fighting a war that is in NO WAY near to being won by 'us' - and probably never will be.

I personally would have more sympathy for a 5 year old knocked over and seriously maimed by some prick that couldnt be bothered to not have a drink before getting behind the wheel of their car...
Cariad in all honesty you lost my feeling the need to discuss further with you when you used the word simpliski up there .. ^^^^. as a dig at me being half Polish maybe? if not I apologise 

you may not have meant it that way but it came across as that to me. .

I already said it was an emotive subject, I admitted to it making me feel hot headed and rant a little about it and be a tad irrational too..    I'll  leave it at that now, am not up for a war or not to war debate right now.. and my head may explode if I don't go and chill a little ')

I just wanted to rant a bit about what Ben said abotu WW2. .

Mount Olympus *Olly*
please  god let's not into a debate  about where the 6th biggest economy in the world gets into a mess  by lashinb out millions  to the non deserving so  keeping the  wealthy, wealthy.
You are SUCH a spoilsport. **snorts**
I am only just building up steam.**drums fingers**
I'd best to bed then ... I have a big day tomorrow indulging my mid life crisis at a local tat parlour.
Cariad in all honesty you lost my feeling the need to discuss further with you when you used the word simpliski up there ... as a dig at me being half Polish maybe? if not I apologise
At best I thought you had a Greek link. How on earth was I supposed to second guess you were Polish? Don't be so bloody touchy. 

Nos da pob.
The wars in Iraq are for controll of their oil. In Afghanistan it is for the rich supplies if minerals. Worth Trillions of dollars. To end my point- how come nothing was done about Mugabe when he and his cronies kicked westernerners off their farms-that were feeding his people? Nothing there of value to get involved with IMO. Its all about wealth IMO. and too many lives are being lost for the wrong reasons.
Because you said you were half Irish an was wondering if you still lived in all.
No sadly I don;t. .wish I did tis lovely where half my family come from . in Co Waterford, a little town by the sea  and at the foot of the mountains..  . .my mother [now dec'd] moved back after my father died .. .wish I'd gone with her but the commute to work was a tad too long

@ Jackson 

and on that note na night
Mount Olympus *Olly*
The wars in Iraq are for controll of their oil. In Afghanistan it is for the rich supplies if minerals. Worth Trillions of dollars.
And how many lives have been lost and still no sign of the oil? Also, then why are they hiding behind the façade that they are there to help the defenceless? Are the jack, its the same all over the world, they have ordinary folk fighting wars that probably can't be won just in case they get a bit of oil out of it. None of the princes went to the front line did they? Them 2 spend more time falling out of clubs then they do in the army. None of Tony Blairs sons fought did they? Because they know its an winnable war, but as long as its not their flesh and blood coming home in body bags they don't give a fiddles f**k
because if you had read the whole of my ranty posts tonight you'd have seen I said I was half polish and half Irish and right back at ya 
 You cannot expect someone my age to keep track of who says what on a busy forum night ... especially when I'm halfway down my second bottle of merlot. I knew someone had mentioned Polish forebears but it would never cross my mind to make a dig about it. How could I when I make such a meal about being Welsh yet am 3/4 English? That is soooo embarrassing. 

If you must know I was half thinking about that bloody meerkat but I didn't know how to type his mouthy clicky thing at the end...what came out was "simpliski" which sounded vaguely Russian. Languages were never my fortÃĐ. 
Reference: Cariad
If you must know I was half thinking about that bloody meerkat but I didn't know how to type his mouthy clicky thing at the end...what came out was "simpliski" which sounded vaguely Russian. Languages were never my fortÃĐ
hahahaha I think what with your red wine and my red mist last night a lot of  confusion reigned.. and misunderstandings 

just goes to show how some  flippant spouting of Idealistic' I'd have done it different' crap [opinion] by one 'well read' person can cause such a passionate outburst in some people

and whilst not excusing Steve I can kinda understand why he flipped cos one of his buttons was pushed..  not the same one as mine I don't think, but a button that is obviously still raw..

My rage had been stewing for a day tho cos not all of what was said about that subject  area was shown.. and the rest was just as inflammatory to me . .watching it again last night I just saw red and needed to rant badly and had no one to rant to except on the forum.. all sense of reason left my head as it often does on that particular subject..    [the WW2 one not the rest of what he was saying ]

but ho hum. .the  mist has lifted after a good vent and today is another day 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
i take your point river but you have no guarantee that money saved on fighting wars would be directed to health services.
yes that is true, however even if our health services did not directly receive one penny  from a reduced war budget, it would still would benefit indirectly.

Wars create more patients for our overstretched NHS services, both on the physical and mental health level.

Whereas I believe that people like Steve should get as much help as is necessary to rebuild their bodies and minds, and wouldn't begrudge them it personally for a second,  how many civilians suffer because  this added burden on the budget might deny them the better new limbs, better therapies etc that they too deserve.

This is an issue never addressed by the media or government.  i would love to see a revised balance sheet showing NHS expenditure with costs from recovering military personel taken out of the equation.....would be very interesting.

Our little jaunts abroad making the world a safer place for American millionnaire businesspeople do not make the world a safer place for all.  As well as dead British military, thousands more dead foreign men women and chidren, it also costs British civilian lives through stretched healthcare provision.
you won't get an argument from me on that river, but you would have to factor in the defence industry jobs, that would be lost, as we are talking about accounts for billions of turnover  for the uk. 

 i can't really  say if the afghan war is justified or not, i can see the logic of stopping  the taliban over there  rather than over here, but afghanistan  has  always been invaded  by foreigners and no one yet has managed to come out of it well. 

i think we all know that iraq was  at least very questionable  and at worst , illegal.i don't feel that we or the americans have a god given right to impose democracy on another country.

then we  have  kosovo, could we really have sat back and watched the  genocide ?
albeit that we have in other countries?

i just don't know.

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