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On a number of occasions it has been Steve who has called a halt to chatting in the bedroom at night.
But last night - because he was involved and it suited him to do so - he let it go on and on. (Ben was trying to sleep.)
But when he decided it was bed time he barked out his order and lo and behold within seconds they had all stopped talking.
Who the heck does he think he is to seek to exert such control over others.
Also last night he was very loud and used a great many F words. He was being very f****** gobby. And he decided when it was sleep time.

I cannot stand him.

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He tried to be the mild mannered ,laid back family guy,however it's been 4 weeks and now the real Steve is emerging . Steve was beside himself after "Cringegate" he waited a few hours to speak with BB asking them not to air his outburst,he knew it would damage his chances if the viewers got to see that footage.His rage got the better of him again with Ben and we will get to see that Foootage tonight .
I am finding him more and more unlikeable as each day goes by 
At the start He laid low and was utterly boring ~
but since his 1st Gobby OUTBURST  during  cringegate/bedgate ~he has revealed his thuggish ways  a few times ~ and has made it clear that night ~when he rushed to get in the diary room ~after waiting half an hour to get in there ~and [b]  he told BB he did not want it to be aired as ~He did not want to be seen by the public ~as being that [horrible~ gobby ~bossy  ]person ~
too late ~ we got the gist of what you are like ~and again ~when you had a nasty go at Ben ~ saying he had no right to speak about war~ adding....... what have you done ~ nothing !!!
He is a very dull /boring housemate ~ and is a deeply unpleasant crude cunning person ~who expects to be kept in ~because  of what  happened to him when he was 19~ and for getting on with his life~ 

I think he thinks he will certainly win ~ and will play every card he can think of ~ but his true colours are not very nice ~
~He is playing out the  Family loving ~Army major hero ~who ...must be respected and obeyed by the housemates ~when he shouts jump ~they should all ask ~How high
Last edited by CYBERDAZZLE
Unfortunately Steve only has one string to his bow and that is being a veteran. I admire him for the way he got on with his life (he was only 19 when he was blown up), but I think he should be talking about the other achievements he's had in his life instead of trying to argue with Ben about WW2. He would be a much more interesting HM.
cologne 1
well there's the Welsh, Scottish and Northern Irish army veterans vote gone then
Yes..." a lot of Englishmen died..." the rest of the UK aside what about every member of the Allied Forces (Canadian, Australian, Indian, West Indian, American ...I could go on and on)? It was a WORLD War ffs!! 

Having said that I hate to point it out to Steve but the Allied victory ensured we could have our own opinions free of consequences. I might loathe sharing the UK with Nick Griffin and the like but I'll defend his right to hold those opinions - however unspeakable I might find them. If I can live with that then surely Steve can live with the likes of Ben? Argue your point with Ben Steve - DON'T tell him he's not entitled to hold it because your grandad fought in the war. 

**and breathe**
I'm getting the impression that none of you lot like Steve..

Well add my name to that list. After watching his conversation with Ben I felt that he had to bring out the veterans card because he could not handle the conversation on an intellectual level. Don't get me wrong, I don't think Ben is always right or cannot be annoying, but Steve as you all say is bringing nothing to the house. Let's hope the new HM's see through it and vote him up soon.

Steve, you have a week to get your act together - let's see what you can do - don't sit back at your leisure and wonder why you wasted your BB opportunity.
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
I would have shouted at him too.. 

if Ben had his way I'd not even be here now...

My father escaped the Nazi camps and then fought alongside the british. .he'd be a gonna if he hadn't bumped into them after his last escape..

ben is a total nob and shows reading books aint the way to kowledge by a long shot..

am sure Ben apologists will explain ti all way tho..

Glad Steve shouted at him... eh needed to be pulled down a peg or two may have been emotive and lacking in intelligent ebate but if I was there Den would have got a very alrge slap so he can cont himself lucky  

and his family hide away in a  Neutral country and he holds a Swiss passport. .what an idiot..!
Mount Olympus *Olly*
i have to agree with some of the above posters - Steve has shown himself up to be nothing but a foul-mouth THUG.  As was said - what was all that mouthing off to 'Titan' eh?  All I see IS actually quite a bitter, snidey, crude man with an awful lot of aggression in him (and I cant stand him) - fancy saying to Ife 'at least you have got feet to be sore' or something like that - erm guess what Steve... we HAVE noticed you've got no bloody legs - not least cos you sit around on your fat arse all day in the loung in case u miss anything
Reference: Jackson 
i had started feeling sorry  for ben today,  what a waste of emotion that was.
I bit me toungue yesterday and just put that I couldn't LUT that bit but as much as Steve came over agressive I would ahve doen as well...  bad I kow but there's no telling some buffoons 

Ben needs to know you ahve to live the experince to fully understand it not pick and choose the books you like, to read to about it, and that suit your agenda..

anyway's I had me rant adn am now off to chill for the next bit

Mount Olympus *Olly*

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