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So Alex dropped a bottle of water on the floor and without realising, the bottle landed standing up!!
So Stephen started spouting about its significance and "wots the chances, dude"?
CUe Alex knocking the bottle of water off the table to  see if it wud laned 'standing up'.
31,32,33,34,35 ... 36 !!! he did it at 36
"And how old are you?" asked Moses Stephen?
"Thirty-four" sed Alex
  CLASSIC ! ! !

"Its a sign God is with you - well its a sign to me"
Alex was  and i don't blame him

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I don't think I could live with him and not argue back when he comes out with such twaddle.
I don't understand why no-one else in the house doesn't tell him he's talking a load of bollocks. I wish they'd put Richard Dawkins in there with him.
We'd see some fun then!
I suppose the others are afraid to come out and challenge his beliefs in case it queers their pitch with public who might possibly turn against atheists.
Rather like politicians who daren't declare any anti-religious views.
Artymags, maybe they don't challenge him because they haven't got the stamina to handle what would end up being hours of increasingly loopy preaching and brow-beating about why they're "wrong".
It'd be like offering an alkie a shot - one fix could mean hours of aggro and religion is clearly Stevie B's new addiction.

I think it's hilarious to watch from this side of the telly glass, but it would drive me to distraction if I was in there!
Reference  Demantoid
Artymags, maybe they don't challenge him because they haven't got the stamina to handle what would end up being hours of increasingly loopy preaching and brow-beating about why they're "wrong". It'd be like offering an alkie a shot - one fix could mean hours of aggro and religion is clearly Stevie B's new addiction. I think it's hilarious to watch from this side of the telly glass, but it would drive me to distraction if I was in there!
You're absolutely right.
There's no arguing with God-botherers and Flat-Earthers.
And there's just no-where to escape in there is there?

 I'd just HAVE to argue with him though.
I couldn't just sit back and let him spout that rubbish.
 Perhaps he'd end up by making me believe in Hell because that's what it would be for me!
Reference: Artymags
You're absolutely right. There's no arguing with God-botherers and Flat-Earthers. And there's just no-where to escape in there is there? I'd just HAVE to argue with him though. I couldn't just sit back and let him spout that rubbish. Perhaps he'd end up by making me believe in Hell because that's what it would be for me!
Well, this year's theme is "Hell lies in others", after all!

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