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Stephen is being 'ostracised' because he an annoying, pious, irritating twat. He is alienating HIMSELF with his inane rantings and preaching. People who spout religious preaching make me feel violent.

That annoying horrid smarmy grin that he has, coupled with his creepy, squinty little eyes, sends a shiver right through me. URGH! What a horrible horrible man!  Not only is he a boring and pious preacher, who thinks ANYone who does not believe in HIS GOD, is bound for hell, but he is two faced and nasty, and proper offensive to people behind their back!

And he rarely practices what he preaches, being horrid about people some of the time, and damning people to hell if they have the temerity to not 'believe' or be a frikkin born again Christian!  He is a two faced git with pathetic double standards, who can't stand people daring to challenge him.  He is one of the most annoying twats I have ever seen on telly!  He gives Christians a bad name.

And SOV was 'ostracised' because she was a silly, irritating, immature, lazy little brat. Good riddance. Stephen next!
Thanks Bojanges.  He truly is a horrid little man.  Vinnie may be a bit rude and outspoken at times, which is a trait I am not too keen on (although I do like him on the whole,) but at least you know where you stand with him, and he is not a horrible pious, two faced, back stabbing liar, who thinks he is better than anyone else in that house, just because he is a Christian!
Vinnie lost his cool tonight when Stephen failed to join in with the back-patting after Sov left.  When Vinnie got up to leave the room I found that to be particularly childish.  Vinnie likes to command his authority over the rest of the housemates and lost face when Stephen challenged that authority.  I have not said Stephen is perfect but he certainly got both Vinnie and Stephanie on the defense which I applaud him for, because it's long overdue.
Vinnie lost his cool tonight when Stephen failed to join in with the back-patting after Sov left. When Vinnie got up to leave the room I found that to be particularly childish
I've noticed lately Vinnie always wants to have the last word. If someone says something he disagrees with he quickly pounces on them verbally to knock their opinion down as opposed to his, he'll also walk out of the room a lot if someone disagrees with him. I think he's got a very spiteful streak. As for Stephen at least he makes me laugh at times,
Yellow Rose
Doesn't this sound like Vinnie Jones?

 Type 2 Control Freaks:  The Type 2 control freak is also trying to manage their anxiety but they are very aware of you as opposed to the Type 1 control freak. The Type 2 needs to diminish you to feel better. Their mood rises as they push you down. They do not just want to prevail; they also need to believe that they have defeated you. They need you to feel helpless so they will not feel helpless. Their belief is that someone must feel helpless in any interchange and they desperately do not want it to be them. The Type 1 needs control. The Type 2 needs to control you.  An exaggerated emphasis on control is part of a cluster of behaviors that can be labeled as compulsive generally characterized by perfectionism, orderliness and workaholic tendencies
I basically agree with Pure Red's assessment of Steven.  It wasn't nice to see last night Vinnie speaking to him like that and the rest of the group sat round laughing at him, but that's a reflection on them.  Steven is a controlling, overbearing, annoying, hypocritical twat.  Ok, I can laugh at him sometimes but I do not like the man.  Maybe he is the biggest character in the house, but I could never vote for someone like him to win.  That being said, it doesn't excuse Vinnie speaking to him like that or trying to turn the rest of the group against him.
Right, Noty. Don't want either of them to win (actually, I don't know if I want ANY of them to win) but I'd still like to see Stephen stay longer than Vinnie, just to watch the steam coming out of his ears...
I know Demantoid. Apart from those two bad examples of the male of the species, there are no big characters.  Nobody I feel passionate about   I like Sisqo, but they've not shown enough of his character.
The difference is Stephen has the maturity and wisdom to counter-argue a lot of Vinnie's accusations
Maturity in years - yes.
But he's not very mentally mature.
And as for "wisdom" ---- you're having a laugh aren't you?
He's not very bright; he doesn't think for himself and reason things out - and he's two sandwiches short of a pic-nic !
I think Stephen can more than deal with Vinnie.... cos for a start Vinnie (like the rest of us), has no idea where Stephen is coming from. In fact, I have a feeling that if he really wanted to, Stephen could wipe the floor with Vinnie, by simply driving him   And I for one, would gladly pay good money to see it
And me Baz .  For that reason I so want to Stephen to stay in the house
Vinnie is as worse then Sov ever was, even as a fan some aspects of her behaviour were annoying and she needs to grow up but deep down she's not a bad person and a softie really.

Now Stephen I liked the way he defended her to a degree and took Vinnie on but I think he's two faced and hypocritical as he joined in with the bitching behind her back at times and is going between both camps imo but fair do's it's a game so why not.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Darlo I went thru' the whole Kevin and Perry scenario with my two sons when they were in their teens and early twenties lol...........and I found that the best way to get the best out of them was to just keep praising them to high heaven (even when I felt like throttling 'em) and appeal to their better natures rather than criticise and order them about........that got me nowhere and only succeeded in raising my blood pressure .  Now they are 29 and 24, live with their partners and are extremely domesticated

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