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Well I am pleased that you all like Stephen. But I can't agree. He doesn't entertain me - he annoys me. I don't think he is a good housemate: I think he is a pain. I don't think he is very nice. Sorry folks, but that's how I feel. I can't stand him.

I can completely understand you feeling like that, Brisket.
I agreed with him being "Housemate Gold" and said he was in my final 4 but that doesn't mean I actually like him in an all round "great bloke" kind of way.

Frankly, if I were a HM, I'd hit him over the head with his book and tell him to s*d off.  But it's quite amusing watching others deal or suffer his ways.
I liked him in the beginning but he is starting to grate on me now.

Not keen on all the preaching and then getting pretty aggressive when people start questioning him.

And also, I get the feeling he doesn't really believe a word of it anyway.

Having said that, you could argue that he is one of the least boring and I'd rather watch him than the repulsive Kat and Jonas.

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